DATE: January 29th, 2012
THEME: "Break" by Three Days Grace
VENUE: Wachovia Center - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
TURNOUT: 62 RolePlays

GEOFF: XD & Women's Championships
MIKE: Tag & Diva's Championships
JAY: Segments, Women's #1 Con, INT & Undisputed Championships, Undisputed #1 con.

After an opening video, "Break" by Three Days Grace Plays over the PA System. Pyro begins shooting off on the stage as the camera's pan around the arena for a few moments. It takes a look at the Double Stacked Cage hanging in the rafters, Bottom Cage more of a Hell in a Cell, top cage a roofed Cage. The camera's then eventually find the announcer's table.

" The Philadelphia crowd is rockin as we bring you live to the sold out Wachovia Center for the first edition of EWE Phase Three! I'm Jonthan Steele, of course joined by Jimmy Justice, and Jimmy, how big of a night are we dealing with here? "

" Huge night Steele, Huge Night. It's first ever in EWE History, every match will be contested in the very same environment. The Dangerous Double Stacked Cage that hangs above, is a symbol for the Three Phase Challenge, and will play host to the Phase Three Matches here tonight, that get it's name and rules from the Three Phase Challenge. "

" Not Every Match will be contested the same way though Jimmy. The 6 Championship Matches will indeed be Phase Three Matches. But I have it on authority that the two Number One Contender Matches will be different. The Undisputed #1 Contender Match, that is our Main Event, will be the Phase Three's father, the Three Phase Challenge, the fifth in EWE history. The Women's #1 Contender, is different from that too though. "

" Well let Jennifer Explain it Steele, cause the Ladies are already in the ring. "

As they eluded to, all the entries for the Women's Number One Contender Match are already in the ring. Jennifer Sparks is also in the ring as all our attention turns to her.

" Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome to the Phase Three Pay per View Event! "

The crowd cheers as Jennifer smiles.

" Though all the Championship matches here tonight will take place under the typical Phase Three Rules. The Two Number One Contender matches will be different. This opening contest is for The Women's Number One Contender Match, and similar to the Phase Three, all of these ladies will fight it out in the Phase Three Structure that will lower down in a moment. The Phase Three gets it's name, because it is Phase Three of the Three Phase Challenge, to a tee. Maybe you can call this first match, Phase Two. Because the rules are very similar to Phase Two of the Three Phase Challenge. The Diva's will fight it out, weapons legal, as they try to gain a pinfall and submission. The Only difference here, is that it won't be elimination. The First Diva to gain the pinfall or submission will win, and have a shot at the Women's Championship at WrestleMania 8!!! "

The crowd cheers again as Jennifer exits the ring. Lights flash around the double stacked cage as it begins to lower down slowly.

" What an interesting match this will be. "

" Kicking off Phase Three, with a Phase Two Match for the Women's Number One Contender for WrestleMania. "

" Basically, that's the easiest way to describe it, except it's One Fall instead of elimination. "

As the Cage hits the floor, the ref calls for the bell.

Open Invite

Early Moments: [The Ladies get right to it as the 7 get to scrapping, yes I did say 7 as Jenny Tuck and Keria Fisher have seemed to randomly enter this match as well. Those two go straight after eachother, while Abby and Faith battle, Michelle and Brookyn have a 3 way scrap going with Hollie. There's a few near falls in the early going, but mostly one counts before someone breaks it up, or they just kick out on their own.]

Midway: [After some plain cat fights and some near falls, it's finally time to see the hardware as Abby pulls a Kendo stick off the wall, but so does Hollie and the two have theirself a Sword fight with Kendo Sticks. Meanwhile Michelle hits Tuck with a roundhouse kick. She makes the cover, but Keira quickly breaks it up. Keira tosses Michelle out of the ring and grabs Tuck by the hair. Sin hits Tuck with a quick snap DDT. Before Sin can cover though, Faith hits her with, a chair! Faith covers and gets a two count before Brooklyn pulls her off. Brooklyn hits Faith with an inverted ddt and gets her own cover to get a two count. All the while, Hollie and Abby are still Sword Fighting on the outside with Kendo Sticks.]

Closing Moments: [As we start winding down to the closing moments. Brooklyn and Faith are going at it in the center of the ring. Faith hits Brooklyn with the Losing Faith! Faith can't cover though as she's quickly grabbed by Michelle and nailed with a Faith Breaker! Faith rolls out of the ring as Michelle turns back to Abby on the mat. She goes to grab Abby, but Abby quickly grabs Michelle and locks in THE ADDICTION! The crowd roars as Abby keeps it locked in and Michelle screams for freedom. Meanwhile Keira and Tuck are going at it again, where Keira hits Tuck with the DEADLY SIN! Sin is about to cover, but she's nailed with the RIM SHOT by Hollie! Michelle still screams and won't submit while Abby keeps The Addiction locked in, but Hollie covers Sin and scores the 1...2...3!]
Winner via Pinfall: Hollie Winder
Match Time: 8:25
Judges: 96% Average

"Sweet Child Of Mine" hits and the crowd begins to cheer as the ref raises Hollie's hand.

" Here is your winner, HOLLIE WINDER! "

Hollie begins celebrating, while Abby let's go of Michelle, slightly frustrated that, that just happened. Abby gets up and nods to Hollie before exiting the ring and the cage.

" Hollie has done it, She's going to challenge The Women's Champion at WrestleMania! "

" She can't remember her name half the time, but she's going to WrestleMania! "

Hollie continues to celebrate, as the camera's cut to a segment on the titan tron.

We once again see the same promo as we seen the last ShowDown.

The Camera's return to ringside where Jennifer Sparks stands by the Announce Table.

" " The Following contest is for the X-Division Championship and it is the first of Six Phase Three Matches! "

The crowd roars as Jennifer continues.

" In each of these matches, the competitors will compete in the double stacked cage, as the championship hangs above the structure. The First person to make their way all the way up, and unhook the championship will be the winner...and the Champion! "

The crowd cheers again then "Hardcore Country" blares over the loudspeakers and from behind the curtains comes Mickie James. She smirks and struts her way down to the ring to the boos of the fans. She then gets into the ring and waits for the match to start.

" And to think, this match started when the woman in the ring, kidnapped the champion's rubber duck. "

" Hey! Don't ever mess with another man's duck? "

" Excuse me? "

" What? "

" What did you say? "

" I said, don't ever mess with another man's duck. What did you think I said? "

" Oh, it sounded like you said something else. "

" Get your mind out of the gutter. Of course in Mickie's case, she probably does like to mess with another man's – "

" Anyway! Starting the match now! "

"Call on Me" by Eric Pryde blares over the loudspeakers and from behind the curtains comes Dustin. He runs out and holds the X division title up in the air…. Only to trip over his own feet and fall down the ramp and come to a stop at the ring apron.

" Oh my hero! "

" He is X division champion. I'm not sure how he won but I know he is here to defend it tonight. "

" X division champion? And the guy trips over his feet at the start of the match. Yay! Go Mickie! You at least have the skills to stay on your feet. However you are on your back the rest of the – "

" Let's see what the ring announcer has to say. "

" In this corner, the challenger coming in at 5'6. MICKIE JAMES!!!! "

the crowd pops and the boos in the building are deafening

" And this corner. From Reno, Nevada. He is the current X Division Champion. DUSTIN JOBBER!!! "

half of the fans cheer loudly for him, the other half are disinterested. The referee signals for the bell, the ring cage is closed and the bell rings. "

Dustin Jobber(c) Vs. Mickie James

[ Immediately Dustin dances a little jig to distract Mickie. She looks at him, then at the ref who shrugs his shoulders. She feints and mocks running after him and he backpeddles and covers his head. The audience laughs. Mickie gets closer to him and taps him on the head. He uncovers himself and she shouts. BOO! He jumps. Then he realizes she is within striking distance and goes up to her and plants a big sloppy wet kiss right on her lips. She struggles hard for a moment or two and then he lets go ]

" And that is how to win a match and to win the fans hearts over though he may not be getting any points with Mickie tonght. "

" That was a pathetic attempt to try and get out of this match. He should hang up his boots or in this case, sneakers, and retire, peacefully and quietly. "

Beginning Moments: [ The two hook up, break, hook up, and then she runs after him and he runs after her. Finally she has had enough and looks for a weapon to use. She grabs a steel pipe hanging on the side of the cage. He sees what she is doing and gets out a trash can lip and uses it as a helmet. He then gets a trash can and threatens her with it. She tries to use the steel pipe but can't seem to hit him. At 2:30, she manages to hit his arm and when he drops the can, she takes out his leg. He fights back with a kick to the stomach. She drops the pipe and doubles over. He looks around with a smile on his face, gets the pipe and uses it to spank Mickie really good. The crowd counts to 10. ]

" Oh! She is gonna hurt in the morning. "

" THAT is uncalled for. Look at that. She is such a pretty woman and he is abusing his privledge. "

" Privledge? Of what? "

" Being in that very same ring as her. The true X Division Champion. "

" Do you ever listen to yourself? "

