The show opens up video showing all the matches and feuds leading up to tonight's big Pay Per View... it shows all the matches from ShowDown... it shows Chris Ceno winning the EWE World Heavyweight Title... it shows Piper and Shane at starring each other down... it shows Alex Stone and the Assassin nose to nose... then it shows Nero Phoenix beating Benji Homan for the X-Cup... The scene then switches to Sean Lewis making his EWE return at ShowDown, giving Law... then Chris Ceno... a Gloria... the show then starts up with the crowd going crazy! The jumbo tron quickly lights up and shows Chaos' Diva Lily walking backstage... she bumps into Trixy...

Trixy - " Hey there Lily... where are you going? "

Lily - " Well, I'm heading towards the ring for the Diva battle royal... the winner gets a shot at the Diva title! "

Trixy - " Well... I was just talking to Shane, and I was suppose to tell you that that match is cancelled... and since you were the only one to show up, you're the new Diva Championship #1 Contender! "

Lily - " Really? That's Awesome! "

Lily and Trixy jump up and down as the scene fades back to the arena... Kenny and Jimmy are shown as the Xplosion table...

Kenny Greenwood - " Welcome everyone to Final Cut! Last year, Final Cut was one of the best pay per views of the year! The way things are shaping up... it's gonna be another good year! "

Jimmy Justice - " We can't forget about the big MAIN EVENT... where Xplosion is going to walk out on top! "

Tazz and Jonathan are shown walking to the Chaos table... they sit down...

Tazz - " Did you hear that Steele? These Xplosion guys really think they are gonna win this match of the brands... "

Jonathan Steele - " We might need to tell Vince to set up a drug test for the Xplosion broadcast crew... "

Kenny Greenwood - " Can it guys... we have a match to call... our battle royals don't get cancelled... "

Jimmy Justice - " Yeah... wait a second... I'm getting a feed from backstage that something is happening... so while the Xplosion stars make their way down to the ring... we'll take a look at what is going on backstage! "

The jumbo tron quickly lights up... the scene opens up in the locker room area, after James Ceno and his wife, Stacie Sinnex-Ceno, get comfortable in their locker room. Mr. McMahon himself walks up to the door, holding an envelope in his hand as he knocks on the door. There is some giggling on the other side of the door, and when Vince tries it, the door is locked. Before anything happens, Roddy Piper rushes over to the scene.

Piper - " Vince, what's going on? "

Vince - " Simple, I'm about to susspend Ceno. "

Piper - " On what grounds? "

Vince - " These medical reports were just unearthed. It reveals that James has a very delicate bone structure, and that this match will end his career. "

Piper - " What you're suggesting will end his career! You don't suspend; you fire! "

Vince - " True. "

Piper - " He has a big interpromotional match coming up... "

Vince - " And K~Dawg will understand. "

Before anymore can be said, James opens the door, slipping out before closing it behind him. Vince opens his mouth to speak, but Ceno throws his hand up to cut him off.

James Ceno - " I heard already, Vince, and you don't have to say anything. "

Piper - " You're going to take this lying down. "

James smiles and looks at Vince.

James Ceno - " Vinnie, what do you plan on doing with those papers? "

Vince - " Especially after that, I'm going to FIRE YOU. "

James Ceno - " No you won't, and I'll tell you why. I have a match coming up much later in the show, and I intend to wrestle regardless. What do you say, Roddy? "

Piper - " I'm behind you, James. "

Vince - " But my word overrules both of yours. "

James Ceno - " Then I have a business proposal, and it refers to those doctor's reports. "

Vince - " Go on. "

James Ceno - " Me and K~Dawg, in K~Dawg's House of Fun. If he wins, I step out and get the surgery and enter physio, and maybe even never come back. "

Vince - " And your victory means what? "

James Ceno - " My contract is renewed, with no attachments whatsoever. "

James' hand is suddenly grasped by Piper, who shakes it.

Piper - " It's done. "

Vince - " You provided the venue, Roddy, so it is your call. I can't wait to see you lose. "

James Ceno - " I can't wait to see your team get its ass kicked, and watch you seethe with the fact that your group of wrestlers aren't worth the shit you stepped in. "

Vince glares at Ceno and walks away. Piper follows shortly after as Ceno goes back into the locker room...

