' M o n d a y N i g h t C h a o s '

| Date : 10-29-07 | Recovery Status : Recovered with WayBack Machine | Theme: "Ladies & Gentlemen" By Saliva |
Venue : Civic Center Coliseum - Charleston, West Virginia | Main Event - John Cena Vs. Ciaran Michaels | Turnout : 21 RolePlays


Opening Match
Intergender Rp or F*ck Off
Shawn Natural Vs Dream
Quick Summary: THEY FUCKED OFF!!
Winner Via Pinfall: Noone
Time: 0:00

Match Two
Singles Match
Katie Kooper Vs Alyssa Phoenix
Quick Summary: pwnage
Winner Via Pinfall: Katie Kooper
Time: 1:02

Main Event
Singles Match
Travis Kooper Vs H8
Quick Summary: more pwnage
Winner Via Pinfall: Travis Kooper
Time: 1:26

After that The Fireworks begin blasting as the crowd continues to cheer.

Jonathan Steele: We are live in the sold out Civic Center Coliseum in Charleston West Virginia as we kick off yet another exciting edition of Monday Night Chaos!!

Tazz: That's right Steele...This crowd is all jacked up, and what a shot it's going to be!

Jonathan Steele: Tonight we see...Champion vs Champion...International Champion Ciaran Michaels Vs eWe Champion John Cena

Tazz: not to forget why Trish is missing from the table...she'll be featured in tonight's 1st ever Halloween Costume Bra & Panties Match! I can't wait for that!

Jonathan Steele: I'm sure you can't Tazz..

The Music cuts as Glass Shatters through the PA System...the crowd roars as Austin makes his way down the ramp to the ring..

Jonathan Steele: and here comes the boss!

Austin pulls up a mic and looks at the crowd.

Stone Cold Steve Austin: Last Week..

Crowd: What?

Stone Cold Steve Austin: I said last week..

Crowd: What?

Stone Cold Steve Austin: Not this week..

Crowd: What?

Stone Cold Steve Austin: The Week before..

Crowd: What?

Stone Cold Steve Austin: Last week I announced The Main Event for Final Cut..

Crowd: What?

Stone Cold Steve Austin: You know..

Crowd: What?

Stone Cold Steve Austin: The 10 Man Elimination Tag

Crowd: What?

Stone Cold Steve Austin: 5 Chaos Superstars

Crowd: What?

Stone Cold Steve Austin: 5 Xplosion Superstars

Crowd: What?

Stone Cold Steve Austin: anyways...

Crowd: What?

Stone Cold Steve Austin: I said anyways..

Crowd: What?

Stone Cold Steve Austin: What?

Crowd: What?

Stone Cold Steve Austin: What?

Crowd: What?

Stone Cold Steve Austin: anyways, I also announced the first two members of Team Chaos..

Crowd: What?

Stone Cold Steve Austin: You know..

Crowd: What?

Stone Cold Steve Austin: Sports Entertainment Xtreme..

Crowd: What?

Stone Cold Steve Austin: I said Sports Entertainment Xtreme

Crowd: What?

Stone Cold Steve Austin: Gino Knoxx

Crowd: What?

Stone Cold Steve Austin: and Ciaran Michaels..

Crowd: What?

Stone Cold Steve Austin: The Tag Team Champions..

Crowd: What?

Stone Cold Steve Austin: This week

Crowd: What?

Stone Cold Steve Austin: I'm gonna announce the next 2 members..

Crowd: What?

Stone Cold Steve Austin: I said the next 2 members..

Crowd: What?

Stone Cold Steve Austin: Members 3 and 4

Crowd: What?

Stone Cold Steve Austin: Of Team Chaos..

Crowd: What?

Stone Cold Steve Austin: I said Team Chaos

Crowd: What?

Stone Cold Steve Austin: The Number One Show in America..

Crowd: What?

Stone Cold Steve Austin: The A Show

Crowd: What?

Stone Cold Steve Austin: The Show that owns Xplosion on a weekly basis..

Crowd: What?

Stone Cold Steve Austin: The Next Two Memebers are..

Crowd: What?

Stone Cold Steve Austin: These Men!