Middle Moments: [ Mickie turns the tide and comes back with a strong offense. She even manages to get a whisper in the wind in there. A few chick kicks, a chair shot or two. But she misses a clothesline and Dustin comes back strong with a Chick Kick of his own, a few more slaps to her butt and a Fisherman's Suplex. ]

" WOW! Where in the world did he learn that move? "

" I don't know but it's impressive. "

" Not it's not! "

" Yes it is! "

" Not it's not! "

" No it's not! "

" Yes it- HEY WAIT! "

Middle Moments: [ Dustin finally gets serious and when she kicks out, he uses the one ladder that can be used for anything on her. He picks her up and irish whips her towards the cage wall but at the last second he reverses, and as he goes to the other side of the cage to get a good run, she breaks hard and turns around. She runs after him and then jumps and lands on top of him and all of a sudden she is wailing away at him, with lefts and rights. He covers himself and she doesn't realize she is just hitting his arms. She screams at the top of her lungs and then gets off of him to kick him in the stomach. ]

" Wow! Just a little pent up hatred here. "

" Serves him right for kissing her like that. Where does he get off doing that? "

" I think you are jealous. With his record he has now kissed more women than you. "

" That was low and uncalled for. Besides I've kissed plenty of divas and women in my time. "

" Any lately? "

" Well….I – "

" Didn't think so. "

Middle Moments: [ She goes over to him and picks him up by the hair and irish whips him into the cage but the move is reversed and she goes crashing into the cage hard. She falls back hard and rolls on the mat in pain. He stands over her and looks down and then around at the audience, which goes wild. He puts his hand in an imitation of John Cena and slowly bends over to do the "You can't see me" move which the audience yells out loud as he does. He brushes his shoulder and then points downwards and then does a fist drop right on her skull. ]

" OUCH! That had to hurt. That's abuse. "

" That's wrestling. "

" He can't do that to her. "

" He can and he did. "

Ending Moments: [ Mickie makes a comeback. Dustin and Mickie throws punches at each other with the audience either booing or cheering their favorite superstar. At 7:30, Mickie Flair chops Dustin to the chest. She does this several times. She then tries to Irish whip him into the cage but the result is the same. At 7:50, Dustin picks Mickie up and executes several head butts to her. She goes down hard and he walks around a little dizzy. Finally his head becomes clear again and he sees Mickie move. He axhandles her back and then picks her up for his finishing maneuver or actually rolls her up. "

" I believe he calls this move, Small Package of Extreme Discomfort. "

" I don't care what he calls it, he has no business being in the ring. "

the referee starts to count the three and then he realizes "wtf am I doing? This is a PHASE THREE match, there is no pinfalls in this, wow I'm a fuckin retard lmao I sure wish I looked at the rules of this match on the staff board before I did this." With that being said, Mickie kicks out and quickly clobbers Dustin with a MICK KICK! Mickie, then like supergirl, (because Jay doesn't feel like looking where exactly they are to finish off too much of this match) goes up the structure in super speed and unhooks the Title.
Winner via Retrieval: Mickie James(New Champion)
Match Time: 8:52
Judges: 4/4

"Hardcore Country" hits again as Mickie raises up the X-Division Title and the fans begin to boo.

" The winner of this match...and NEW EWE X-DIVISION CHAMPION...MICKIE JAMES! "

Mickie straps the title on her waist and climbs from the top cage, to the roof of the bottom cage.

" I can't believe it, Mickie James is the new X-Division Champion! "

" I can't believe it either, I'm not getting paid for this! I hope they pull off the Tag Title match. "

Mickie climbs down to the floor and takes her title back off to raise it up as she heads up the ramp.

The camera's come backstage where we see HHH walking out of his office, the crowd immediately boo to see him, clearly not forgetting what he did last time on ShowDown. HHH starts down the hall, but stops when he comes face to face, with Johnny Chaos. This causes a bit of mixed reaction now from the crowd, as the two just kinda stare eachother down. Johnny smirks and nods.

" I seen what you did to Dean last week.. "

" And.. "

" It was cool and all, I mean, I hate Dean too... "

" But.. "

" But I don't get it. "

HHH titlts his head.

" What's there that you don't get? "

" All this talk about The Cerebal Assassin being back. How does cheap shoting and beating the crap out of your best friend mean, The Cerebal Assassin is back? "

" Are you serious? "

Johnny nods his head.

" Quite. See, You're not defending your title tonight, are you? "

HHH slowly shakes his head.

" And you're not in the Three Phase Challenge, like me, are you? "

" I'm not, I'm the General Manager, what's your point? "

" The point is, The Cerebal Assassin ain't really back, is he? "

HHH starts to talk, but Johnny interupts.

" The Cerebal Assassin I know, wasn't in the office. He was in the ring, bashing people's brains in with his trusty Sledgehammer. "

The crowd cheers, agreeing with Johnny.

" You're one to talk about not competing. You're here for one night only, then you're going to fade off. "

" No, I'm here for more than just tonight. "

The crowd cheers.

" I'm headlining WrestleMania.. "

The crowd gives a mixed reaction as Johnny walks off. HHH just shakes his head.

" I don't see that happening. "

HHH turns around and is now face to face with a smiling Dutch Clark. The crowd just cheers again.

" Hey buddy, did ya miss me? "

" Not really. "

Dutch shakes his head.

" That's too bad. You was right though, Johnny's not going to headline WrestleMania.. "

" Of course... "

" Because I am. "

The crowd cheers in the background.

" I doubt that too. If any of you three losers who returned for this wins, it's going to be White Tiger, he's only been out of action for a month. "

" Valid point, me and Johnny have been out of the game alot longer than he has. When have you ever known me to be rusty though? This is ME we're talking about here, not you. "

The crowd pops in the background, feeling the burn.

" You mean the same guy who beat you to become the King of Kings Champion? "

Dutch smiles and nods his head.

" I recall DROPPING that title to you. "

" Whatever gets ya through the night.. "

Dutch chuckles and shakes his head.

" Watch it Hunter...I might have to prove to you.. "

Dutch gets in HHH's face.

" A Fixed Match is the ONLY way you could EVER, beat me. "

Dutch walks off with a cocky smirk, as HHH stares bullets in the back of his head.

The camera's return to ringside, where the cage has been cleaned and more weapons are back on the wall. We pan over to Jennifer by the announce table.

" The following contest is another Phase Three Match...and it is for the EWE INTERNATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP! "

The crowd cheers then "Officer Down" by Lloyd Banks hits the PA Speakers. The crowd continues to cheer as D-Dawg parts the curtains. Despite being more heel as of late, look at the venue...

" Introducing the challenger...from Dub C, Pennsylvania...weighing in at 222 Pounds...Da Original Gangsta...D-DAWG!! "

D-Dawg continues down the ramp, getting love from his home state. Dawg enters the cage door and climbs into the ring.

" D-Dawg has been on quite a roll as of late. "

" Let's hope it continues, at least for this match. I can't stand his opponent. "

" That makes, just you. "

The lights dim down and the crowd waits in anticipation.


"If Ya Smell..." Continues over the PA System and the crowd blows up when Rock parts the curtains. Rock is wearing black speedos that have a Gold Brama Bull on them. The International Title dangles in his hand.

" His opponent...from Miami Florida...weighing in at 260 pounds...he is the EWE International Champion......THE ROCK!! "

Rock continues down the ramp as the crowd continues to cheer and get excitted.

" Here comes the Most Electrifying International Champion in EWE History! "

"Oh please. "

" He's undefeated since the return from hiatius. "

"Ya, and with the exception of White Tiger, they are all questionable if you ask me. "

" What's that supposed to mean? "

" You know exactly what I mean, but I'm not going to break character. "

Rock enters the cage and climbs up the steps. Rock walks down the apron then climbs the turnbukle. He throws up his arm raising up the International Title as the crowd roars and takes pictures. Rock looks over at D-Dawg as he hops off the turnbukle and walks to the opposite turnbukle. Rock climbs it and raises up his title just as he did before. Rock gets down and hands the title to the ref as Rock and D-Dawg stare eachother over. That ref takes the title outside of the cage and hooks it up to the cable. The cable pulls the title up over the sides of the cages before it hangs over the center of the top cage. The ref locks the door back and calls for the bell.

The Rock(c) Vs. D-Dawg

Early Moments: [Not alot to tell in the early going, they have quite an actual Wrestling match for the most part in the early goings. We see some good chain wrestling between the two. Rock hits D-Dawg with float-over DDT before rolling out of the ring and pulling the ladder off the wall. The crowd of course cheers that. Rock then takes the Ladder inside the ring, but D-Dawg hits him with a cross-body before he can set it up. At 4:23 D-Dawg gets a chair off the wall and clobbers Rock right between the eyes. D-Dawg sets the Ladder up and makes his journey towards the second cage. He's almost there, when Rock knocks the ladder over and sends D-Dawg crashing to the mat!]