The scene switches back to the arena where Snake, Falcon X, K-Fed, Fuse, X-Kid, Rex Raven, Leroy, and Colt Cabana... Jesse Ventura is shown in the ring with a mic in hand...

Jesse - " The following contest is a over the top rope battle royal... the winner will face White Tiger for the All American title at Chill Factor... "

EWE All American Championship #1 Contendership Battle Royal

X-Kid kicks Fuse in the gut while Leroy jumps on Snake from behind... Falcon X locks up with Colt Cabana while Rex Raven spears K-Fed down to the mat... Snake pushes Leroy backwards and ends up running into the locked up Falcon X and Colt Cabana... Falcon X falls out onto the floor while Colt Cabana and Leroy end up on the apron... Snake backs up and hits a dropkick onto Colt Cabana... Colt grabs Leroy and the team falls off!

Kenny Greenwood - " There goes 3 men in a few seconds! "

Rex Raven sends K-Fed into the ropes... K-Fed ducks Rex's clothesline... K-Fed then tackles Rex against the ropes... they both end up on the apron... Snake runs over and hits K-Fed... K-Fed pushes Rex off to stay on... but Snake pulls K-Fed's face down across the ropes and K-Fed falls to the floor!

Jimmy Justice - " See you later K-Fed! "

Snake turns around to see X-Kid trying to push Fuse over the top rope... Snake goes over and starts to help X-Kid... X-Kid then kicks Snake in the gut and sends him to the other ropes... Fuse starts to climb back in... Snake ducks X-Kid's clothesline and runs into Fuse hard sending him over the top rope and onto the floor!

Kenny Greenwood - " Two men left! "

Snake turns around and ducks another attack from X-Kid... A fist fight starts up... they exchange lefts and rights until X-Kid finally hits a hard kick to Snake's gut, then picks him up in a powerbomb... X-Kid goes to powerbomb Snake over the top rope... but Snake grabs the ropes and turns it into a modified hurricanrana... they both fall out and both his the ground...

Kenny Greenwood - " No... Way... "

The refs start to talk about who is the winner... finally the refs grab both Snake and Ciaran Michaels' hands and rise them in the air... they both are declared the winners...

Winners: Ciaran Michaels and Snake

The lights dim down as the drum roll starts up and the bag pipes kicks on... the crowd cheers as Roddy Piper walks out onto then entrance ramp...

Jennifer Sparks - " The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and it will be a street fight... making his way to the ring first... he is the Xplosion General Manager... HOT ROD... Rowdy... Roddy... PIPER! "

Piper walks down to the ring and lifts up the apron... he pulls out a ladder and slides it in the ring, then he pulls out a garbage can and tosses it into the ring as well... Piper then pulls out a folding chair, sets it up, and sits down at the end of the ramp... "Here Comes the Money" starts up as Shane McMahon walks out onto the entrance ramp with a steel chair in hand...

Jennifer Sparks - " And making his ring... the opponent... he is the Chaos General Manager... Shane McMahon! "

Shane runs down towards Piper and swings his chair... the bell sounds...

Shane McMahon Vs. Roddy Piper

Summary: Piper hits Shane from behind, but Shane connects with a chair shot on the 2nd swing... Piper is busted open from the start... Shane drops the chair and hits a DDT onto it... Piper isn't moving much... the crowd starts a DADDY'S BOY chant... Shane pulls out a table and sets it up... Piper somehow starts to get up... Shane slides into the ring and grabs the trash can... he chucks it at Piper causing him to fall down... Shane sets up the ladder next to the ropes and slides out with the trash can... Shane lifts Piper up and puts the trash can over him... Shane then hits Piper with the chair while he has the can on... Piper rolls onto the table... Shane drops the chair and climbs back into the ring... he makes his way up to the top of the ladder and jumps off... he connects with a big splash and makes the cover... 1... 2... 3!

