' M o n d a y N i g h t C h a o s '

| Date : 12-03-07 | Recovery Status : Recovered with WayBack Machine | Theme: "Ladies & Gentlemen" By Saliva |
Venue : BJCC Arena - Birmingham, Alabama | Main Event - #1 Contenders Match - Gino Knoxx Vs Ciaran Michaels Vs K~Dawg | Turnout : 19 RolePlays


Only Match
Fatal Four Way - RP or F*ck Off
Randy Orton Vs Jaycob Insane Vs Benji Homan Vs Snake
Winner: NoOne - All Fucked off!

After that The Fireworks begin blasting as the crowd continues to cheer....before Steele or Tazz can even speak, "Im Comin" by Silk The Shocker starts over the PA System..

Jonathan Steele: Well, welcome to Chaos everyone right here in Birmingham Alabama...fresh off the heels of Final Cut, looks like we're already getting started..

Tazz: With a man that has great potential here in eWe Jonathan..

Jonathan Steele: This is only his debut Tazz, don't get ahead of yourself..

Tazz: Doesn't even matter Steele, this man is golden...he's FedEx, cause he delievers...just you see..

Jennifer Sparks: The Following contest is scheduled for one fall...on his way to the ring...Making his Chaos Debut...from Miami Flordia...weighing in at 252 pounds...Montel Vontavious Porter...M! V! P!!

MVP continues his way down the ramp and into the ring as he looks over at Jermaine shaking his head.

Jennifer Sparks: His opponent, in the ring...Jermaine Jackson!!

Jonathan Steele: Well it's his Chaos debut too..

Tazz: Let's see who makes the bigger Impact..

Jermaine Jackson Vs Montel Vontavious Porter
Yea, why do I need to waste my time here, ya done know...MVP straight up pwns the new guy..

Winner: Montel Vontavious Porter

As MVP starts celebrating, Damien Porter makes his way to the ring ans starts helping Jermaine up.

Tazz: Who the heck is this?

Jonathan Steele: That's Chaos' even newer signing, Damien Porter...

Tazz: but what's he doing here?

Porter checks on Jermaine for a moment, then suddenly plants him with the Porter Plunge. He starts taunting while MVP looks at him.

Tazz: What's Montel up too now..

MVP picks Jermaine up and looks at Damien as he hits Jermaine with the Playmaker..

Jonathan Steele: Are they trying to one up eachother?

Tazz: It's great..

Damien shakes his head then grabs Jermaine, locking in the Damien Deathlock(anaconda vice), MVP just waves his hands and walks backstage as the camera's fade to a commercial break..

As the Camera's return we see Damien walking backstage, when he's stopped..

Montel Vontavious Porter: Yo man, what's your deal?

Damien Porter: What cha mean?

Montel Vontavious Porter: Why'd you steal my spotlight, that was my debut, my time to shine, my chance to show all these clowns who's the real star of this show..

Damien Porter: We all gotta make a impact Bro..

Suddenly we hear clapping as Vince walks up with a smile on his face..

Damien Porter: The fuck your Cracker ass grinning at?

Montel Vontavious Porter: Your old ass finally get laid?

Vince's smile vanishes for a second...then it returns..

Mr. McMahon: See that right there...weather you two know it or not...you two have a chemisty..

Damien Porter: I ain't gay..

Montel Vontavious Porter: I failed Chemisty, even with a tuter..

Mr. McMahon: How did you fail, with a tuter?

Montel Vontavious Porter: We ended demonstrating another class..

Mr. McMahon: Geometry?

Montel Vontavious Porter: Sex Ed..

Mr. McMahon: Anyways, I wasn't talking about that kind of chemistry...I'm talking about what the two of you did to Jermaine...I loved every minute of it..that's why, next week...you two will be in a tag team match, as partners..

Montel Vontavious Porter: Now hold up a minute there gramps...I don't need no Partner...I'm MVP, I don't share my spotlight with anyone..