Midway: [There's plenty of failed attempts to reach the top cage. It's at 7:15 when the two of them are at the top of the ladder trading shots, then both climb into the top cage at the same time. The two go back and forth for awhile in the top cage now. D-Dawg pulls a lead pipe off the wall and clobers Rock right between the eyes! There's a mixed reaction from the crowd, still bigger Rock fans, as D-Dawg begins climbing the second ladder. D-Dawg gets about 3/4 of the way up before Rock comes up and hits him in the back. Rock grabs him and hits a back body suplex off the ladder back down to the caged floor! They both lay there for a moment catching their breathe. At 8:57 D-Dawg hits Rock with a Snap Supplex onto a Chair that was left on the floor! D-Dawg begins climbing again.]

Closing Moments: [D-Dawg is the first person to make it on top of the top cage at 9:34. D-Dawg walks over to the title and begins to unhook it. He gets two buttons un-done before Rock makes it up. D-Dawg sees this and charges at him to hit a quick Hell Line! D-Dawg grabs Rock up and sets him up for a Gangstafia, but Rock slips out and nails a ROCK BOTTOM! The crowd roars as Rock lays there to catch his breath. Rock crawls over to his title and stands up to un-hook a couple more of the 8 buttons. With 4 left, D-Dawg is back up, and Rock charges at him, D-Dawg ducks a clothesline, and hits a quick reverse neckbreaker! D-Dawg crawls back over to the title, but as he gets there, he sees Rock is getting up again so he doesn't even try it. D-Dawg charges at Rock, and Rock nails a quick SPINEBUSTER! the crowd roars as Rock sprouts up and stands by D-Dawg's head. Are we really about to see The Most Electrifying Move on the top cage? This answers that, as Rock kicks D-Dawg's arms straight and peals off one of his elbow pads. The crowd is roaring as he tosses the pad down into the waiting fans. He crosses his arms back and forth and then takes off. Rock stops at the hole, then turns back around to run and jump over D-Dawg. He stops again at the other edge of the cage. He turns back around and comes back to D-Dawg, nailing the PEOPLE'S ELBOW! The crowd roars as Rock walks over to his title. He looks at D-Dawg and smirks before yanking it off as the bell sounds.]
Winner via Retrieval: The Rock(Still Champion)
Match Time: 12:15
Judges: 4/5

"If Ya Smell..." hits again as Rock raises the title up on the top of the cage and the crowd roars.


" The Rock has won again! He's still the Champion...and Still undefeated since the return! "

"Good for him, least this one was more deserving than most of them. "

Rock continues to celebrate as the camera's fade to the titan tron.

The Phase Three structure has been cleared and is ready for the next match. In the ring stands Jennifer Sparks, holding both the tag team championships over her shoulder. She smiles and raises the microphone.

" The following contest is for the Tag Team Championships! "

The crowd begins to boo as "Kick It In The Sticks" by Brantley Gilbert plays overhead. Johnny Rebel Walks out, all by himself. He doesn't seem to phased as he cockily walks to the ring.

" Introducing first from Austin Texas, Johnny Rebel! "

Johnny makes it to the ring. He poses to the boos before the music changes to "Hardcore Country". the fans continue booing as Mickie James and Trish Stratus walk out on the stage. They nod to each other and head for the ring.

" Introducing second, representing the Queens of Wrestling. Mickie James and Trish Stratus "

The Queens make it too the ring. Suddenly the music switches over to Modern Day Cowboy by Tesla. The crowd erupts not for Christy but for Dutch Clark. The two walk out together stopping on the stage so Dutch can show off for the fans. Christy just shakes her head and follows him down to the ring.

" Team number three, Dutch Clark and Christy Chaos! "

They have made it to the ring. Dutch is pointing at Johnny, mentioning something about his lack of a partner. Mickie and Trish seem to be talking strategy as Christy just waits. The music changes to "Hell Yea" by Rev Theory. The crowd cheers as Hollie and Kelsi walk out on the ramp.

" Team number four, Hollie Winder and Kelsi Parr, The Experience. "

The two girls nod and run to the ring, diving in together. Kelsi and Mickie give each other a little nod of respect. "Call on me" by Eric Prydz plays as the crowd erupts again. Dustin Jobber and Mike Jobber come out of the back, getting an evil sneer from Mickie. They run to the ring but Mike stops halfway to catch his breath. Dustin climbs in the ring without him and the bell rings.

Open Invite

" Look at this idiot, covered in weapons. "

" Aren't you their manager now? "

" ………………. "

[ Dustin is blindsided by the Queens who begin a two on one beat down. Johnny Rebel brings the fight right to Dutch, not liking Dutch's earlier mocking. Hollie goes right after Christy, almost like she is out to prove a point. Kelsi sits back and watches the chaos, seemingly unsure what to do. Mickie and Trish begin pulling the weapons off of Dustin, taking the time to hit him with a few of them. Mike is outside, still trying to catch his breath. ]

" The Queens are giving that Jobber what he deserves. "

" If they keep losing, won't they fire you? "

" Dammit your right, Get Up Dustin! Hang on a minute. "

[ Jimmy leaves the table and walks over to Mike. He helps him to the ring and rolls his eyes when Mike says "Thank You Uncle Jimmy." He lets out a warrior yell and charges Mickie. Mickie answers this with a Mick Kick. Mickie shakes her head until she is suddenly nailed with The Drum Roll by Hollie. Hollie pins Mickie, forgetting that isn't how the match works. Dustin has fought back to his feet and is now ducking and countering Trish's shots, trying hard not to actually punch her. Dutch and Johnny are still going to blows as Christy dukes it out with Kelsi. Mike gets up and grabs a steel chair. He measures up Trish who is still busy with Dustin. Mike charges and swings at Trish but she flips over him. He nails Dustin with the chair. He apologizes before getting introduced to Charismatic Crush. Christy pulls down a walking cane and uses it on Rebel who had Dutch in a sleeper hold. ]

" This match is chaotic, and we haven't even gotten to the second level yet. "

" Sure about that? "

[ While everyone was fighting, Hollie has climbed into the second cage. Mike starts to follow but as soon as his head breaks the bottom of the cage, Hollie dropkicks him down. Dutch and Christy double suplex Johnny into the side of the cage. Mickie and Kelsi have renewed their rivalry and are trading blows. Trish climbs the ladder and joins Hollie in the second cage. Trish grabs a chair and nails Hollie in the head. Hollie struggles back a minute and shakes it off. Trish charges and Hollie flips over her, grabbing her head and slamming it into the wall. Hollie then tries to quickly climb to the top of the cage but she is pulled down by Christy who made her way up. Dutch has delivered The Furybreaker to Johnny after fighting his way back into the fight. Dutch handcuffs Johnny to the cage to take him out of the equation. Dutch climbs up the ladder as Kelsi hit's the KSTFO on Mickie. Kelsi follows Dutch and jumps on his back, putting on a sleeper. Christy picks the chair up and hits Kelsi off of Dutch's back. Trish charges Hollie, looking for a clothesline. Hollie back body drops Trish. Trish falls through the hole and falls on Mickie, Dustin and Mike who were about to go up the ladder. Dutch hits a reverse neck breaker on Hollie as Christy locks the CC Trap on Kelsi. Kelsi taps but of course that means nothing. Dutch and Christy pull the ladder into the second cage, cutting off entrance to the people at bottom. ]

" There's one way of cutting out the competition "

" And the Experience isn't looking so hot right now. "

[ Dustin tries to leap up to the top cage but it is too far. He even has Mike put him on his shoulders, but the duo just falls over. Mickie and Trish walk to the side and ask for the door to be open for them. At top, Christy has scaled to the top. Dutch keeps watch at bottom , waiting for the girls to move. Hollie out of nowhere, spins on the ground and sweeps Dustin's legs. She climbs up the ladder and begins to brawl with Christy. Kelsi gets up, holding her back. Dutch sets her up for a Furybreaker but Kelsi squirms free. Kelsi kicks Dutch and suplex him. Being dazed, she doesn't pay attention to where they are at. The suplex sends both of them crashing to the mat below. The cage door has been opend so Mickie and Lita can climb out. They are also trying to get Johnny free. Up top Christy has planted Hollie with a DDT. She tries for the title but again Hollie manages to sweep her legs. Hollie grabs for the titles but Christy hits her with a belly to back suplex. She waits until Hollie stands and dropkicks Hollie off to the top of the second cage. The crowd gasps as Christy drops to all fours to catch her breath. Hollie slowly climbs to her feet as Christy starts for the belts. Kelsi yells out from the floor and tosses Hollie her Catwoman whip. Hollie uses it to wrap around Christy's neck. She pulls Christy down to her level. Hollie tires to tie up Christy but Christy fights back. Christy head butts Hollie hard. Both stagger back. Hollie looks at the whip on her hand confused, obviously back to herself. This is all the opening needed as Christy nails one last Charismatic Crush on Hollie. She uses Hollie's own whip to tie Hollie's foot down. Christy climbs to the top again as Kelsi and Mickie start climbing from the bottom. Too little too late as Christy pulls down the belts and the bell rings. ]
Winners via Retrieval: Dutch Clark & Christy Chaos(New Champions)
Match Time: 8:13
Judges: 2/3


"Bitter Taste" by Three Days Grace plays as Christy holds up both titles. Kelsi made it up and is checking on Hollie. Christy tosses the titles down to Dutch and begins scaling down so they can celebrate together. The scene fades to the back as Dutch and Christy hold up their newly won titles.