Winner: Shane McMahon

Jennifer Sparks - " The following contest is for the EWE TV title and has a fifteen minute time limit. "

"Bodies" comes over the PA as we see the challenger make his way out to the ramp

Jennifer Sparks - " Making his way to the ring at this time hailing from New York City Brett Zero!!! "

B.Z. walks down the ramp as the crowd can be heard booing him. B.Z. slides into the ring as he stands up and looks at the ramp waiting the arrival of his opponent

Jennifer Sparks - " And now making his way to the ring. He is the current and defending EWE TV Champion Black Knight!!! "

"Fire Emblem" comes over the PA as Knight makes his way down the ramp holding the TV title belt in front of him as Knight climbs into the ring handing over the title as the referee holds it high overhead as the bell sounds

Black Knight{c} Vs. Brett Zero

The bell sounds as both challenger and champion meet in the center of the ring for an exchange of words. Both men begin shoving one another back and forth until we see Zero nail Knight with a right hand before whipping him into the ropes. Zero drops to the mat as Knight bounces off the ropes Zero stands back up and leap frogs over Knight before finally taking his down with a dropkick knocking the champion out of the ring

Tazz - " Looks like the challenger has picked up the pace on the champion. "

Zero grabs the top rope as he launches himself up and over right on top of Knight as the crowd can be heard booing. Zero picks Knight up and tosses him back into the ring Zero then climbs up to the top rope as we see Knight slowly get to his feet Zero leaps from the top rope catching Knight with a head scissors off the top rope. Zero then quickly makes the cover 1..2.. Knight kicks out

Jonathan Steele - " It's going to take a lot more then that to keep the champion down. "

Zero gets to his feet as Knight begins to do the same. Zero comes bouncing off the ropes only to be caught by Knight turning him right into a spine buster. Knight quickly picks up Zero lifting him high into the air for a vertical suplex but Knight keeps Zero hung in air letting the blood rush to his head before finally dropping him hard to the mat as he follows up with a cover 1..2.. Zero kicks out

Knight looks at the referee as he argues about the count allowing Zero to get to his feet. Zero stalks after Knight looking to hit the Throwback but Knight catches Zero on his shoulder quickly dropping to his knees as he hits a solid chest breaker on Zero. Knight picks up Zero as he follows this up with the Bone crusher before covering Zero 1..2..3!!!

Jennifer Sparks - " Here's your winner & still EWE TV Champion Black Knight!! "

"Fire Emblem" comes over the PA once again as we see Knight getting to his feet. Knight grabs the title belt from the referee as he holds it high overhead before making his way out of the ring as the referee checks on Brett

Jonathan Steele - " Well I don't know about you Tazz but I expected this to happen. "

Tazz - " Well I wouldn't say that but I knew it was possible. "


Summary: Just an Extreme Match. Good showings by Kaiser and Steel. Cancer took a lot of the punishment. A lot of Big spots. One Point Kaiser DDT'd Cancer off the stage through a table. As Kaiser was getting up Steel Moonsalted off of the Set and fell on top of Kaiser. Steel brought them both back in the ring. Cancer got out some tacks and laid them out only to get driven in them by Kaiser. Kaiser locked in Graveyard Symphony and tried to make Steel tap but he didn't do so. Kaiser fought off Steel with a vicious chair shot. Kaiser laid out a table and went to Guardian Way him through the table. He reverses it into the Clean and Sober. Steel got the 1..2..3.

Winner: Chris Steel

After the match "Remedy" by Cold starts up and the crowd goes crazy... wWw's KidJack comes out onto the ramp and down to the ring... he gets in Chris Steel's face before backing up and clapping his hands in approval of the carnage in the ring...

Tazz - " Kidjack likes what he sees! "

The lights dim as the ECW theme kicks on and Stealth walks out onto the entrance ramp... the crowd cheers as he makes his way down to the ring...

Jesse - " The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the EWE X-Division Championship... making his way to the ring first... representing ECW... Stealth! "

Stealth climbs into the ring as "Girl's Not Gray" by AFI starts up and Benji Homan comes out onto the ramp with the X-Division title over his shoulder...

Jesse - " And the opponent... from Rochester, Minnesota... he is your current EWE X-Division champion... Benji Homan! "

Benji slides into the ring... the bell sounds...

Benji Homan{c} Vs Stealth

Summary: The two X-Division stars put on match just as good as their X-Cup match a few weeks back... Benji Homan tries to his the Dirty Stare... but Stealth reverses it and gets the quick roll up... while using the ropes... and gets the 3 count!