Damien Porter: That's what I'm saying...I can't do it

Mr. McMahon: You can, and you will...otherwise...lose...I don't care...either way, your partners next week...and that's the down lo, dogs....Word fellas, I gotta bounce

Vince pats his chest and gives them a peace sign as he walks off..they just look at eachother, very confused..

Magna Vs Stingray
Double No Show, assholes

Winner: Cancled

Brett UnKnown Vs Delirious
Brett ain't got a chance in this one...he tried as he could against Rikku...then gets owned by Delirious..

Winner: Delirious

#1 Contenders Match
Special Guest Referee: Candice Michelle
Christy Chaos Vs Roxas Knoxx

Some more pwnage, but because of the ref, and the history between the two from September, it's not that easy. Christy ends up getting frustrated and planting Candice with a Charismatic Crush...she then hits Roxas with a Star Struck as a new ref ran down to make the count..

Winner: Christy Chaos

Snickers: Most Satusfying

Subway: Eat Fresh

Live Free or Die Hard: Own the DVD today

Johnny Nitro Vs Gavin Masterson
Nitro and Gavin go back and forth for awhile, but of course Nitro no showed, so obviously we know who won this one..

Winner: Gavin Masterson

The Camera's come backstage where we see Christy walking the hallway after her match..she's soon cut off, by Lynx Madison..

Lynx Madison: We meet again..

Christy Chaos: get a clue..

Lynx Madison: Come on, I just wanted to congradulate you on becoming the Number One Contender..

Christy Chaos: No, you wanna get into my pants, and my brothers head all at the same time..

Lynx Madison: Well if you're offering..

Madison grabs Christy by the arms and smiles..

Christy Chaos: Get off me!

Lynx Madison: You know you want a piece sweetheart..

Christy Chaos: Get off!

Lynx Madison: I'm sorry, we gotta do that later...right now I gotta go show your brother who's boss..

Madison reaches in for a kiss, but she knees him in the groin and heads into the lockerroom as Madison laughs..

Lynx Madison: She wants it..

McDonalds I'm Lovin it
The Undertaker - 15-0: available now, exclusively at Wal Mart
Geico: 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurrance..

Johnny Chaos & Scotty Blaze Vs Lynx Madison & Red Thunder
While Thunder & Blaze was fighting outside the ring, Chaos & Madison was in the ring..The ref was distracted with Chaos & Madison so he doesn't see when Thunder decks Blaze with a chair. Chaos measures Madison for and Extreme MakeOver but he quickly ducks out of the ring. Johnny turns around and ducks a clothesline from Thunder, He then grabs him and locks in the Chaos Effect. While Thunder fights it, Chaos is facing Madison who's still backing up the ramp. Finally Thunder has no choice but to tap..

Winners: Johnny Chaos & Scotty Blaze

The Camera's cut backstage where we see Nitro about to leave the arena, but he's stopped by the newly re-crowned Chairman..

Mr. McMahon: Hold on a minute..

Johnny Nitro: Something I can help you with boss?

Mr. McMahon: The Board of Directors seen your match tonight...I just thought I'd give you a heads up..

Johnny Nitro: oh?

Mr. McMahon: Yea, it seems they wanna Give Gavin a shot now..

Johnny Nitro: I thought Travis won the Battle Royal?

Mr. McMahon: That's the thing, they want me to make your title deffense at Hell Frozen Over..a Triple Threat...

Johnny Nitro: Are you kidding me?

Mr. McMahon: sorry

Nitro storms off into his Limo with Melina right behind him as they pull away..

Xplosion re-cap - Final Cut, Xplosion Half
- Cameron Hayden retains the title in an awesome match -
- Eighteen does the exact same -
- Triple H stands tall as the soul survivor winning the Extreme Team Challenge for Team Xplosion -
- Kris Jaxson defeats Ceno to become the new X-Divison Champion -
- Derrick Sanderson is crowned the new Pure Champion -

As the camera's return from Break "Girlfriend" by Avril Lavigne echos through the PA System as the crowd cheers and Rikku comes happily skipping through the curtains..