Austin points to the entrance stage, and just then "We Run This" by Kingspade hits the PA System. The Crowd explodes as K~Dawg, Scotty Blaze, & Trisha, aka Detroits Most Wanted, steps through the curtains onto the stage. DMW Continues down the ramp and rolls into the ring. They all shake Austin's hand as he leaves and a bell rings.

Jennifer Sparks: The Following contest is a tag team match scheduled for one fall!...in the ring...at a combined weight of 430 pounds...K~Dawg...and Scotty Blaze...DETROITS MOST WANTED!!

"Sillyworld" by Stone Sour hits and the crowd boos as Slade & Gavin step through the curtains.

Jennifer Sparks: The Opponents...at a combined weight of 640 pounds...Slade Craven and Gavin Masterson...THE ELITE!!

The Elite continues their way down the ramp and rolls into the ring. they stare at DMW for a moment before the bell rings.


Blaze & Gavin decide to start the match as they begin circling the ring. They lock up and begin to go to work, Blaze whips Gavin into the ropes, and hits him with a quick standing drop kick. He quickly covers, but Gavin easily kicks out. Blaze picks Gavin back up and delievers a quick Snap Suplex, and another cover for another kickout.

Jonathan Steele: Blaze trying to end this early..

both men get back up where Scotty reaches over to tag K~Dawg, but Gavin quickly stops him with a reverse neckbreaker. Gavin quickly tags Slade as the two hit him with a double DDT. Craven locks in a Sleeper as the ref begins to check up on him. Blaze soon finds the ropes and fights his way out of it. Craven whips Scotty into the ropes as Craven comes with a clothesline, Scotty ducks then springs off the other ropes, landing on Craven as he turns around with a moonsault. He follows the momentum into a cover, but Craven kicks out.

Tazz: That was close..

Blaze bounces off the ropes and comes back catching Slade with a tornado DDT. Blaze then grabs Slade and locks in the Street Respect!

Jonathan Steele: He's felt this before! The Street Respect!

Tazz: The Fat lady is warming up Steele..

But before Slade can do anything, Gavin breaks it up, as the crowd boos. Blaze gets up arguing with Gavin, while the ref tries to get Gavin back to his corner, Slade hits Scotty with a low blow.

Jonathan Steele: oh come on...

Slade follows up with a DDT, then walks over to tag back in Gavin. As Blaze tries to pick himself back up, Gavin hits him with a Enziguri. He drags Scotty towards the corner, then climbs up hitting a 450 moonsault. He covers, but Scotty kicks out. Gavin drags Scotty back over to his corner and tags Slade back in. Gavin gives Scotty a Back Breaker, and keeps him there, as Slade hits a leg drop from the top rope.

Jonathan Steele: Elite now has Blaze completly isolated...

Slade covers, for another two count. He picks Scotty up, and Scotty fights back. The two bounce off the ropes, and dodge, bounce, and dodge, 3rd time they crash in the center of the ring! both men slowly climb back to their feet as Scotty starts towards K~Dawg, just when he's almost there...Slade quickly runs up and gives him a chop block to the back of Scotty's Knee, Scotty drops to one knee, still barely out of reach. Slade bounces off the ropes and drop Kicks Scotty back to the mat. Slade bounces again and this time hits Scotty with a senton. He covers, but Scotty barely kicks out.

Tazz: their went Scotty's chance..

Jonathan Steele: but he's still putting up a fight Tazz...he won't quit..

Slade picks Scotty back up and delievers a quick snap suplex. He taunts the booing crowd before picking Scotty up for the Craven Cutter, but Scotty counters hitting a reverse DDT! The crowd starts chanting and cheering Scotty as he starts crawling to the corner...he reaches...

Jonathan Steele: Finally! K~Dawg's been tagged!


Dawg comes in pumped up, as the crowd roars. Gavin comes into the ring only to be taken down with a couple clotheslines, before finally being hit with a K~Bite(Spinebuster)! Slade gets up and charges at K~Dawg, to get a K~Bite of his own...K~Dawg taunts the roaring crowd as he waits Gavin to get back up, as he does...he's taken directly back down with Da Meat Hook!

Jonathan Steele: Look at K~Dawg go!

