' M o n d a y N i g h t C h a o s '

| Date : 06-18-07 | Recovery Status : Original Forum Summary | Theme: "Ladies & Gentlemen" By Saliva |
Venue : Atlanta, Georgia | Main Event - EWE Tag Team Championships - DX Vs. K~Dawg & Sean Lewis | Turnout : 29 RolePlays



| The camera's opened and Austin made his way to the ring, he refferred to last week's Confliction between Slade Craven & Ciaran Michaels...he says the issue will be resolved This Sunday @ Extreme OverLoad, when they face head to head.. |

Opening Match
Singles Match
The Berzerker Vs. H8

A Pretty good Match, but in the end it was The Berzerker who came out with the win

Winner: The Berzerker

| Berzerker Grabbed a mic, and openly challenged Anyone to a match this Sunday @ Extreme OverLoad...that's when "I'm Comin" by Silk The Shocker starts playing throughout the arena...Berzerker looked on for a minute as a Promo played over the titan Tron...it's a "MVP Debuts This Sunday" promo..after it finishes Berzerker grabs the mic "I guess I found my answer" |

Match Two
3 on 2 Match
Nero Phoenix & Alkatraz Vs. The Mexicools

yeah, pretty much domination...Alkatraz completely annhilates The Mexicools after the match until EMT's rush out to their aid..

Winners: Nero Phoenix & Alkatraz

Match Three
Singles Match
Ariel Allegheri Vs. Roxas Knoxx

More domination.

Winner: Ariel Allegheri

Match Four
Singles Non-Title Match
Scotty Blaze{c} Vs. Gavin Masterson

Good back and forth match in the begining...but soon Scotty would take it away..

Winner: Scotty Blaze

Match Five
Diva's Tag Match
Brooke McGuire & Daisy Marie Vs. Gwen Rose & Vamperillia

another good match...but one person was left hanging...

Winners: Brooke McGuire & Daisy Marie


| Backstage we see Scotty Blaze walking around, sporting the Mid Eastern Championship...He's soon approached by Rick Cage, Rick congratulates him on another victory...and then soon asks him for another chance...this Sunday...Scotty smiles and gladly accepts before they shake on the deal.. |

Match Six
Singles Match
Ciaran Michaels Vs. Lynx Madison

One Great match...back and forth the whole way..Towards the closing of the match Ciaran really had things rolling and was ready to put things away, but of course...Johnny Chaos had to stick his nose where it didn't belong...thankfully the ref quickly stopped him at the end of the ramp...Ciaran smirked...then turned around into a Hard chair Shot from Slade Craven!...The Crowd booed as Slade dropped the chair and smirked, but not long before Slade was hit With The Madison Avenue...Madison tossed him out and then covered Ciaran...Johnny smirked and walked up the ramp, allowing the ref to run back into the ring and make the count..

Winner: Lynx Madison

Match Seven
Triple Threat Match
Assassin Vs. Jeff Jarrett Vs. Johnny Chaos

At the start of this match of course The eWe Champion, Alex Stone made his presence as he sat by the announce team and made rude comments throughout the match of 2 of the 3 competitors...of course not his buddy and fellow Teammate, Johnny Chaos...Johnny was of course trying every trick in the book to steal the match, and at one point Johnny retrieved a chair as Drama distracted the ref...Johnny swung, but Jarrett ducked and Johnny cracked Assassin right between the eyes...when Johnny turned around he found himself leveled With The Stroke! he walked over and half swung at Drama, stopping himself, but enough for her to jump back...he went back to Johnny hooking the leg as the ref counted..

Winner: Jeff Jarrett


| A conflict emerged backstage between K~Dawg and Nero Phoenix...Nero told K~Dawg he'll never be a World Champion like him...Dawg told him that he'll just have to wait and see...and then told him he's only jealous because he's a has been, who now needs a bigger man to do his dirty work, before Dawg walked off...Nero just stood there..|

Main Event
EWE Tag Team Championship
Standard Tag Match
D-Generation X{c} Vs. K~Dawg & Sean Lewis

Another Great Match that was back and forth the whole way threw...DX obviously had the advantage of knowing their partner, but Dawg and Lewis functioned Pretty well for 1st time teaming...The Remainder of the match seen HHH & Lewis battling on the outside...with Dawg & HBK as the legal men inside...HBK was Tuning up the band...but when he went to connect, he was hit form nowhere With Da Meat Hook!...K~Dawg covered...but at 2...The ref was yanked out of the ring by Alkatraz!...K~Dawg got up and was like WTF?...until he was hit from behind by Nero Phoenix!....The Crowd booed as Nero grabbed K~Dawg and hit The 3rd Degree!...they both laughed...until HHH & Lewis slid into the ring...Lewis snatched Nero and hit him with The Updraft, just as Alkatraz was hit with The Pedigree!...HHH turned around, to be nailed with The Gloria!...he covered but the ref was still on the outside...The Ref was slowly coming to as Lewis was standing by the ropes looking at him...when the ref finally got to his feet Lewis turned back to cover HHH again, only to be nailed with some Sweet Chin Music!...HBK fell ontop of Dawg as the Ref slid back into the ring to make the 3!

Winners: D-Generation X (Still Champions)

| HHH and HBK recieved their belts...as they both slowly get up exhausted...from the crowd though comes Shawn Ashlocke!...DX rolls out of the ring too tired to fight as Asholocke stands in the ring...as DX gets mid way up the ramp...Cameron Hayden walks through the curtains, with the World Championship locked around his waist...and his other two belts left in the car...DX looks back and forth...but now they dont' seem to even notice DX...they just trade stares with eachother from the stage and the ring as they argue and the scene fades.. |


1: Shawn Michaels
2: Lynx Madison
3: Sean Lewis
4: Ciaran Michaels
5: Triple H

1: Ariel Allegheri
2: Daisy Marie
3: Brooke McGuire
4: Vamperillia
5: n/a

:: Copyright EWE Monday Night Chaos 2007 ::