Backstage we see Leticia Cline standing in front of the Phase Three Logo, she's clearly on the interview set.

" Hello EWE Fans, allow me to introduce my guest at this time...the Undisputed Champion, Alessandro Quagliaterre! "

There's a mixed reaction from the crowd when the camera pans enough to show Alessandro standing next to her, Undisputed Title over his shoulder.

" Alessandro. You were the man who came up victorious in the first ever Phase Three Match, mind you not the first Three Phase Challenge, but the first Phase Three. Tonight you are defending your title in the very same match, and agains the same person who came so close to beating you in that same match at WrestleMania, Christy Chaos. "

" Why are we doing this? I already said all I needed to say about Christy in my promos. At WrestleMania, I had the night of my life. And the biggest part of that night, came when I survived the Phase Three Match and became Mr. Money in the Bank. I took that same briefcase, and turned it into the title I have now, the Undisputed Championship. "

" You're not worried at all? "

" I don't need to be worried. She's gonna do what she does best, and choke. While I do what I do best, win, and remain the Undisputed Champion. "

Alessandro walks off as Leticia shrugs.

The bell rings once as Jennifer Sparks stands in the Phase Three structure. She raises her microphone.

" The following contest is for the Divas Championship! "

LoveFuryPassionEnergy by Bot Hits Car plays overhead as the fans begin to boo. Lita walks out from the back and holds up her ill gotten title. She poses with it on the stage before heading toward the structure.

" Introducing the challenger: From Atlanta Georgia, representing The Queens of Wrestling. Lita! "

Lita is just about to the cage when the crowd erupts. Lita is floored from behind by Madelyn. Madelyn picks Lita up and slams her face first into the cage wall. She picks up the Divas title and holds it up as the fans cheer. She hands it to the referee as he quickly goes in the ring and hooks it to the hook which travels up to the top of the structure. He quickly bails as Madelyn has grabbed Lita and tossed her into the cage. The bell rings and the match is underway.

Madelyne "Shadow" Wright(c) Vs. Lita

" What a cheap shot by Madelyn, Lita wasn't ready! "

" After everything Lita has put her through over the past few weeks, it's about time she got what was coming to her, "

[ Maddy walks over to the cage wall and picks up a steel chair. She waves her hand for Lita to stand up. Lita does slowly, her back to Madelyn. She turns around and is cracked right between the eyes. Madelyn delivers two more chair shots before tossing the chair aside. She walks slowly around the cage, looking at the weapons like she is window shopping. She finds a kendo stick and whacks Lita as she had climbed up on all fours. She helps Lita to her feet and places the kendo stick around her neck before delivering a Russian Leg Sweep. She whacks Lita a few more times before tossing the weapon aside. She points at her title hanging overhead as the fans cheer. She walks over for the ladder. ]

" Looks like Madelyn is headed for the next layer. "

" This isn't fair to Lita, she never had the chance to even get into this match. "

" Serves her right. You can only push people so far before you find their breaking point. "

[ Madelyn has set up the ladder. She positions it under the hole and begins her climb. As she gets about half way up, Lita gets to her feet and comes under Madelyn, picking her up on her shoulders. She delivers an Electric Chair Drop onto the chair dropped earlier. Maddy cries out, holding her back. Lita takes a few moments to catch her breath and slowly climb to her feet. She finds a leather strap hanging on the cage. She pulls it down and begins whipping Madelyn on the ground. Lita picks Madelyn up and hit's a quick DDT. She is quick to climb up the ladder to the next level. She notices the Madelyn is getting up so she grabs the ladder and pulls it up to the next level with her. The fans boo as she mocks Madelyn. ]

" That a girl Lita. Now go claim what is yours. "

" Things are looking bleak for Madelyn. "

[ Lita starts up the second ladder. Madelyn picks up the chair and sets it down in the middle of the ring. She bounces off the rope, leaps on the chair, and is able to grab the bottom of the hole. She pulls herself up and does a quick handstand, wrapping her legsa around Lita's next. She flips her back off the ladder and intt the cage floor. Madelyn straddles Lita and begins pounding her with right hands. ]

" What a move by Madelyn, she won't give up the title so easily."

" Lita is still in this."

[ Madelyn slowly makes her way to the top of the cage. She starts working the title loose when she is joined by Lita. The two trade blows for a moment before Madelyn grabs the belt and slams Lita's head with it. Lita falls back, almost off the side. The crowd cheers as Madelyn almost unhooks the belt. Suddenly she is speared hard by Lita. Madelyn falls off the top cage and lands on the roof of the second. Somehow, Lita was able to pull away and stay on the top. After catching her breath, she goes and pulls the title down. The crowd begins to boo as Lita hugs the title close, dropping to her knees. ]
Winner via Retrieval: Lita(New Champion)
Match Time: 7:43
Judges: 4/4

" Here is your winner and…..NEW Divas champion, Lita! "

" Madelyn gave it her best, but Lita was just too much for her. "

" And now the title is back where it belongs, I knew Madelyn's win was just a fluke. "

Lita climbs down the cage and finds Trish and Mickie waiting for her. The three walk to the back celebrating as the scene goes to the back.

Christy and Dutch are in their locker room, still celebrating the Tag Title win. Christy stops and looks at her Tag Title, Dutch picks up on this and looks to her.

" What's up babe? "

" This was only part one.. "

Dutch cocks an eyebrow.

" Oh? "

Christy nods.

" I promised the World I would enter with nothing, and leave a Double Champion. "

Christy shows the Tag Title to Dutch.

" I'm only halfway done. "

" I got faith in ya. "

" You're kinda supposed to.. "

Dutch nods.

" True, but this is Alessandro we're talking about here. That guy ain't worth Dr. Quackteron's Droppings. "

" I wasn't aware a stuffed Animal had Droppings.. "

Dutch scratches his head and nods.

" That sounded better in my head. "

Christy rolls her eyes.

" I'm gonna go warm up. "

Christy pecks Dutch on the cheek then heads out of the locker room. Dutch smirks and nods before plopping on the couch and admiring his Tag Title.

The lights go out and a single white and purple spotlight comes up at the entrance.

" Oh man. Here is gonna be a match for the ages. "

" Yes, but we can't forget that she lost to the champion last week. "

" That's not her fault. You can blame that on Christy. As per usual. "

" I can't believe I'm saying this but I agree with you. "

" Can I have that in writing? "

A figure appears at the top of the ramp. It is Vespertine. She wears tight black wrestling pants, black wrestling boots, black kneepads, a silver sequined female wrestling sports bra type top with no sleeves, and her black trenchcoat. Depending on her mood, her hair is either straight and stringy or up in curls with hi lites. The song "My Fatal Kiss" by Krypteria starts low on the loudspeakers and then comes up strong. Her arms are outstretched and her head is looking up in a sort of Michael Jackson pose. She slowly looks down and brings her arms in then she takes a few steps and stops at the top of the ramp. She looks around for a minute with a sort of smirk/smile on her face and then suddenly points to the ceiling where fireworks/crackers go off above the audience and fire pyro pillars go off on the stage all around her. She starts walking towards the ring and when she gets to it, she stops, looks around and then hopes up on the ring apron. Turns around to look out at the audience and then flips backwards over the ropes into the ring using the top rope as leverage. She goes to the center of the ring and looks around. Suddenly she spreads her arms out again and puts her head up and on cue, fire pillars come out of each turnbuckle. When they die down she takes off her trenchcoat and warms up a bit for her match.

" Here is your challenger. From San Francisco, Ca. coming in at 5'5, she is the Asian Invasion, VESPERTINE!!!!!! "

" Wow, she looks more determined than ever. After that miserable failure she had in her earlier match I'm surprised she would want to show her face again. "

" Just a little harsh are we? "

" Well you gotta admit, even with the Hedgehog in the match and the Duck, she was still out of her league there. "

" But now she faces Amelia tonite for the Women's championship title. And there is where she should keep her focus and determination. "

" Oh listen to you, going into expert mode over here. "

" I'm serious. If she wants to start making a name for herself like she says, she should give up her quest to become World Champion, at least for a year and focus on this match right here. Having a women's title isn't bad. It's a first step to something greater. "

Suddenly *"Killing in the Name" by Rage Against the Machine blares over the loudspeakers and from behind the curtains comes Amelia Pieterson.

Told to insert Entrance, when noone does detailed entrances? None the less Amelia Enters, easy peasy! GO JAY!