Tazz: He's on fire!

K~Dawg is all fired up, but doesn't see Slade back up...Slade kicks him in the gut then sets him up for the Craven Cutter, but K~Dawg rolls off his shoulders, Slade turns around, is nailed in the gut, then Planted With The Detroit High Times for a 3 count!!

Winners Via Pinfall: Detroits Most Wanted
Match Time: 7:37

Jennifer Sparks: Ladies and Gentlemen...your winners!!...K~Dawg...and Scotty Blaze...DETROITS MOST WANTED!!

"We Run This" hits again and the crowd roars as Dawg & Scotty celebrate to a commercial..

Delirious Vs Benji Homan
Summary: One rped, one didn't, why waste time..Benji got completely owned of course
Winner: Delirious

Jennifer Sparks: The following match is scheduled for one fall.

"Step Up" comes over the PA as we see Gino Knoxx make his way out to the ramp

Jennifer Sparks: Making his way to the ring he's one half of the EWE tag champions. From Knoxxville Tennessee Gino Knoxx!!

Knoxx makes his way down the ramp heading towards the ring to the cheers of the crowd. Knoxx enters the ring pacing around the ring as his music stops

"Open Your Eyes" comes over the PA as we see Nero Phoenix make his way down the ramp

Jennifer Sparks: Making his way to the ring from Long Beach California Nero Phoenix!!

Nero makes his way down the ramp as we hear the crowd cheer. Nero climbs into the ring and poses for a moment before the bell sounds

The bell sounds as Nero & Gino circle around the ring before locking up in the middle of the ring. Knoxx backs Nero into the ropes as the ref calls for a break Knoxx backs away before taking a shot at Nero but Nero ducks and lands a chop to Gino before he sends him out to the floor with a clothesline over the ropes Knoxx lands hard on the floor outside as Nero looks over the ropes finding Knoxx laying on the floor

Nero grabs hold of the top rope launching himself over the ropes onto Gino as the crowd cheers Nero pulls Gino up to his feet rolling him into the ring as Nero climbs up to the top rope. Nero looks ready to leap from the top leaping off the top rope as he delivers an elbow drop to Gino followed by a pin 1..2..Gino kicks out. Nero gets to his feet looking poised to hit Gino with the 3rd Degree Gino slowly gets to his feet as Nero backs up and takes off running towards Gino for the 3rd Degree but Gino avoids the move as Nero lands hard on the mat giving Knoxx the chance he was looking for

Tazz: Nero tried to end the match with the 3rd Degree but Gino avoided the contact.

Nero gets to his feet as Gino knocks him down with a clothesline Gino drops Nero with a second clothesline getting the crowd behind him. Nero gets up and throws a right catching Gino with the shot Nero tries for a dropkick but Gino avoids the contact causing Nero to land hard on the mat again. Nero staggers to his feet as Gino looks poised applying the Knoxxlock on Nero as he looks for the ropes. Gino keeps the hold locked in as Nero quickly begins to fade. The referee checks on Nero finally ringing the bell as Knoxx releases the hold

Winner Via Subbmission: Gino Knoxx
Match Time: 3:13

Jennifer Sparks: Here's your winner of the match Gino Knoxx!!


The Camera's now come backstage, where we see Melina lookng at the monitor disgusted by the godaddy.com commercial she just witnessed.

Melina: Did you see that...how pathetic is that?

Johnny Nitro: very..

Melina: How does someone as disgusting get all this attention?

Johnny Nitro: Don't worry...after Final Cut...you'll get the respect you desserve when you become The Women's Champion, and then we will both have a piece of gold..

Melina: We'll be unstopable...

Johnny Nitro: indeed...but as for now, I got my own match to win..

Nitro & Melina head out of the lockerroom as the camera's come back to ringside.

"Metalinguis" by Alter Bridge hits the PA System as the crowd immediately boo as Edge & Lita step through the curtains..

Jennifer Sparks: The Following contest is scheduled for One fall...on his way to the ring first...accompanied by Lita...from Toronto, Ontario, Canada!...weighing in at 240 pounds...The Rated R Superstar....EDGE!!