Jennifer Sparks: The Following non title contest is scheduled for one fall...on her way to the ring...from Spira....Rikku!!

Jonathan Steele: This should be a great match...last time these two faced, she was the Champion...

Tazz: We don't agree on much Steele, but this is definately gonna be off the hook..

Rikku continues her way down and slides into the ring all happy...that is until "The Time Is Now" by John Cena & Tha Trademarc hits the PA System as Cena steps through the curtains raising up the eWe Title, the crowd shifts from cheers to boos in unison..

Tazz: Well Steele...The Champ is here..

Jennifer Sparks: Her opponent...from West Newbury Massachusetts...weighing in at 240 pounds...he is the current and reigning EWE Champion...John Cena!!

Cena continues his way down, and fans continue to boo. He enters the ring and drops his title off to the side as he stares down Rikku for a moment..

Rikku Vs John Cena
A nice great back and forth battle between Champion, and former champion..Rikku seemed to really be on her game, she had all cylinders rolling, just when she seemed to be calling for the Hyper Drive, she stops and turns around, ducking Candice Michelle who tried to blast her with the Women's Title. Rikku is about to engage in a fight with Candice, but instead Candice is tackled down by Chrisy as the two roll out of the ring. Rikku turns back around, to be lifted onto Cena's Shoulders for an FU, which she quickly counters with a crucifix pin, getting a long two count before Cena kicks out. The Ref seems to be distracted by Christy & Candice(can ya blame him?) which allows Cena to pull a chain around his fist. Rikku quickly goes for a Hyper Drive, but he decks her in the gut, then plants her hard with an FU. he covers as the ref turns back around for the 3..

Winner: John Cena

"The Time is Now" hits again as the crowd boos, Cena gets his title and raises it up, he sees Candice & Christy still going at it, so he cracks Christy in the back of the head with the eWe Title, which makes fans boo more. Candice picks her title back up and the two head up the ramp raising their gold, while refs check on both Rikku & Christy..

The Camera's cut backstage where we see tons of securtiy guards seperating Johnny Chaos & Lynx Madison..Vince comes walking up as the security keeps them held back on opposite sides..

Mr. McMahon: What the hell is the matter with you two?!...You two wanna Tear Eachother apart...I can see this..

Vince looks over at Johnny

Mr. McMahon: I know, you wanted to tear this guy apart at Final Cut, but you didn't get the chance..

Vince looks over at Madison

Mr. McMahon: And I know you wanna prove how soft he has become...and it's true, he really has...

Vince looks back and forth

Mr. McMahon: You two wanna tear eachother limb from limb, and I wanna see it...I wanna see someone bleed....wait, as a matter of fact, that's exactly what we're gonna see..

Vince smirks as he looks back and forth..

Mr. McMahon: At Hell Frozen Over...it'll be Johnny Chaos...Versus Lynx Madison....in a First Blood Match!!

The Crowd explodes in the background as Johnny and Lynx continue to try and fight the security

Mr. McMahon: but if either one of you lay so much as a finger on the other before then...you'll both be susspended indefinately without pay....now if you excuse me, I have an announcement to make..

Vince walks off screen as the camera's fade with Madison & Chaos still fighting the security..

eWe Upcoming Events: Get Extreme
Burger King: Have It Your Way
Bowflex: 20 minutes a day..3 times a week...results in 6 weeks or your money back..

As the Camera's return from break as "No Chance" by Dope echoes through the PA System, filling the entire arena with boos..The curtains move and Vince walks out as he starts powerwalking his way down the ramp..

Jennifer Sparks: Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome The Chairman of Extreme Wrestling Entertainment...MR. McMAHON!!