" And the Champion. From St. Louis, Missouri, she is currently the EWE Women's Champion. Amelia "The Phoenix" Pieterson!!!!!! "

Amelia "The Phoenix" Pietersen(c) Vs. Vespertine

[ the doors are closed behind them, the bell rings and the match starts. Right away both women look around, spy the various weapons they want to use and head straight for them. They stare at each other for a few minutes. Vespertine slowly lowers her weapon and then puts up her fists to indicate they should fight barehanded. She then puts her hand up to indicate a strength test. Amelia looks around at the audience and starts to chuckle. She lowers her weapon and goes up to Vespertine and raises a hand to get into the test. Both women push with all their might and suddenly both get the same idea: kick the midsection, which they do. Both fall backwards on the floor and roll around in pain. Amelia grabs the ropes first and then goes over to Vespertine to stomp a mudhole in her but Vespertine sees this and when her boot comes down, she stops it and tries with all her strength to keep her from doing it. Still holding on to her boot, she does a Shawn Michaels kipup and Amelia finds herself on the losing end of this but can't take her foot back as Vespertine has it. Vespertine forces it away and Amelia follows through with a Dragon Whip Kick but Vespertine ducks that and attempts a standing spinning heel kick herself which Amelia dodges also. They go back and forth for several minutes with various martial arts moves neither one gaining the advantage. Finally Vespertine has had enough of this and flips backwards to get out of her range. Amelia smirks and then grimaces as she gains steam to go after her. ]

" OH! Vespertine caught it and sent her into the cage. Amelia crashes hard. "

" This is going to be one hella cool match to watch and one that is going to take a lot out of them. But WOW! Worth it to watch right now. Go Vesey! Go Amelia! "

" Who are rooting for? "

" Me. Probably because whatever happens after this match, I get to watch two hot women beat each other up. "

" Yep, that's the spirit. "

[ Vespertine goes over to Amelia and with a feral look in her eyes, she picks Amelia up by the hair and takes her to the cage where she rubs her face against it. This opens Amelia up. ]


" Weren't you saying earlier you don't want anybody messing up their good looks in the cage. "

" Yes but now that they are open, it is ON! BOOYAH! I'm enjoying this. "

[ Vespertine bashes Amelia's head against the cage one last time and then throws her down on to the mat. Amelia covers her head for a second. Vespertine looks around for a weapon and upon spying a chair, she unhooks it and then goes over to Amelia and stands over her with the chair pointed downwards. Amelia stops rolling around and just as quickly gets Vespertine into a small package where the referee counts to three. The chair crashes on both of them but they ignore it. At the 2, Vespertine kicks out. ]

" Oh man, Vespertine looks mad now. And she's really taking it to Amelia by stomping a mudhole in her. "

" Extreme to the max. That's what this federation is all about. I love it! "

[ Vespertine stops stomping on Amelia and looks around for a weapon. She spies a trashcan and goes over to get it but this gives Amelia time to recover and get up and go after a lead pipe hanging on the wall as well. She hides it behind her back and turns around to stalk Vespertine. Vespertine turns around and lifts the trash can over her head to bring it down on Amelia. Before she can do that though, Amelia has brought the pipe out and has smashed it, pipe end first across Vespertine's forehead. Vespertine goes down hard. Amelia keeps hitting Vespertine with that pipe across the back. She finally throws it away and takes Vespertine, turns her over and we see that she is now open and bleeding. Amelia keeps punching away at the wound. Blood flies everywhere. ]

" WOW! Can't say that Amelia won't do anything to keep her title. I think this is proof that she will. "

" Come on, Amelia, open her up more. Make her feel pain. She likes pain. She said so herself. Give it to her hard. "

" Calm down boy! "

[ Vespertine at this time is screaming at the top of her lungs but can't seem to get out of the situation. Finally Amelia has had enough and pushes Vespertine to the floor. She gets up and we can see her hands are covered with blood. Both hers and Vespertine's. She takes her hand and licks the blood off of it. She smiles a feral grin and then with the other hand, she takes the blood and rubs it all over her face. She gets down and covers Vespertine for the three count. By this time, Vespertine's entire face is a crimson mask of blood and it seems she is leaking too because blood seems to be gushing out everywhere from her. The referee starts the three count but at 2 and a half, Vespertine kicks out. Amelia goes into a rage and start berating the referee. She pushes him away and you can hear her say ] A: You aren't afraid to bleed? Well then let's bleed you dry BITCH! "

[ She tries to stomp on Vespertine again but the referee forces her away. She then goes over to him and gets in his face. ]

" Amelia! Don't focus on the ref. Focus on the match. Cover Vespertine. COME ON! "

" How did Vespertine kick out after that attack? "

" I don't know but it's good because the match and the blood can continue. Women bleeding. Whoda thunk it. "

" You evidently. This match should be stopped, Vespertine can't take anymore "

" Did you hear Amelia say: "You aren't afraid to bleed. Then let's bleed you dry, bitch"? Wow. I love it! "

" This has gotten personal, we should probably get a medical crew down here. "

[ As Amelia berates the referee more, Vespertine comes to and looks around and spies the lead pipe from before. She grabs it and goes for a low blow, ala Chyna, which stops Amelia cold and doubles her over. She falls to the floor and groans in pain. Vespertine then takes the front end of the pipe and starts to bash on the back of Amelia's knee. She does this several times. She then throws it away and gets on top of Amelia and chokes her out. ]

" That's a good move. She should continue to do that. "

" I don't know if these two can- "

[ suddenly in her fury, Vespertine screams at the top of her lungs and you can hear her yell ] V: DIE, you bitch! DIE! "

[ Vespertine then gets up runs to the side of the cage, climbs up halfway and then turns around, dives off and executes a perfect Senton Bomb right on Amelia's stomach. Amelia rolls around some more and is starting to cough up blood. Vespertine looks to be out cold but when the camera focuses on her face, we see her eyes are open and she is breathing. From somewhere the chant of "Holy s**t" comes up which is soon followed up by a chant of "Let's Go Vesey! Let's go!" ]

" I don't know John, I'm behind this crowd 100%. I can see these two doing more. I want to see these two do more regardless of whether there is blood or not. "

" This can't go on. These two women are killing each other. Over what? Honor and a title. This match needs to stop. "

[ Both Amelia and Vespertine are slowly coming too. Amelia is up first. She sets Vespertine up for a Faith Crusher. But somehow Vespertine has the wherewithal to wriggle out and arm twist/arm bar Amelia to the mat. She puts Amelia in the Cross face and locks it in tight. ]

" Does she know she can't win that way? "

" Forget that. Did you see that she wriggled out of Amelia's Faith Crusher. She had the wits enough to do that! WOW! Just wow! "

[ Vespertine finally realizes that indeed, you can't win that way so she lets go of a semi conscious Amelia and looks around. She spies the escape ladder on the opposite side of the cage and goes over to hook it up to the top ladder. This depletes her remaining energy and for a few minutes she sits down near the bottom rung to catch her breath. She has no strength left when she sees Amelia start to move and crawl to her feet. Amelia sees her and goes over and kicks her in the head. Vespertine lays there looking straight up. Amelia doubles over and catch her breath. She is now bleeding from the mouth and blood is pouring out that way. A chant of "A- MEL-IA" starts up from somewhere which is soon followed up by "Let's Go Vesey, Let's Go!". Amelia starts to climb the ladder. She is a rung or two up when Vespertine starts to move and sees her, then starts to shake the ladder. She sees her results which is Amelia hangs on for dear life and then she starts to shake harder. She climbs up a rung, grabs a hold of Amelia's foot and pulls down. Amelia falls a step but then hangs on and with her other foot, she kicks at Vespertine's hand which forces Vespertine to let go ]

" WOW! Where do these two find the strength to do that? "

" A title is on the line here John, you of all people should know that. When titles are on the line, everything is at stake and people will stop at nothing. "

" This match can't continue. They have no strength left. "

" That's where you are wrong. As long as that title is hanging up there like a piece of meat, both women will continue and they won't stop until either or are dead. "

[ Vespertine looks around and decides to do something else. She spies the lead pipe, goes over to pick it up and bangs it around the back of Amelia. This stops Amelia's descent up. This also gives time for Vespertine to quickly make her way towards the outside cage and while Amelia climbs up a few more rungs, Vespertine gets to her height and then slowly carefully turns around. She looks around and judges the distance of where she is at to the ladder and then looks down to the ground ]

" Oh no! She can't be thinking of doing that. "

" I think she is going to for it. GO Ves go! "

" She looks like she is judging the distance! She seriously can't do this. It'll break her. "

[ All of a sudden in a whirl of motion, Vespertine jumps from the side of the cage and spears Amelia off the ladder but somehow they twisted in midair and turned around to where Vespertine lands first and Amelia second. Vespertine lands right on her back with Amelia beside her but with Vespertine's arm to cushion the blow under her. ]

" OH MY GOD! She is broken in half! Oh my god! NO! She is dead! Oh my god! Get the medics out here! Oh my god! "

" She did it! She f**king did it! I can't believe it. She jumped halfway across the ring, halfway up the cage to spear Amelia off the ladder out. "

" Can we get a crew down here. She killed herself. Oh my god. That was unbelieveable! Both women are out cold but that was unbelieveable. "

" I told you this was going to be a hella good match. Look they aren't even stirring yet. Oh wait… did I see an elbow move? Nope, false alarm. "

" You're an idiot. Don't get me going like that. Both of them are dead! "