Edge and Lita continue down the ramp as the crowd continues to boo...they enter the ring, where they make out, before they are interupted with "Famous" by Puddle of Mudd....the boos continue to roll on as Nitro & Melina step out, with the Mid Eastern Title hanging from the front of Nitro's pants.

Jennifer Sparks: The Opponent...Accompanied by Melina...from Los Angeles, California, weighing in at 219 pounds...he is the eWe Mid Eastern champion...JOHNNY NITRO!!!

Nitro and Melina continue down the ramp and enter the ring in their normal way. Nitro raises up the Mid Eastern Title, purposely to agrivate edge that he has gold and Edge don't. Nitro hands his title over to Melina as the ref tells her & Lita to leave the ring as the bell sounds.


Edge & Nitro circle the ring, both looking at eachother cockily. Finally the two lock up as they move around the ring, locked up. Edge knees Nitro in the gut then plants a DDT.

Jonathan Steele: that was kinda underhanded..what a surprise for edge though right..

Tazz: what are you talking about?..both these guys will cheat, it's their style...and I love it..

Jonathan Steele: I know..I was being sarcastic..

Tazz: sure you was..

Edge & Nitro get back up and Edge quickly takes Nitro down with a headlock takedown, he keeps it locked while the ref checks to make sure it ain't a choke hold and to see if Nitro is giving up. Nitro fights through and soon gets to his feet as he drives a elbow into Edge's gut, he don't release...so Nitro kicks backwards, bringing his leg between Edge's legs, somehow the ref didn't catch it.

Jonathan Steele: Blatant Low Blow..and the ref didn't see it!

Edge obviously releases as he reaches between his legs. Nitro races over and springboards off the ropes, kicking Edge in the back of the head. He covers, but Edge kicks out. He drags Edge back up and nails a snap supplex, he flips over into a cover, and again Edge kicks out. Nitro then locks in sleeper hold as Edge fights for air. Edge continues to fight it, as nitro continues to lock in pressure. Edge finally manages to get a foot on the bottom rope, which forces Nitro to release, after the ref counts 4 and a half though of course. Nitro grabs Edges Arm, then keeps ahold as Nitro does a moonsault off the ropes then hits a revese DDT, bringing Edge's arm in front of him in the process.

Jonathan Steele: Despite his attitude...Nitro has great athleticism..that was very innovative..

Tazz: what in the hell was that?

Nitro covers, but again Edge kicks out. Nitro stands back, waiting for Edge to get up, Nitro comes at him with a clothesline, but Edge ducks...he quickly follows up with a Edge~O~Matic...he covers, but Nitro kicks out. Edge picks Nitro up and gives him a Irish Whip, but hangs on and levels him with a clothesline..

Jonathan Steele: Edge coming back now...

Tazz: no kidding...that was fearce..

Edge drags Nitro back up and does the same thing, but this time knees him in the gut...he follows up nailing the Edge-u-cater!...but instead of covering...he walks over to a corner and bends down, taunting Nitro to get back up..

Jonathan Steele: Edge may be looking for the Spear here...

Nitro pulls himself up and turns around, he quickly leap frogs over Edge, as Edge puts on the brakes and stops himself from running into the turnbukle. he turns around though, and is nailed with a SnapShot!

Tazz: And there it is..this puppy is over..

Nitro quickly hooks the leg...gaining the 1...2...3!!

Winner Via Pinfall: Johnny Nitro
Match Time: 6:32

Jennifer Sparks: Ladies and Gentlemen...your winner!!...The Mid Eastern Champion, JOHNNY NITRO!!

"Famous" kicks in again as Nitro rolls out of the ring and joins Melina at the end of the ramp.

Jonathan Steele: Nitro gets back on track this week and picks up the victory...

Tazz: he sure does Steele...still never pinned, or made to submit...the A Lister baby..

Nitro raises up the Mid Eastern Title on the stage while Melina stands by with a smile as the camera's fade to another break..

Snickers Most Satusfying
The Undertaker - 15-0: available now, exclusively at Wal Mart
Geico: 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurrance..

As We Return from break The Camera's are backstage where we see Scotty Blaze laying unconcious, with K~Dawg, and a bunch of EMT's around him, when Stone Cold walks onto the screen..