Tazz: Here comes the New Chairman Steele..

Jonathan Steele: Such a load of crap..

Tazz: the hell are you talking about?

Jonathan Steele: Don't give me that Tazz, Austin was screwed over, and you know it..

Tazz: shit happens, that's how this business works, you gotta deal with it..

Vince continues his way into the ring where he takes the mic from Jennifer..

Mr. McMahon: Thank you Jennifer...Alabama!!...how the heck are ya?!

The Crowd boos as Vince smiles..

Mr. McMahon: come on, that;s no way to treat your new Chairman...I run this show, I can cut it off right now if you want me too..

Crowd: What?

Mr. McMahon: don't you start with that crap..

Crowd: What?

Mr. McMahon: see your mistaken...

Crowd: What?

Mr. McMahon: He's not the chairman anymore..

Crowd: What?

Mr. McMahon: I am!...And you'll NEVER see that Piece of garbage again!

The crowd boos as Vince smiles...but before he can pick the mic back up "Glass Shatters" by Disturbed echoes throughout the arena as the crowd explodes to their feet. Austin comes out, looking very pissed off, Vince just smirks...Austin gets in the ring and produces a microphone..

Mr. McMahon: What are you doing in my ring?

Stone Cold Steve Austin: What?

Mr. McMahon: What are you doing in my ring?

Stone Cold Steve Austin: What?

Mr. McMahon: Your not the chairman anymore, I am..

Stone Cold Steve Austin: I'm still the Chaos General Manager jackass..this is my show...Sorry I'm late by the way folks...I got held up...some local challenged me to a drinking contest...I couldn't refuse...

Mr. McMahon: yea yea, good for you..but what you need to realize...I have higher power then you...and if I wanted...

Stone Cold Steve Austin: No you can't..

Mr. McMahon: What?

Stone Cold Steve Austin: That's my line..

Mr. McMahon: No I can't what?

Stone Cold Steve Austin: Fire me..

Mr. McMahon: oh really?

Stone Cold Steve Austin: The Board of Director's have informed me, that you can't fire me as Chaos General Manager..

Mr. McMahon: Yes I know...they already let me know the full details..

Stone Cold Steve Austin: Then why was you surprised to see me?

Mr. McMahon: I had hoped you had enough and would quit...

Stone Cold Steve Austin: You don't know me that well, then..

Mr. McMahon: No, I know you very well...you never back down from a challenge..

Stone Cold Steve Austin: What?

Mr. McMahon: I anticipated this to happen...so I had a back up plan..

Stone Cold Steve Austin: What?

Mr. McMahon: They said I can't fire you...but said nothing about, you fairly deffending your job...in a match..

Stone Cold Steve Austin: Who's the jackass to get their ass kicked...you?...Cena...

Mr. McMahon: No no...Cena has to deffend his title already...no see, the man your gonna face at Hell Frozen Over...well...let me ask you Austin...

Stone Cold Steve Austin: What?

Mr. McMahon: Do you like Music?

Stone Cold Steve Austin: What?

Mr. McMahon: Do you Like Music?

Stone Cold Steve Austin: What?

Mr. McMahon: Just turn around..

Austin smiles, not falling for it...Austin casually turns around, and is quickly ready to strike, but there isn't anyone there...He turns back to Vince, but instead is lit with some SWEET CHIN MUSIC!


Tazz: I can't believe this!

Michaels stands over Austin, as Vince gets in his face..

Mr. McMahon: A McMahon is always two steps ahead...at Hell Frozen Over...after you get a second taste of that Sweet chin Music...I'll only have Two Words For ya!

a few morons in the crowd yell "Suck It" as HBK laughs a little

Mr. McMahon: YOUR FIRED!!!

"No Chance" by Dope hits again as Vince stands up and raises HBK's hand while the crowd boos..

Announcer: Is it that time already?

Announcer: The time for one of the most historic non cross brand Pay Per Views in eWe History?