Winner: Stealth

Jennifer Sparks - " The following contest is scheduled for one fall. "

"Crack Addict" plays as we see Alex Stone making his way out to the ramp

Jennifer Sparks - " Making his way to the ring at this time. From Chicago Illinois Alex Stone!!! "

Stone makes his way down the ramp as we see him enter the ring going under the bottom rope. Stone stands up and walks over towards the ropes where he takes a moment to pose before his music stops

Jennifer Sparks - " And now his opponent. Making his way to the ring at this time from Dallas Texas Assassin!!! "

"The Outsider" blares over the PA as we see Assassin make his way down the ramp towards the ring. Assassin slides into the ring and stands on his feet as he & Stone stare off before the bell sounds

Alex Stone Vs Assassin

The bell sounds as we see both men circle the ring before tying up Assassin uses his weight to his advantage backing Stone into the ropes Assassin breaks the hold backing away as he smiles at Stone before taking a swing at him and connecting with a slap to the face

Tazz - " I'm sure this isn't going to set well with Stone. "

Stone runs his hand over his face and smiles at Assassin before charging at him taking his down with a tackle as he quickly follows up with punches to the face & body of his opponent. Assassin manages to roll Stone over as he delivers a knee to the side of Stone before getting top his feet as we see Stone do the same. Both men look at one another as they each nod there heads at each other before once again locking up

This time it's Stone using his size as he backs Assassin into a corner as we see the referee calling for a break. Stone backs away but not before taking a shot at Assassin rocking him with a right hand as Stone again smiles at Assassin. Assassin charges out of the corner but Stone is ready as he executes a hip toss to Assassin. Assassin gets back up and goes for Stone once again only to be hip tossed once more. Assassin rolls out to the floor shaking his head as a small Stone chant starts

Jonathan Steele - " Well Tazz it looks like Assassin is on the wrong end of things right now. "

The referee is now at the count of seven as we see Assassin roll back into the ring he stands up as Stone takes a swing at Assassin only to miss as Assassin ducks and lands one of his own. Assassin follows up with a knee to Stone's gut before whipping him into the corner. Assassin stops for a moment before charging into the corner after Stone who avoids contact as Assassin's shoulder slams into the ring post

Tazz - " Ouch that's not going to feel good in the morning. "

Stone pulls Assassin out of the corner as he goes to work on the shoulder of Assassin driving his elbow into Assassin's right arm. Stone continues the assault with a Russian leg sweep before making the cover 1..2.. Assassin kicks out. Stone goes right back to work on the shoulder of Assassin as he applies an arm bar keeping Assassin grounded to the mat. Assassin does manage to work his way to his feet using his left arm as he lands several punches to Stone finally breaking the hold before grabbing Stone and whipping him into the corner. Assassin charges after him splashing him into the corner much to the dismay of the crowd. Assassin backs up as Stone staggers out of the corner and right into the arms of Assassin who executes a perfect overhead belly to belly suplex before making the cover 1..2.. Stone kicks out

Jonathan Steele - " A close call by Assassin but Stone kicked out. "

Assassin gets up as he stalks after Stone looking to end the match. Stone gets to his feet as Assassin grabs Stone as he goes for the Free Fall but Stone counters the Free Fall from Assassin who turns right into the Stun Gun from Stone. Stone drags Assassin towards the corner as he climbs to the top coming off and hitting the Shooting Star Press as he makes the cover 1..2..3!!!

Jennifer Sparks - " Here's your winner Alex Stone!!!! "

"Crack Addict" comes over the PA as Stone gets to his feet and has his arm raised by the referee. Stone looks down at Assassin whose still laying on the mat after the Shooting Star Press. Stone shakes his head before leaving the ring as he makes his way up the ramp

Jonathan Steele - " Well Steele looks like Stone did it. He defeated Assassin avenging his loss to him before. "

Tazz - " Indeed he did Tazz. "

Jennifer Sparks - " The following match is scheduled for one fall and is for the EWE Women's title. "

"Time to Rock n Roll" comes over the PA as we see Trish make her way out to the ramp

Jennifer Sparks - " Making her way to the ring at this time the challenger for the Women's title Trish Stratus!!! "

Trish makes her way down the ramp to the boos from the crowd she climbs into the ring and poses before her music stops

Jennifer Sparks - " And now her opponent making her way to the ring at this time. She is the current EWE Women's champion and the longest reigning champion in EWE today Candice Michelle!!! "