Stone Cold Steve Austin: What the hell happened to him?

K~Dawg: Some Trick laid the beat down yo!

Stone Cold Steve Austin: What?

K~Dawg: Some Trick laid the beat down yo!

Stone Cold Steve Austin: What?

K~Dawg: Dude this is serious!

Stone Cold Steve Austin: Then Speak English!

K~Dawg: I SAID! Some Trick laid the beat down on Scotty B!

Stone Cold Steve Austin: ok, let's try something...can you look at your Forarm...

K~Dawg looks confused...he looks at Austin, then looks at his forarm..

Stone Cold Steve Austin: Now that you know what color your skin is...let's try that again..

K~Dawg: Well...someone attacked him...I don't know who, I just found him like this..

Stone Cold Steve Austin: Doc...will he be okay to compete?

Doc: I don't know how bad it is yet to be honest..

Stone Cold Steve Austin: So he'll still be good for Final Cut?

Doc: I wouldn't chance it..

Stone Cold Steve Austin: Alright...I'm gonna get to the bottom of this..

K~Dawg: when you find out who done it...let me know...their ass is mine!

Stone Cold Steve Austin: I didn't need to know that...

Austin walks off as the camera's go back to ringside..

Trish Stratus Vs Brooke McGuire
Summary: once again, one rped...one didn't...rather pointless...but because of what this match is, we'll give you visuals...Trish wore her School Girl Outfit from TT 04...Brooke was a cheerleader...and since Mike no showed, you got to see Brooke's Bra and Panties
Winner: Trish Stratus

"Time to Rock N Roll" by Lil Kim kicks into the PA as Trish begins celebrating...that's until Lynx Madison races into the ring and clubs her in the back.

Jonathan Steele: What the hell?!

The crowd boos intensely as Madison takes Brooke and Trish down with a double clothesline..

Jonathan Steele: What the hell is the meaning of this?!

Tazz: geeze Steele, will you relax?

Jonathan Steele: Why should I?!

The Crowd boos more as Madison smiles and grabs a mic..

Lynx Madison: Dont' worry folks...I'm here to help you...I know you didn't wanna see this crap...when you can see me!

The boos get louder as Madion laughs

Lynx Madison: This is my ring girls...and I got something to say..

Before he can say anything else...Trish low blows him...which makes the crowd roar...Madison gets pissed and takes Trish down with a Madison Avenue...he then looks over at Brooke..who backs up into the corner..

Jonathan Steele: someone please stop this!

As Madison keeps walking forward...suddenly the crowd explodes...no longer a mixed reaction...he's saving chicks, he gets 100% cheers now...yes Johnny Chaos races to the ring and Madison rolls out...Johnny checks with Brooke, then looks at Trish...he picks up the mic that Madison dropped..

Johnny Chaos: I don't know what's more pathetic...attacking these beautiful diva's...or the fact you just ran like a little bitch..

The crowd roars as Madison curses both the crowd and Johnny..

Johnny Chaos: That's alright...as long as you don't Run at Final Cut...You think I'm soft?...you think I can't be Extreme?...allow me to show you just how wrong you really are...cause at Final Cut...it's you and me...IN EXTREME RULES!

The Crowd explodes as "Cold" by Crossfade hits the PA system as Johnny drops the mic and smiles at Madison..

Xplosion re-cap
- Stone shows up? -
- Eighteen remains the All American Champ! -
- Mr. Man with a non title victory over the World Champ! -
- This Week's World Title Main Event is announced -

Jennifer Sparks: The following match is scheduled for one fall. In the ring at this time Manga!!

The crowd doesn't respond as Manga poses in the middle of the ring. His posing is cut off though as "The Pain" comes over the PA as Alex Stone makes his way out

Jennifer Sparks: And his opponent from Chicago Illinois Alex Stone!!

