' M o n d a y N i g h t C h a o s '

| Date : 10-22-07 | Recovery Status : Recovered with WayBack Machine | Theme: "Ladies & Gentlemen" By Saliva |
Venue : Boardwalk Hall - Atlantic City, New Jersey | Main Event - Alex Stone & S.E.X. Vs. John Cena, Edge & Nero Phoenix | Turnout : 11 RolePlays


No HeatWave This Week

Last Week....

"No Way Out" by Stone Temple Pilots hits over the PA System as the crowd begins booing...Hayden walks out onto the stage with a mic. He begins talking as he walks down the ramp.

Cameron Hayden: So that wasn't you Austin?

Stone Cold Steve Austin: No it wasn't..

Cameron Hayden: You didn't do that to our General Manager?

Stone Cold Steve Austin: No I didn't..

Cameron Hayden: That wasn't your Truck?

Stone Cold Steve Austin: How dumb are you? I already said no it wasn't..

Cameron Hayden: Let's look at the facts here Austin....The license plate did say "AUSTIN 3:16" you do seem to be the rivaling GM...you have alot to gain...and is it really against you to strike a Female in Violence?...I mean, let's just ask Debra..

Stone Cold Steve Austin: Now you listen here you little son of a bitch!

Cameron Hayden: NO YOU LISTEN!...I don't give a damn what you say...You Will Pay for what you've done...

Hayden stops right at the end of the ramp by the ring..

Cameron Hayden: and you will pay...RIGHT NOW!

With that Austin is turned around from behind, then nailed with a West Coast Cutter!

Jonathan Steele: And now Dan Taylor is here!!

Hayden slides into the ring as Edge & Vince head up the ramp laughing. Taylor and Hayden begin a vicious two on one beating...eventually getting Austin busted open. Finally though Gino Knoxx & Ciaran Michaels race down the ramp as Hayden & Taylor head out through the audience..

Jonathan Steele: Well thank god for the Tag Team Champions..

Tazz: The shit has just hit the fan Steele...Xplosion wants a war...I say we give em one!

Knoxx & Michaels check on Austin, while Hayden & Taylor continue through the audience, looking back with huge grins..

After that The Fireworks begin blasting as the crowd continues to cheer.

Jonathan Steele: We are here live in the sold out Boardwalk Hall in Atlantic City as we kick off another excitting edition of Monday Night Chaos!

Tazz: These Jersey Fans are all jacked up Steele, and for good reason!

Trish Stratus: Why are you guys so hyped up? it was 11 roleplays cause of a very short deadline...Jay has returned to crappy results to get it out of the way and have a real deadline..

Tazz: That's cause it's only this week Trish, he promises to return to full results next week, DUH!

Opening Segment
Quick Summary: Austin makes his way to the ring, along with the Tag Team Champions..Austin makes the big announcement that Final Cut's Main Event will be the historic 10 Man Elimination Tag with Team Chaos vs Team Xplosion...he then thanks SEX for having his back last week, and to show his appreciation, he names them as the 1st 2 official members of Team Chaos.

Opening Match
Triple Threat Match
Delirious Vs Rick Cage Vs Benji Homan
Quick Summary: Delirious completely dominates, yay!
Winner Via Pinfall: Delirious
Time: 1:47

Quick Summary: In an interview with Melina she once again confirms Austin has made her the Number One Contender, and says she plans on taking the title at Final Cut..

Match Two
Singles Match
Dream Vs Brooke McGuire
Quick Summary: Pwnage FTW!
Winner Via Pinfall: Brooke McGuire
Time: 1:43
After The Match: as Brooke celebrates, Trish gets up from her table and enters the ring with a mic...Brooke is a little nervous, but Trish assures her everything is fine...Trish says she just wants the match that never happened...since for some reason the results for Halloween Havoc 2005, the Women's Title match suppose to be the 1st ever Halloween Costume Bra and Panties match...was written as a normal Pinfall match (*coughs* Steve *coughs*) Trish says since next week is the closest Chaos to Halloween, what do you say we have the match that never happened...Brooke smiles and gladly accepts the challenge.

Match Three
Mixed Tag Match
Tha Koopers Vs Nitro & Melina
Quick Summary: Good back and forth match, But Nitro is able to hit that SnapShot virtually from nowhere..
Winners Via Pinfall: Nitro & Melina
Time: 4:24

Match Four
Singles Match - Non Title
Candice Michelle Vs Roxas Knoxx
Quick Summary: Good back and forth match, But Nitro is able to hit that SnapShot virtually from nowhere..
Winners Via Pinfall: Nitro & Melina
Time: 4:24

Match Five
Tag Team Match
The Extreme Connection Vs Detroits Most Wanted
Quick Summary: Another excitting match that's back and forth, but while Chaos & Dawg trade shots outside and the ref is distracted telling them to stop, Madison exposes the turnbukle and cracks Scotty's face on it before rolling him up and using the ropes for leverage.
Winners Via Pinfall: Chaos & Madison
Time: 6:23
After The Match: Madison wants to inflict more pain as he grabs two chairs, he hands one to Scotty as he wants to do a Conchairto. Johnny drops his chair and rolls out of the ring though heading up the ramp, Madison drops his and argues at Johnny to come back, Madison turns back around to be planted with Da Meat Hook onto one of the chairs.

Quick Summary: After a Commercial Break, Johnny is seen wondering the halls...only to be ambushed by Lynx Madison! obviously very upset after what just transpired...long story short, he fucks Johnny up!



Main Event
6 Man Tornado Tag Team Match
Alex Stone & Sports Entertainment Xtreme Vs John Cena, Edge, & Nero Phoenix
Quick Summary: just for shits, the match became a tornado Tag as all 6 men brawled away...Finishers kept getting nailed left and right...but while Ciaran nailed Nero With The X-Effect, Cena too hit Stone with the FU...they both made the cover, but Cena was a split second sooner when the ref made the count.
Winners Via Pinfall: Cena, Edge, & Phoenix
Time: 7:16
After The Match: Cena, not wanting to share the spotlight with people he just carried rper wise, nails edge with a FU of his own when he tries to celebrate.

1: John Cena
2: Ciaran Michaels
3: Lynx Madison
4: K~Dawg
5: Johnny Nitro

1: Candice Michelle
2: Melina
3: Katie Kooper
4: Brooke McGuire
5: N/A