"Love Me or Hate Me" comes over the PA as we see Candice make her way out to the ramp with the Women's title sitting on her right shoulder. Candice takes the belt off her shoulder displaying it for the crowd to see before making her way down the ramp still holding the title up for the fans. Candice slides the belt intro the ring and slides in after it only to be jumped by Trish as the bell sounds

Candice Michelle{c} Vs. Trish Stratus

The bell sounds as we see Trish mounting the champion as she rains down with right to the face and head of Candice finally Trish grabs hold of Candice's head slamming it into the mat before finally being pulled off by the referee. Trish starts to swing at the referee but stops as she turns her attention to Candice who is now standing on her feet Trish swings a right hand at Candice who ducks and lands right of her own. Candice fires back with a second and third before grabbing Trish whipping her into the ropes Candice catches Trish off the ropes with a Thesz Press right into a pin 1..2.. Trish kicks out

Tazz - " Interesting attempt at a pin by Candice. "

Jonathan Steele - " No kidding Tazz. "

Candice gets to her feet as she picks Trish up to hers as well Candice picks up Trish for a suplex but Trish counters the attempt into a DDT much to the dismay of the crowd. Trish then rolls over Candice making the cover 1..2.. Candice kicks out. Trish looks at the referee and begins to argue the count but stops herself as she instead picks up Candice throwing her into the corner Trish charges into the corner but Candice gets her foot up stopping Trish cold in her tracks. Candice climbs up to the second rope as she grabs Trish and comes off the ropes connecting with a spinning DDT off the ropes. Candice quickly follows this up with a cover 1..2.. Trish again kicks out

Suddenly we see Toxic Angel make her way down the ramp towards the announce table

Jonathan Steele - " Tazz looks like we might have a visitor. "

Angel walks over to the announce table putting on a head set as she takes a seat

Toxic Angel - " Hey guys I thought I'd get a first hand account of this match with you. "

Tazz - " Sounds good to me Angel. Besides Steele over there is a panty waste when it comes to these kind of matches. "

Candice gets up and begins stalking Trish whose slow to get to her feet Trish does manage to get to her feet. Candice makes her move going for the Go Daddy but Trish counters it with elbows to the head of Candice breaking the hold. Trish then follows up by taking hold of Candice's head as she looks to put her away with the Stratustfaction but Candice counters this pushing Trish out of the ring and to the floor instead

Toxic Angel - " Ouch looks like Trish took a nasty fall. "

Tazz - " Looks that way TA. "

Candice climbs out of the ring and goes right for Trish but she notices TA sitting at the announce table Candice makes her way towards the announce table as TA continues to sit there

Toxic Angel - " She better not come over here and screw with me. She's got bigger fish to fry right now. "

Candice reaches the announce table as she leans over getting into the face of TA as the two exchange words. The war of words continues as we see Trish get to her feet as she looks around finding Candice near the announce table Trish makes her way over grabbing Candice as she drives her head into the announce table before throwing her back into the ring

Toxic Angel - " See I told you she had bigger fish to fry. "

Trish climbs into the ring and waits for Candice whose slowly getting to her feet. Trish looks poised to hit the Chick Kick on Candice who turns around as Trish makes her move but Candice ducks as Trish swings and misses. Candice quickly follows up spinning Trish around and nailing the Go Daddy as she makes the cover 1..2..3

Jennifer Sparks - " Here's your winner & still EWE Women's champion Candice Michelle!!! "

Candice gets to her feet as the referee hands her the title belt. Candice takes the title and holds it high into the air before turning and facing the announce table as we see Toxic Angel standing up and applauding as Candice seems a little lost

Tazz - " Looks like TA has respect for Candice. "

Jonathan Steele - " That or maybe she's just playing with her. Preparing to make her first move. "

Candice turns away and climbs out of the ring as she walks up the ramp while the referee checks on Trish

The Camera's Roll Backstage where we see Various members of each team via split screen, getting ready for their big match..

"Prayer" by Disturbed stats to play as the ewe Workers finish constructing K~Dawg's house of fun. You can see a big Cage that locks similar to a Dog House and at the top is a Big Board with the word K~Dawg in Barbwire. Chained fence with weapons leads off of the sides of the cage with the weapons getting worse the higher it is. James walks out to a bunch of cheers.