Stone makes his way down the ramp to the boos of the crowd Stone looks into the ring at Manga whose waiting for Stone as he climbs in the ring as the bell sound

The bell sounds as Stone comes right out hammering Manga with rights & lefts Manga tries covering up but Stone gets his shots in backing Manga against the ropes. Stone scores with a couple of knees to Manga before whipping him across the ring catching him with a spinning spine buster as the crowd boos. Stone pulls Manga to his feet scoring with a knee to the gut following it up with a knee to the head knocking Manga against the ropes. Stone looks at the crowd in disbelief over his opponent as he clotheslines Manga over the ropes and out to the floor

Tazz: Alex Stone is having his way with this Manga character thus far.

Stone climbs outside going after Manga as he pulls him up to his feet. Stone grabs Manga as they walk towards the ring steps Stone has Manga by the head as he tries putting his head into the ring steps but Mnanga counters with a right hand grabbing Stone by the head as he drives Stone head first into the steps instead. Manga throws Stone against the barricade as the referee reaches the count of seven Manga rolls into the ring breaking the count as he rolls back outside going after Stone. Manga grabs Stone looking to toss him into the ring but Stone scores with a right hand before tossing Manga into the barricade. Stone starts teeing off with rights to Manga as the referee reaches seven again Stone this time rolls into the ring breaking the count as he waits for Manga to get in the ring

Manga climbs into the ring as Stone grabs Manga executing a suplex on Manga as the crowd boos stone covers Manga 1..2..Manga kicks out. Stone looks at the referee who holds up two fingers. Stone gets to his feet in total disbelief as he waits for Manga to get up. Manga slowly gets to his feet as Stone looks to end the match with the Time Out but Manga counters Stone before he can execute the move with an elbow to the head Manga lands on his feet catching Stone with an open hand shot that knocks Stone off his feet. Stone gets top his feet upset over what's going on he charges at Managa as Manga ducks and catches Stone with a Samoan Drop into a pin 1..2..Stone kicks out

Jonathan Steele: Manga almost had the win over Alex Stone but Stone kicked out at the last second.

Manga gets to his feet yelling for Stone to do the same Manga pulls Stone up to his feet as Stone delivers a jawbreaker to Manga Stone gets up looking for the Time Out as Manga turns around stone goes for the Time Out but Manga counters with a waist lock into a roll up 1..2..3

Winner Via Pinfall: Magna
Match Time: 7:24

Jennifer Sparks: Here is your Winner...Magna!!

Magna rolls out of the ring celebrsting...Stone pulls himself up, not believing what just happened...suddenly, he turns around, and sees Cena, who was gonna sneak attack, stop dead in his tracks with a smile...the two just stare off as the camera's go to a commercial..

eWe Upcoming Events: Get Extreme
McDonalds: I'm Lovin it
Bowflex: 20 minutes a day..3 times a week...results in 6 weeks or your money back..

Jennifer Sparks: The following match is scheduled for one fall.

"River" comes over the PA as we see Lynx Madison make his way out to the ramp

Jennifer Sparks: Making his way to the ring from Los Angeles California Lynx Madison!!

Lynx makes his way down the ramp to the boos of the crowd. Lynx climbs into the ring and begins stretching as he waits for his opponent

"Anit Nothing But A G Thang" comes over the PA as we see Snake make his way out to the ramp

Jennifer Sparks:And his opponent making his way to the ring. From Mexico City Mexico Snake!!!

The crowd cheers as they watch snake make his way down the ramp heading towards the ring. Snake climbs into the ring as he & Lynx stare at one another before the bell sounds

The bell sounds starting off the match as both Snake & Lynx circle the ring before locking up. Lynx takes a cheap shot with a thumb to the eye of Snake. Lynx whips Snake off the ropes catching him with a high knee. Lynx goes back to work applying a front face lock keeping Snake grounded to the mat

Tazz: Lynx is wrestling his type of match keeping Snake grounded to the mat.

Lynx secures the front face lock as we see Snake fight up to his feet. Snake picks Lynx up charging towards the corner as he slams Lynx back first into the turnbuckle forcing Lynx to break the front face lock. Snake fires off with chops in the corner to Lynx before picking him up and putting him on the top rope. Snake climbs up after Lynx looking for a superplex but Lynx counters with rights to snake forcing him off the top rope. Snake lands on his feet and tries going up to the top rope again but Lynx catches Snake with a right foot to the head

Lynx grabs Snake and delivers a tornado DDT out of the corner following up with a cover 1..2...Snake kicks out. Lynx looks up at the referee checking to see if it was indeed a two count. Lynx gets to his feet as Snake does the same. Snake throws a right but Lynx blocks it and catches Snake with a Side Effect making the cover 1..2..Snake kicks out

Jonathan Steele: Snake kicked out again.