[ Both women are out, Vespertine's eyes are closed and blood is now pouring from her mouth as well. Amelia's eyes are open but glazed over. She now has a few more scratches and cuts than before. Amelia is the first up. She uses the ladder to pull herself slowly up. She isn't aware of her surroundings but is focused on climbing that ladder. ]

" She is up and she is moving! Incredible. I guess Vespertine took the most from that impact. WOW! "

" She's going for it! She's going to retain her title. I think we can safely say that at this point, she is the winner. "

" I have to agree with you. "

" Wow second time tonite. Can I get that in writing? "

[ Amelia is halfway up the ladder when Vespertine starts to stir. She gets to her feet, looks around and then slowly looks up. Her shoulder's hunch as if in defeat but she does what she did before and starts shaking the ladder. This time though, she has no strength left and her shaking is barely noticeable. Amelia continues to climb. Vespertine looks around and sees the lead pipe with the blood on it. HER blood. She goes wobbly, picks it up and throws it at Amelia, it hits Amelia's lower back. This move slows Amelia down a bit but doesn't stop her. Vespertine looks around and sees another ladder, a 10 ft ladder and goes to set it up. From somewhere she gets the energy to quickly climb it and grabs Amelia's foot. She hands on to Amelia's foot and Amelia is hanging onto the title hanging at the top of the cage. Slowly she reaches up to unhook the title. Time slows down ]

" Come on, Amelia. Just a little bit more. You can do it! Come on! "

" I thought you were rooting for Vespertine. "

" Vespertine is the loser in this match in my book but you know who the winner is. "

" Amelia? "

" Well her too but the winner of this match is US and the audience. That was one hell of a performance put on by two lovely ladies. This is a match for the ages. One we won't ever forget. "

" If they survive this match, both women will be famous. "

" And that's a good thing in my book. "

[ Amelia finally has fully unhooked the title. Vespertine tries one more time to pull her off of it but to no avail. Amelia gets the title and goes to the side of the ladder to celebrate her victory. She is tired, howevere so she falls to the mat below. Vespertine lays on the ladder exhausted. ]

" She did it! She retained it! Oh my god! These women gave it their all. We have to get a medical crew in here. "

" Here is your winner and still Women's Champion: AMELIA Pietersonnnnnn!!!!! "

Winner via Retrieval: Amelia "The Phoenix" Pietersen(Still Champion)
Match Time: 15:16
Judges: 3/4

Amelia gets on her knees and cradles the title to her chest. The cage door is opened and a medical crew comes in, two go to Amelia and two go to Vespertine. They see she is in the worse shape so a third person helps her. They have to untangle her from the ladder and help her down.

" You know me, I'm never usually impressed by the women in this federation. But you know what, (he stands up to clap) These two women have fully, dully, impressed me. My hat's off to them. Amelia deserves the title and Vespertine deserves any accolades she can get. "

" I'm with you there. I hope these two can still perform come ladies night. Or at all. That was a brutal match. "

Someone has thrown a coat over Amelia and is helping her out of the cage and up the ramp. Vespertine lays on the mat, not moving and coughing up blood. Someone calls for more help and a stretcher comes to the ring. The audience goes silent as they watch the medical crew lift her body from the ring to the stretcher and carefully lift her up and go through the ropes to take her out.

" I swear in all my years of calling matches, I have NEVER, ever see anything like that. "

" And you never, EVER, will again. I hope they have more matches in the future. These two women are unbelieveable and they are hot which is an added bonus. "

" Oh wait. What are they doing? "

The medics have wheeled the stretcher to the top of the ramp but Vespertine has told them to stop. She gets off the stretcher, doubles over and coughs up some blood but when she is done, she stands straight up and puts her arm in the air. The audience goes wild with delight. The chant of "holy s**t" starts up as well as the chant of "Let's Go Vesey, Let's GO!"

" My hat is off to the two young ladies. This is how far our women's division has come. And how far they are willing to go to battle for a title. These two are amazing athletes and I hope we will see them more in the future. "

" I have a newfound respect for both competitors. Yes, Vespertine lost but she gave it her all and wowed the crowd and me and THAT is usually very hard to do. Amelia retained her title and fought tooth and nail to keep it going against a competitor who in her own right is worthy of that title as well. "

Vespertine gets back on the stretcher and is wheeled away..

Again same promo as we seen the last ShowDown.

The camera returns to ringside where Jennifer is once again ready.

" The following contest is the final Phase Three Match of the Evening, and it is for the EWE UNDISPUTED CHAMPIONSHIP!!! "

The crowd cheers as the lights dim and we wait a few moments. Then "Bitter Taste" by Three Days Grace hits over the PA System. The crowd gives a mixed reaction when Christy parts the curtains, Tag Title around her waist.

" Introducing the Challenger....from Kansas City Missouri...she is One Half of the NEW EWE Tag Team Champions....CHRISY CHAOS!!"

Christy continues her way down the ramp, not much caring what the fans are doing.

" One half of the new Tag Team Champions, after her and Dutch won them earlier. "

" She's only half way done if she hopes to keep her promise of leaving a Double Champion. "

" It certainly won't be an easy promise to fulfill, she has to overcome Alessandro. "

" Even Chris Fame's pathetic ass beat Alessandro...Twice. "

Christy enters the cage and enters the ring. She takes her title off and raises it up for a moment before handing it off to the ref, who hands it to an outside ref and takes it to the time keeper. As her music fades there's some silence for a few moments before..

What's wrong with me?
Why do I feel like this?
I'm going CRAZY NOW!

"Disturbia" by Rihanna hits over the PA System. The crowd continues to give a mixed reaction as Alessandro comes through the curtains Undisputed Title over his shoulder.

" Her opponent, from Alpine New Jersey...weighing in at 240 pounds...he is the EWE Undisputed Champion....ALESSANDRO QUAGLIATERRE!!"

Alessandro continues down the ramp, glaring at Christy inside the ring.

" Where's Jack at? He's missing another match. "

" He was banned from ringside by Alessandro, and everyone else by Triple H, thanks to Alessandro's persuasion. Don't you pay attention? "

" I pay enough attention to know that, as of this very day. Alessandro has tied White Tiger's Record for Longest Reigning Undisputed Champion. "

" So basically, if Christy wins, he stays tied. If Alessandro wins, he becomes the new longest reigning Champion. "

" Pretty much. "

Alessandro enters the cage, and then the ring. He looks at Christy while he raises up the Undisputed Title. He gives a slight smirk, watching as he sees the slight envy in her eyes. Her deep hunger to be the Undisputed Champion. After teasing her for a moment longer he hands the title to the ref. The Ref, like all the other times, takes the title outside the cage and hooks it up to the cord. The ref locks the door as it once again drags up the side of the cages and hangs above the center of the top Cage, the ref calls for the bell.

Alessandro Quagliaterre(c) Vs. Christy Chaos

[ Christy and Alessandro stare at eachother for a moment. Both seeming to wait what the other is gonna do first. Suddenly they both roll out of opposite sides of the ring. Christy grabs a 2x4 while Alessandro grabs a Chair. The two both slide back in the ring with their weapons and still look who's going to strike first. ]

" They're both loaded, but who's going to unleash first? "

[ Alessandro taunts Christy to "come on" as he smacks the mat a couple times with the chair. Christy does the same thing with the 2x4. Alessandro shakes his head, and tells her to come on again. She starts to run, but only takes 1 step before she stops, then chucks the 2x4, catching an unsuspecting Alessandro in the face! ]

" You know that hurt. "

" It was certainly...un-orthidox. "

[ Christy holds out her hands and bows to the fans. Proud of herself. It's kind of cocky too, someone has been around their brother lately. Alessandro starts to get back up, but Christy sprints and nails him with a FURIOUS DDT! RIGHT ON THE CHAIR HE DROPPED TOO! ]

" Holy Shit! She just gave him a Furious DDT onto a Chair! "

" Compliments of her partner I imagine. "

[ Christy rolls out of the ring and grabs the ladder off the wall. She slides it into the ring, getting the approval from the fans. She climbs in and sets it up in the center of the ring. ]

" Christy's already heading for the second cage! "

" Might be a little too early, but fuck it...go get that title! "

[ Christy gets about half way up the ladder when Alessandro gets up and quickly shoves it over. Christy comes down to crash on Alessandro, but he catches her on his shoulder and drives her down to the mat with a front powerslam! Alessandro picks Christy back up and flings her in the air over to the turnbukle, where her face bouncess off the top turnbukle. The Crowd gives out a big "ohhh" as Alessandro sets the ladder back up. ]

" That was just brutal. "

" That's why girls don't belong in the ring with men. "

[ Alessandro starts climbing the ladder while Christy lays on the mat, holding her face. As Alessandro gets half way up, Christy pulls herself up in the corner. She begins to un-hook the Tag Rope off the corner, leaving everyone confused. Now that she has the rope in her hand she starts up the ladder, same side Alessandro is on. Alessandro has reached the top and about to reach up for the entrance hole of the top cage, when Christy comes up behind him and grabs his neck with the rope! Christy starts choking Alessandro, as everyone looks on shocked! ]