Tazz - " Here we go boys K~Dawg's House of Fun. The next interpromotional match of the night. You ready for this one GreenRod... "

Kenny Greenwood - " It's Greenwood! And Yeah I am. This one is going to be excited. "

James poses at the entrance Ramp with Stacey Sinex. All of a sudden he his jumped by K~Dawg. The bell rings

James Ceno Vs K~Dawg

Tazz - " WOW! K~Dawg surprised James. He has rushed out of the gate as this match begins. "

Stacy backs away. K picks up James and starts to punch him. He then walks towards the set and launches him into it. A whole is in the tron now. Stacie watches anxiously. James falls to the floor. K picks him up instantly and hits him with a DDT. James falls to the floor clinching his face.

Tazz - " This has to be the most dominate I've ever seen K~Dawg against Any Ceno. "

Kenny Greenwood - " I agree...K's Win/Loss record against the Ceno's haven't been that great. "

K kicks James in the face. James starts rolling down the entrance ramp. K just laughs following him. He makes it half way and Stops. K grabs James and throws him into the guard rail. He fails into the Fans. Fans are going nuts. James slowly gets up as Dawg taunts to the fans on the opposite side K then runs towards the Guard Rail. He jumps on it and launches himself at James. James catches him in mid air. He then grabs him and gives him a suplex on the outside. The fans let out a loud oww.

Tazz - " A Suplex on to the Concrete that is insane pain Kenny. "

Kenny Greenwood - " Well That's how we roll on Xploison. No Pain No Game. "

James gets over the guardrail and starts to regain himself. He goes to check if Stacy is alright. He tells her to go back to the back. She does so and leaves ringside.

Tazz - " What is James Doing? "

Kenny Greenwood - " Securing the safety of Stacey that's what? "

K~Dawg plops over the Guard Rail. James looks at him. You see the intensity in James Eye. James Picks up K~Dawg and brings him towards the ring. He grabs K by the head and tosses him into the cage at Ring side. K~Dawg starts to Bleed.

Tazz - " The Dog is Red... "

James then starts to grate K~Dawg's face with the Cage.


He lets go after a few seconds and throws him into the Ring. James grabs a Staple Gun off of the Chained fence. He then looks at K~Dawg. HE lifts his head and puts a staple into his head. K~Dawg screams in pain and starts wobbling around like a fish


Tazz - " Jeez you're a wimp. "

James picks K~Dawg's head back up and Staples in the head again.

Kenny Greenwood - " OH GOD! "


James yells smiling. He throws the staple gun out of the ring and picks up K~Dawg. He then grabs K~Dawg and hits him with the Electric Fire. James goes for the pin. 1...2...K~DAWG KICKS OUT!


K~Dawg starts to rev up James can see this. James grabs a Steel Trash Can and goes to hit him. K~Dawg stops him and kicks him in the gut. He then takes the Trash Can and hits it over James's head. James falls to the floor as he starts to bleed. James starts to get back up. K hits him with another steel Trash Can shot. He lays the can on top of him. K goes to the ropes. He climbs up. He looks at the cage. He starts to climb to the top of the cage kicking off the K~Dawg sign. HE stands at the top of the cage. HE jumps off and goes off the cage with a Shooting Star Press. At the last moment James moves out of the way. K crashes into the can.


James goes for the cover. 1...2...K reverses it into a pin of his own...1...2...James reverses into another pin...1...2...K reverses it into James's own Shock Lock. James is in pain screaming in the middle of the ring.

Kenny Greenwood - " James is locked in his own move. "

Tazz - " GO K~Dawg! "

Kenny Greenwood - " Aren't you suppose to be impartial. "

Tazz - " NO I'm on Chaos, I can cheer for my own superstars. "

Kenny Greenwood - " Well fine then. MOVE TOWARDS THE ROPES JAMES! "

James slowly moves towards the ropes screaming I pain while the blood drips profusely to the ring. He slowly inches towards the rope. Step by step. Half fans are chanting James, half chanting K~Dawg. The K tries to pull his bitter rival away from the ropes but James is able to launch himself and grab a hold. K is forced to let go.

Kenny Greenwood - " JAMES REACHED THE ROPES! "

K looks around the chain fence and grabs a pizza cutter. He grabs James's head and starts to cut it with the pizza cutter. Some fans get sick at ringside seeing as they are eating pizza at this point in time.