Lynx looks at the referee frustrated over the count as he gets to his feet and begins arguing with the referee as Snake slowly makes it to his feet. Snake grabs Lynx spinning him around as he kicks him in the gut looking to hit Lynx with the Snake Bite but Lynx counters with a back drop as Snake hits the mat hard. Lynx turns around as Snake staggers to his feet. Snake turns around as Lynx kicks Snake in the gut and delivers Madison Avenue covering Snake 1..2..3!!!

Winner Via Pinfall: Lynx Madison
Match Time: 4:23

Jennifer Sparks: Here is your Winner...Lynx Madison!!

Madison taunts as the crowd boos and the camera's go to another commercial

On November 25th, 2007..

Going down onto the southside, In the home of crunk..

Straight up the ATL, the stars of Chaos and Xplosion are gonna represent..

For the Winter Spectacle of the Year, EWE Presents..


The Camera's return from break as we hear Glass Shattering through the PA System, the crowd immediately rise to their feet and explode as Austin makes his way back down the ramp again, again with a mic.

Stone Cold Steve Austin: I got a few announcements to make....so let's be serious for a moment, and hold off the What's so this is easier to read with just a few blobs..

Crowd: What?

Stone Cold Steve Austin: Jay Cut em off please..

Crowd: [Beep]

Stone Cold Steve Austin: Now first things first...as we know, earlier tonight I announced that Detroits Most Wanted was to be the next two members of Team Chaos...but then, just a little while ago, Scotty Blaze was brutally attacked by god knows who...now Investigations are under way to track down who did this...but in the meantime...since Doc won't give Scotty the go ahead for Final Cut...his spot is now being replaces with the Mid Eastern Champion, Johnny Nitro..

Stone Cold Steve Austin: That Brings me to my 2nd announcement...I gurantee, by the end of next week...you will know all five members of Team Chaos...because next week...right here on Chaos, Team Chaos will have theirself a little Warm up match...a 10 Man Tag Team Elimiation Match as Gino Knoxx, Ciaran Michaels, K~Dawg, & Johnny Nitro will team together along with the 5th partner to be named next week...and they will be facing 5 other superstars from Chaos...as a warm up before we take out the B Show of Sports Entertainment..

Stone Cold Steve Austin: And now my final announcement, also regards next week...Next Week, The eWe Champion, John Cena...and The Number One Contender, Alex Stone...will both be in Pick your Poison matches...what this means...both men, will be given the chance, to choose next week's opponent for the other...who they choose...has no limit...It doesn't matter what Roster...or what Company for that matter, they choose...Chaos, Xplosion, or someone not even in eWe...it doesnt matter, whoever they choose, that's what will make next week so special...now that's all I got for now...and That's the Bottom..

Austin is cut off as "No Chance" hits the PA system as the crowd boos...Vince enters the ring with a mic and looks at Austin..

Mr. McMahon: Well Austin..

Stone Cold Steve Austin: What?

Mr. McMahon: I believe you have one more announcement to make..

Stone Cold Steve Austin: What?

Mr. McMahon: would you cut that crap?!

Stone Cold Steve Austin: What?

Vince looks angry, as Austin smiles

Stone Cold Steve Austin: why are you in my ring...yet again?

Mr. McMahon: because I

Stone Cold Steve Austin: Shut Up!

The crowd explodes as Austin keeps a serious face..

Stone Cold Steve Austin: Did I tell you to speak?

Mr. McMahon: well

Stone Cold Steve Austin: shut up..

Mr. McMahon: ...

Stone Cold Steve Austin: what?

Stone Cold Steve Austin: Vince, I know exactly why you're here...you want to try and take your company back...you want a Rematch with Stone Cold at Final Cut...

Mr. McMahon: Wow, your

Stone Cold Steve Austin: didn't I say Shut up?

Mr. McMahon: ...