" What the hell is she doing?! "

" Whatever it Takes Steele, Whatever it takes! "

[ Christy clenches the rope tight and leaps off the ladder. Alessandro gets drug with her, as they both crash back down to the mat! The crowd roars with a "Holy Shit" chant as they both just lay there. After laying there for a little bit, Christy is the first to move as she crawls over and grabs the chair. She uses the chair to push herself back to her feet, then waits for Alessandro. As Alessandro gets up, Christy swings for the fences, but he ducks and locks in a modification of The 8th Avenue! As he goes to fall back, Christy brings the Chair back, and cracks him in the skull, to break it loose! ]

" What a Shot! "

" That made quite an echo.. "

[ Christy drops the chair and goes back to the ladder. She begins making her climb as alot of the fans start to get behind her. She makes it near the top when Alessandro gets up and bicycle kicks the Ladder back over. Christy falls and lands on her feet. Alessandro grabs her and whips her into the corner, She runs up and comes off with Whisper in the Wind. Alessandro anticipated this though, and countered with a backbreaker! ]

" Wow.. "

" Now that was a sweet counter. "

" And that's what happens when you know your opponent, and what their common moves are. "

[ Alessandro nods as Christy flops over holding her back. Alessandro sets the ladder back up and begins heading to the top cage again. When he gets 3/4 of the way up, Christy crawls over to the other side and starts slowly climbing it. She picks up pace a little and catches up with Alessandro as he gets to the top. He reaches for the hole, but She punches him in the gut. She then leaps over and takes him back down off the ladder with a sunset flip! ]

" And Another big move! "

" They do realize, the match ain't over when someone gets to the top cage, gosh. They still gotta climb another ladder, then walk over to the center ON TOP of the top cage and unhook the title. But we're taking forever just to let eachother reach the top cage. "

" Indeed, we could be here awhile. "

[ They both lay there, catching their breath. But Christy is up first. She grabs Alessandro and sets up for A Charismatic Crush, but he counters, lifting her up and nailing a GTS! ]

" Vintage BEDTIME! I ain't seen that in forever! "

" Well his new all submission arsenal wasn't going to do him much in this match. "

[ With Christy out of it, Alessandro starts up the ladder, again. 3/4 of the way up again and Christy crawls to the other side again. She's not as quick this time as Alessandro pulls himself into the top cage. ]

" Finally someone is up there! "

[ Alessandro slowly walks over to the other ladder, while Christy picks up her pace. She rolls into the top cage, kicking off the ladder knocking it over and runs over to the Welded Ladder. Alessandro has only gotten a couple steps up before Christy takes him back off with a Side-Effect! Christy pulls a Kendo Stick off the wall, while Alessandro grabs a crutch. Christy swings the stick, but Alessandro moves. She swings again, this time Alessandro swings the crutch, hitting the stick out of Christy's hand. Alessandro then runs and clotheslines Christy with the Crutch! ]

" I love the un-orthidox of these matches. "

[ Alessandro drops the crutch and grabs Christy by the hair. He puts her head between his legs...err, get your minds out of the gutter! The fans have their mind out of the gutter cause they see what he's planning. He has her by the entrance hole, and is planning to power bomb her through it. As he lifts her up though, she tries to flip out of it, ends up in a handstand, while Alessandro still has her legs. Christy grabs hold of the cage and flips through the hole, keeping her legs wrapped around Alessandro's head, she huranicanna's him back through the hole and way down to the mat! ]


" That, was intense. "

[ The crowd stirs up another "Holy Shit" chant while Christy hangs onto the caged floor. She pulls a HBK and pulls herself back into the top cage in similar style before she just lays there to catch her breath. Meanwhile Alessandro just lays on the mat, in much pain, it's quite a drop. Christy finally builds up enough energy to crawl her way back to the welded ladder and begin her journey. Meanwhile, at the same time, Alessandro is back up and races to get that ladder back up too. Alessandro starts up the ladder, while Christy is half way up the other ladder. Alessandro starts to speeden up as Christy gets closer to the top. Alessandro rolls into the cage as Christy is only a couple steps from climbing onto the top of the cage. Alessandro picks the Crutch up and heeves it at Christy, it cracks her square in the back, same back that took that brutal backbreaker earlier. She staggers holding her back, but still manages to hang on. Alessandro grabs a fire extinguisher off the wall and throws that, hitting Christy in the stomache. She reaches to hold her stomache, then her back hurts again, she reaches back for that, then slips and crashes back to the caged floor! ]

" Quick thinking by the champion there. "

[ Christy gets up and grabs the Kendo Stick from earlier. She quickly runs at Alessandro and hits him with a Side-Effect, with the stick! ]

" She hurt herself too with that move, what the hell? "

" Like you said Jimmy, whatever it takes. "

[ They both lay there for a moment before both getting back up. Christy kicks Alessandro in the gut and goes for a DDT, but Alessandro counters into a samoan drop, smack dab on the floor. Alessandro gets back up and walks over to the ladder. He gets about 4 steps up before Christy crawls over and gives him a hard low blow! ]


" You're talking about a no disqualification match? "

" Yes! It's an un-fair advantage, he should punch her in the tit now! "

[ Forgetting whatever Jimmy is talking about for a moment. Alessandro obviously drops off the ladder, to service his manhood. As he lays down holding his jewels, Christy quicky hits a standing moonsault. Christy rests against the wall for a moment and then starts climbing the ladder. Alessandro is soon up as he grabs her hair. He yanks her right back off the ladder, and some of the fans boo this action. Alessandro sends her hard to a corner where a table is placed, but she runs up the table and comes back this time HITTING Alessandro with Whisper in the Wind! ]

" She got it this time! "

[ Christy rests for a moment then crawls over to the ladder again. She uses the ladder to get back to her feet. Before she starts climbing, she notices Alessandro is starting to get up. Christy runs at Alessandro and leaps with a diving misstle drop kick, but Alessandro catches her feet, then spins her like a baseball bat smacking her hard into the wall! ]

" ........:O "

" ...............:O "

" That was... "

" Brutal.. "


[ While Christy lays dead on the floor, Alessandro just casually walks over to the ladder. He makes his way up the ladder, while Christy still lays motionless. She doesn't start to move until he gets half way up, and even then she's only barely stirring. Christy finally starts to slowly crawl over to the Ladder, as Alessandro nears the top. When Christy reaches the ladder, Alessandro steps up ontop of the top of the cage. Christy starts to slowly climb, while Alessandro is still casually, and cockily walking over to the title. He gets half of the buttons undone, when Christy has sprang up and comes at him, hitting a bulldog! ]

" I don't know how she stopped him in time. "

" Half Hunger from Christy...Half Cockiness from Alessandro. "

[ As Christy picks herself back up, Alessandro is starting to get up too. Christy quickly nails a Charismatic Crush! ON THE CAGE! ]


" Is this seriously going to bite him! "

[ The crowd is cheering, but Christy doesn't have the energy to go straight after it. She lays there to re-cooperate, while Alessandro is out of it. Christy finally re-juvinates herself and gets up after the title. She gets another button off, but she wasted too much time as Alessandro is up too, and decks her with a Bicycle Kick! ]

" There he is! "

[ Alessandro smirks at Christy as he grabs his title. He can't unhook it though before Christy comes for another low blow. Alessandro seen it coming though and grabbed her arm right in the nick of time. He quickly pulls her up and lifts her onto his shoulders. ]

" I can't believe she tried to do it again! "

" Well she was caught, and now she might be in trouble. "

[ Alessandro looks to give her another Bedtime, but Christy has a deathlock on one arm with her arms, and the other arm with her legs, making him unable to throw her for the GTS. Alessandro walks around trying and trying to hit the move, but she won't let go. She then quickly shifts around and wraps her arms around his neck for a sleeper. The crowd cheers as Alessandro walks around trying to stay awake. He gets by the edge of the catch and gets a big handful of her hair. With a jerk, she quickly let's go of the sleeper to grab his hand. Alessandro flips her forward and sends her over the edge! She does a complete Flip and Crashes face first onto the roof of the bottom cage! ]

" That was insane! "

" gotta respect Christy for that, not many women take bumps like that. "

[ The crowd breaks out into yet another "Holy Shit" chant while Alessandro stares down at his damage for a moment. After admiring his work for long enough, Alessandro walks over and un-hooks the championship. ]
Winner via Retrieval: Alessandro Quagliaterre(Still Champion)
Match Time: 22:27
Judges: 4/6

"Disturbia" hits again while Alessandro raises up the championship.


" Admire the heart and determination by Christy Chaos, this was one hell of a match in my book. "

" Very true, but in the end Steele...Alessandro is the Longest Reigning EWE Undisputed Champion! "

Christy pulls herself off the edge of the cage and falls down to the floor. She lands on her feet but still flops to the floor. Alessandro begins to scale down himself and is soon on the floor. He smirks at Christy before heading up the ramp. As he reaches the stage, Dutch comes out. They stare at eachother for a moment.