Announcer: I think it is..

Announcer: The Chaos Superstars are armed and ready to play with fire..

Announcer: The Chaos superstars are ready to play in the Devil's backyard...

Announcer: You may see something you thought you'd never see...

Announcer: Cause on December 16th..


Announcer: Chaos Presents, eWe Hell Frozen Over, Live December 16th and only on Pay Per View!

The Camera's return from break as "This Fire Burns" by Killswitch Engage hits the PA System.

Jonathan Steele: Final Cut is definately behind us...the Road to Hell Frozen Over is well under way, as right now your hearing the official theme song..

Tazz: it's definately on the way, we've done heard 4 matches here tonight..

Jonathan Steele: That we have, starting with the one we just heard a few moments ago..

Jonathan Steele: Stone Cold Steve Austin...Vs Shawn Michaels..

Tazz: this should be a classic Steele, I'm telling ya..

Jonathan Steele: And if that's all it was...it would be good...but it gets bigger then that...cause if Austin loses...he's stripped of his job as Chaos General Manager..

Tazz: clearly McMahon wants The Texas RattleSnake out of his hair for good...The ShowStopper may just be the man for the job..

Jonathan Steele: Despite the ref not being a friend of hers...she's fought through the odds, and has become the Number One Contender..

Jonathan Steele: Candice Michelle puts the title on the line against the new Number One Contender, Christy Chaos..

Tazz: I always love seeing a couple hot tomatoes getting it on, this will be no different..

Jonathan Steele: To be honest Tazz, I been looking forward to this ever since Dynamic Destruction..

Tazz: Me too Steele, they've had a few battles in tag team matches and the 8 way...but now we're finally gonna see these two one on one..

Jonathan Steele: A Number One Contender was crowned at Final Cut...then the runner up from that match, defeated The champion in a non title match tonight...now the Board of Directors seen fit to change it, to a Triple Threat...

Jonathan Steele: Johnny Nitro puts the title on the line against Travis Kooper & Gavin Masterson....

Tazz: I can understand why Nitro got mad about it, Triple Threats never favor a Champion...he don't even have to be part of the deciding fall, and he still loses the title..

Jonathan Steele: That's true...They was suppose to face at Final Cut...it didn't happen...we'll try again, but this time...it'll be First Blood..

Jonathan Steele: Johnny Chaos...Lynx Madison.....First Blood...

Tazz: I love First Blood Matches steele...and trust me, this puppy is gonna be brutal...

Jonathan Steele: That's for certain...It started as a simple feud...now it's gotten so personal...now Madison is even trying to get Johnny's sister involved..

Tazz: man is she smokin...

Jonathan Steele: In any event...Hell Frozen Over will be live December 16th, just 13 days away and only on Pay Per View...as for now, let's find out another match on that same card...let's see who will meet Cena for the Title..

Tazz: I can't wait!

Just then, "Step Up" by Drowning Pool begins playing through the PA System. The crowd gets to their feet as Gino steps through the curtains..

Jennifer Sparks: The Following Triple Threat Match is scheduled for one fall, where the winner will go on to face John Cena at Hell Frozen Over, for the EWE Championship!! Introducing first, from Knoxxville Tennessee...weighing in at 285 pounds...Representing Sports Entertainment Xtreme, he is one half of the eWe Tag Team Champions..."The Perfection"...Gino Knoxx!!!

Gino continues his way down to the ring, where he removes the Tag Title and poses with it for the fans...just then, his music dies out, and is quickly replaced with "King of the World" by Saliva..The Crowd continues their cheering ways as Ciaran Michaels comes dashing through the curtains..International Title on his waist, Tag Title in his hand..

Jennifer Sparks: His opponents...first, from San Antonio Texas...weighing in at 245 pounds...also Representing Sports Entertainment Xtreme, he is the other half of the eWe Tag Team Champions, as well as the International Champion..."The Real Xtreme Kid"...Ciaran Michaels!!!