Stone Cold Steve Austin: You must have a bad memory Vince...Do you not remember the ass kicking you recieved at WrestleMania?...do you not remember me stomping a mud hole and walking it dry?...Do you not remember that?

Mr. McMahon: well

Stone Cold Steve Austin: what?!

Stone Cold Steve Austin: You must really enjoy getting your ass stomped...if you want your ass kicked so badly...I'm more then willing to do it for ya...Your on!

The Crowd cheers Vince starts to smile..Austin puts out his hand..

Stone Cold Steve Austin: Seal the deal..

Vince smiles and shakes his hand...god how stupid is he?...obviously, he's leveled with a Stone Cold Stunner, as Austin flips him the bird and does his traditional Beer Bash..

Jennifer Sparks: The following match is scheduled for one fall.

"King of the World" comes over the PA as Ciaran Michaels makes his way out

Jennifer Sparks: Making his way to the ring from San Antonio Texas he is one half of the EWE tag champions...and the eWe International champion....Ciaran Michaels!!!

Michaels walks down the ramp sliding into the ring as we hear the crowd cheer. Michaels walks around the ring with the crowd still cheering as his music stops

"The Time is Now" comes over the PA as we hear the crowd booing as John Cena makes his way out to the ramp

Jennifer Sparks: Making his way to the ring at this time. He is the EWE Champion from West Newbury Massachusetts John Cena!!

The crowd continues booing as Cena makes his way down the ramp holding the EWE title above his head. Cena slides into the ring getting up as he holds the title up in the air before handing it over as the bell sounds


The bell sounds as Cena charges at Michaels knocking him down with a shoulder block. Cena picks up Michaels tossing him into the ropes catching him with a hip toss to the boos of the crowd. Cena gets to his fete picking up Michaels tossing him into the corner Cena charges into the corner as Michaels side steps Cena as Cena goes shoulder first into the corner. Michaels rolls up Cena from behind 1..2..Cena kicks out

Tazz: Ciaran Michaels tried to go for the quick win but got just a two count.

Michaels & Cena both get to there feet as they exchange rights in the middle of the ring. Michaels gets the upper hand with a right to Cena before whipping him off the ropes catching him with a back drop to the cheers of the crowd. Cena quickly gets to his feet as Michaels catches with an arm drag bringing him to the mat as he locks in an arm bar

Jonathan Steele: Ciaran is slowing down Cena with this arm bar Tazz. And it's a good move on his part.

Cena slowly gets to his feet looking for a counter to the arm bar. Cena counters into a top wrist lock as Michaels tries to counter. Michaels manages to counter into a wrist lock of his own only to have Cena break the hold with an elbow to the face. Cena tosses Michaels into the ropes catching him with another hip toss. Cena quickly goes for the cover 1..2..Michaels kicks out

Tazz: Cena almost got the win but Michaels kicked out.

Michaels gets to his feet catching Cena with a right hand. Michaels whips Cena into the corner chasing after him as he clotheslines him into the corner. Michaels backs out of the corner as Cena staggers out Michaels grabs Cena delivering a suplex to Cena as he floats over and covers him 1..2..Cena kicks out

Jonathan Steele: Michaels almost had the win with that move but Cena kicked out.

Cena & Michaels get to there feet as Michaels charges at Cena but Cena catches Michaels with a drop toe hold dropping Michaels to the ground as he locks in the STFU as Michaels struggles to reach the ropes

Tazz: Cena got Michaels with the STFU!

Cena tightens his grip on the hold as Michaels continues to struggle to reach the ropes. Michaels slowly struggles to reach the ropes as the referee checks for a tap out as Cena tightens his grip. Michaels reaches out almost getting to the ropes but failing to as he taps the mat as the bell sounds

Winner Via Subbmission: John Cena
Match Time: 6:26

Jennifer Sparks: Here is your Winner...The eWe Champion...John Cena!!

Cena smirks down at Ciaran then raises up the eWe Title as the crowd boos and the show begins to fade away..

1: Gino Knoxx
2: Magna
3: Alex Stone
4: Johnny Nitro
5: John Cena

1: Katie Kooper
2: Trish Stratus
3: N/A
4: N/A
5: N/A