Kenny Greenwood - " This is just sick! "

Tazz - " He's really juicing now Cole...I mean Kenny. "

After about a quarter of a minute, K gets another idea. He lets go of James and grabs the Barbwire board. He takes the board and puts the barbwire away from him. K then runs at James and launches off the ground. He then dropkicks the Barbwire Board into his face. It sticks to James face but K is able to get it off.


K goes for the pin. 1...2...KICKOUT!


K gets frustrated. He then signals Da Meat. Hook. He grabs James and goes to try giving him a modified Meet Hook into the cage. But at the last moment James modifies it into an Electric Fire into the Cage, the Cage collapse by the weight of the two men.



James rolls onto of K~Dawg. The ref counts. 1...2...3! Prayer by Disturbed starts to play as James slowly gets to his feet after the hard fought battle.

Jennifer Sparks - " HERE IS YOUR WINNER JAMES CE... "


The camera reverses to the Titan Tron. You see Chris Ceno. James watches. James's music cuts. Fans boo. Chris is holding something people think it's the World Title.

Chris Ceno - " James I would like to be the first to congratulate you on stepping down to a whole new low, struggling to beat K~Dawg. But that is besides the point. James...I'm here for one reason and one reason only. I haven't forgotten the day I "tapped out". It's haunted me since that day. You are undeserving to do such a feat. That's why I'm challenging you to a match in two weeks time, one more EXTREME then this. But I shall reveal that at a latter point in time. But for now I think I might have to give you some incentive. "

HE shows to the camera what he is holding. He is holding none other then James's baby Iyari! James gets infuriated.

Chris Ceno - " Nice Baby James! But it forces me to draw upon a tape that you have taped of yourself before our first match. One that you mention I am a better father then you will ever be. That point is true to the T and as a good father I believer you are a horrible one leaving Iyari all alone for a mid card two cent feud. Oh don't worry bout Stacie and her friend there fine...just a little beaten. "

He shows the camera Stacie and the other girl are gagged in the corner beaten. Chris smiles as he covers them up again. James is more infuriated now.

Chris Ceno - " James I suggest you meet me in the ring in two weeks or so. Or this might be the last you see of Iyari. Don't worry I won't hurt her. I just won't let you at her. Bye Bye James. "

Chris video feed ends. James is pissed. He grabs the ref and hits him with the Electric Fire.

Kenny Greenwood - " Chris has finally lost it and so has James. This whole feud has gone one wicked sick and twisted step farther. "

Tazz - " Close one door...another opens. "

Kenny Greenwood - " This one has been open a while. Chris is getting sicker and sicker as the day goes by. He is not a good choice for champion. It's like it has possessed him to do these evil days. "

Tazz - " It's safe to say Kenny...that Chris's time as Blue Panther is over. "

This Pay Per View was 2 Part.. Way Back Machine found Part One(all above), but Not Part Two..

Lead By Chaos General Manager: Shane McMahon
Chris Jerico
Triple H
John Cena
Lead By Xplosion General Manager: Rowdy Roddy Piper
Sean Lewis
White Tiger
Derek Daniels
Cameron Hayden
Lead By: Paul Heyman
Johnny Chaos
Android #18
Rob Van Dam
The Sandman
Lead By EWE Chairman: Vince McMahon
Chris Ceno
Jason Scott
Nero Phoenix
James Cage

Thanks to Staff Board, I do have the complete list of order elimination at least... granted me, being me(EWE Encyclopedia), I knew the Final 5 anyways.

1: James Cage
2: Edge
3: Derek Daniels
4: Jason Scott
5: John Cena
6: Mortis
7: Triple H
8: The Sandman
9: Eighteen
10: Nero Phoenix
11: White Tiger
12: RVD
13: Rikku
14: Predator
15: Chris Ceno [Corporate Evolution Eliminated]
16: Chris Jericho
17: Cameron Hayden
18: Johnny Chaos [ECW Eliminated]
19: LAW [Chaos Eliminated]
Last Man Standing: Sean Lewis [Xplosion Wins]

JAY: Extreme Team Challenge (Too bad it's gone now :P)

BJ: Shane/Piper, XD Title & Battle Royal

Cabbage: Monster's Ball & K~Dawg's House of Fun

Steve: Stone Vs. Assassin, TV Title & Women's Title

JAY 2022: Remastered Match Banners (ETC & Layout Banner is original graphics, not remastered, but that should be blatant)