Ciaran continues his way down the ramp and slides into the ring where he hops on the turnbukle and removes his International Title from his waist, to raise them both up with each hand..then the lights dim down and "Cocky" by Kid Rock fills the arena, the crowd cheers some more as K~Dawg comes pumped through the curtains..

Jennifer Sparks: And finally...from Detroit Michigan...weighing in at 220 pounds....representing Detroit's Most Wanted...Kurtis "K~Dawg" Porter!!!

K~Dawg continues his way down the ramp, and the three of them stare off for a moment as the bell rings..

#1 Contenders Match
Gino Knoxx Vs Ciaran Michaels Vs K~Dawg

Just as good of a match as you would expect, These Three tear the house down, then re-build it, just to tear it down again..many near falls all through the match, At the moment Ciaran is on the outside while Dawg & Gino are going at it in the ring. Gino whips Dawg off the ropes looking for a spinebuster, getting a Edge/Taker-like-on-svr-DDT instead. Dawg gets up, stalking Gino for Da Meat Hook. Gino gets up and Dawg goes for it, but Gino reacts quickly, locking in the Knoxxlock. The crowd gets to their feet, waiting to see what's gonna happen as K~Dawg tries his damnest to get out, but to no avail. Just when he seems to be fading away, Gino is clubbed in the back by Ciaran. Gino tosses K~Dawg down and turns to his partner, as the two stare off.

They stare for a few moments before they start trading rights. Gino wins the exchange and whips Ciaran into the ropes, Gino charges after and goes to clothesline him over the top, but Ciaran ducks, pulling the top rope down, causing Gino to hit the floor instead. Ciaran then turns around to see K~Dawg getting up. Ciaran quickly charges, only to be leveled with a K~Bite! Dawg backs up tuanting the crowd as he awaits Ciaran to get up, as he does, he again goes for Da Meat Hook, it's again countered, this time for a San Antonio Crossface! The Crowd is again on their feet, some cheering for Ciaran, some backing K~Dawg to get out of it, it's really hard for them to pick since all these guys are "face". But K~Dawg, with the heart that he has, won't give up, will keep on fighting as he reaches for that bottom rope. He seems to be millimeters awy, he actually touches it for a breif second, before Ciaran rolls over the same way Benoit did, putting them now in the center of the ring. K~dawg still fights it, but is starting to run out of gas, not wanting to withstand the pain anymore, he seems ready to tap, before Gino breaks it up that is.

Ciaran gets up, now pissed off at his partner, as they have both broken eachother's subbmissions just when K~Dawg looked to be done. The two again start exchanging rights before Gino knees Ciaran in the gut, then slams him into the corner. Ciaran falls to the mat, as Gino turns his attention to K~Dawg who's getting back up. K~Dawg once again goes for Da Meat Hook, Gino quickly shoves him off, K~Dawg turns back around and charges at Gino, Gino picks him up and plants him with a HardKnoxx. before he can cover, he's spun around by Ciaran as he goes for The X-Effect, but Gino quickly counters out of it and goes for the KnoxxLock, but Ciaran quickly slides out of it, and quickly rolls Gino up, getting the 3!

Winner: Ciaran Michaels

Ciaran quickly slides out of the ring in the same motion as he drops to his knees unable to believe what just happened.

Jonathan Steele: He's done it! Ciaran Michaels has done it! he's the Number One Contender!

Tazz: Big ups to him...but now it's time for his real challenge...he's gotta beat a man he's lost to twice one on one and still has yet to beat..

Ciaran turns around after the ref raises his hand, and he now sees Cena standing on the stage, raising up the eWe Championship. Ciaran smiles and raises up his own International Title, and the camera's fade with that, both men raising their gold..

1: Ciaran Michels
2: K~Dawg
3: Gino Knoxx
4: John Cena
5: Rikku