" Oh look at this. Dutch still isn't happy about what Alessandro did to his mentor. "

" Why is he even out here? "

Dutch shakes Alessandro off to check on more important concerns of his, and that's his wife. Oh yes, you red that right, they forgot to make that public knowledge, hence the "He's related" hint though. Dutch picks Christy up and carries her backstage, as the fans clap.

The camera's return to ringside one more time, cept now, the Cage has been raised back up to the roof. The ring is also cluttered with just about every entry, while Hollie and White Knight are standing on the outside of the ring, as they escorted Quackerton and Bunny. Escorted being a loose term, they really carried them, but yeah. Jennifer Sparks stands by on the outside in front of the announcers again.

" The following contest is tonight's Featured Main Event...and it is for the fifth time in EWE History...A ULTIMATE THREE PHASE CHALLENGE!! "

The crowd cheers as Jennifer continues.

" In this match, there is Three Phases of competion. In Phase One, all the entries will be in the ring, as you see now. They will fight it out in an Over The Top Rope Battle Royal, where both feet must hit the floor. This will continue until all but Five Entries have been eliminated. After that, the Structure you have seen all night tonight, will lower back down to the floor to begin Phase Two. "

Jennifer Pauses to take a breath.

" Phase Two, the weapons, as you have seen become legal use as we have a five way Hardcore Pin and Submission elimination until only two remain. After the other participants have been escorted out of the ring, the Briefcase, containging the contract for WrestleMania, will lower down until it is five feet above the top Cage. At that point we will begin Phase Three. The Phase Three you should be well acustomed to by now, as the final two will fight their way to the top. Whoever reaches the top and un-hooks the briefcase will be the winner and will go on to challenge the Undisputed Champion at WrestleMania 8! "

The crowd roars as Jennifer smiles.

" And introduce the final Two Entries! "

" Why do only two people get entrances? "

" Because Jay is lazy. "

"Goin Down" by Three Days Grace hits the PA System. The crowd rips into a complete 50/50 Reaction as Johnny and Drama part the curtains.

" And he's one of the two? How is this not biased?!...oh well, I like this guy.. "

" Well with two EWE Hall of Famers being in the match, I will go on a limb on who the other one is too. "

" First, accompanied by his wife, Drama...from Kansas City Missouri...weighing in at 232 pounds...The Extreme One...JOHNNY CHAOS!! "

Johnny and Drama continue their way down the ramp. Drama stands to the side as Johnny slides into the ring. He kicks the Bunny out of his way and climbs on the turnbukle to pose. All the entries staring at him, especially Dutch. Johnny hops down with a big smirk on his face, smirking at Dutch. As his music fades there's a few moments of anticipation and build up.

" And the final entry... "


" See... "

" Typical.. "

"Welcome to the Jungle" by Guns n Roses kicks over the PA System and the crowd explodes when WT parts through the curtains.

" From Rawlins, Wyoming...weighing in at 229 Pounds....WHITE TIGER!! "

WT makes his showboating entrance, while everyone in the ring seems un-impressed. Well except for the Stuffed Animals, who don't do anything, because they are stuffed animals. WT climbs into the ring and poses a little more until his music fades and the ref calls for the bell.

OBJECTIVE: Over The Top Rope Battle Royal until 5 Remain.
White Tiger
Dutch Clark
Dr. Quackerton Jr.
Chris Michaels
Dave Wilson
Sonic The Hedgehog
Johnny Chaos
Jack Sparrow
Chris Jericho
Bunny Chaos

[ The action begins immediately as everyone begins going at it. We have a few brawls going on, but one thing we see that sticks out, is the temporarly re-aligning of The Extreme Legends. Well not really, but they do have the same idea in mind as WT grabs the Duck that "Threatened" him and Johnny grabs the Bunny, that stole his name, and they both throw them out. Neither are technically eliminated though, cause in obvious fate, Hollie with her obvious cat reflexes (I'm too much) quickly catches the Bunny, while White Knight's old ass seems to have cat reflexes too and catches Quackerton. ]

" Seriously, them stupid dolls are technically still in this? "

" You should have respect for Dr. Quackterton.. "

" Why the hell would you say that? "

" You are his "father's" Successor, when it comes to Manager services.. "

" Hardy Har, should be a Comedian Steele. "

[ Johnny and WT shake their heads with the same disbelief as Jimmy. They look to eachother and shrug before turning around to fight someone else, or not cause they both was trying to trick the other as they both turn back at the same time and trade rights. Meanwhile, Dutch and D-Dawg are going at it. Michaels and Jericho are also fighting over who the better Chris is. Vespertine is in the corner, still nursing her Women's Title wounds. Wilson and Sparrow are fighting. As for Sonic, noone knows where he is, but a blue blur keeps going around in the ring between all the fights. Meanwhile on the outside, Hollie and WK start smashing the animals into eachother. ]

" Dr Quackterton and Bunny Chaos are fighting on the outside! "

" Are you seriously going to take that crap serious? "

" Lighten up a little Jimmy. "

" I'm the one who usually has to tell you that. "

[ All the fights in the ring keep going, while the stupid fight on the outside does too. WK finally takes his free hand and makes a peace sign with to fingers. He then puts it up to his face while he's looking at Hollie and makes a tounge motion between his fingers. Hollie gets sickened and actually starts dry heaving a little. WK takes this opportunity to knock the Bunny out of her hand with Quackerton. ]

ELIMINATED: (Via Dr. Quackerton Jr.) Bunny Chaos

" One down, one to go. "

[ The Fights in the ring are still going, but for the moment we focus on WT and Johnny. Because out of nowhere, WK tosses Quackerton back in the ring, hitting WT in the back of the head. WT turns around very confused saying "What the hell?" He turns back around again, as Johnny hits him with a hard spear! ]

" That idiot White Knight. "

" Dr. Quackerton Jr. could Aide in the elimination of the EWE Legend! "

" Would you please shut up. "

[ Johnny picks WT up and throws him over the ropes, but he lands on the apron. WK tries to pull WT off the apron, but WT kicks him back. As Johnny charges at WT, WT then throws a shoulder through the middle ropes and into Johnny's gut. WT gets back into the ring and levels Johnny with a clothseline. With Johnny down, WT picks Quackerton back up and chucks him back out of the ring. WK runs to catch him again, but Hollie pays him back, by casually sticking her foot out, tripping WK. This of course means, DQJ hit the floor. ]

ELIMINATED: (Via White Tiger) Dr. Quackerton Jr.

" Thank You White Tiger and Hollie!...Now Let's have a REAL match. "

[ Johnny & WT go back to scrapping, while The Chris' are still going at it. Wilson and Sparrow are for that matter too. When suddenly the blue blure knocks down both Sparrow and Wilson. The Blur then knocks down Michaels. Meanwhile Dutch sends Dawg into the corner. Dutch turns around and sees the blur coming his way. Dutch holds out his fist, and suddenly we see the blur change into Sonic, and Sonic's face crunches into Dutch's fist. Sonic hits the mat. Jericho then charges at Dutch, but Dutch side steps, grabs the back of his head, and chucks him out to the floor. ]

ELIMINATED: (Via Dutch Clark) Chris Jericho

[ WT drops Johnny with a snap supplex then climbs the turnbukle, he must be high doing that in this kind of match. None the less, he signals for the Struck Down, but Johnny springs up and drop Kicks him off the turnbukle! ]


" NO HE'S NOT! "

" HOW?! "

[ WT picked a great Turnbukle, because he landed on the steps. He can thank his lucky stars for that. Johnny doesn't catch this at first though and smiles thinking he's eliminated his old tag partner. Johnny turns to see Sparrow coming his way as Sparrow clotheslines them both over the top, where the hell did her learn that? They both land on the apron however. Johnny, not trying to take any chances quickly gets back in the ring. As Sparrow gets up, Johnny Quickly grabs his head and hits an EXTREME MAKEOVER! Cept Sparrow's face bounces off the top rope, and Sparrow goes flying and crashing into the Barricade! ]

ELIMINATED: (Via Johnny Chaos) Jack Sparrow

[ Johnny gets up and he's immediately planted with a Furious DDT by Dutch! Dutch gets hyped, until he's leveled with a revenge seeking Blur! Sonic stands and smiles at Dutch, then goes after Dave Wilson. Wilson catches him though, then belly to belly supplexes him over the top rope! ]

ELIMINATED: (Via Dave Wilson) Sonic The Hedgehog

" They're dropping like flies now...bye bye Blue Boy! "

" We're only Two Eliminations away from Phase Two! "

[ We're to the crucial point now. And with only 7 people left in the ring. The Action starts to slow down a little bit. Well actually 6 are in the ring, WT is still laying on the steps. He may of gotten lucky to land there, but he did still hit his head on them when he landed. Dutch tries to take Johnny over the top rope, but he hangs onto the top and fights it. Meanwhile Wilson and D-Dawg are going at it, while Michaels walks over to tell Vespertine she's rested long enough and he wants to show her she doesn't belong here. Heading back to Johnny and Dutch though, Johnny elbows Dutch in the face then hits a quick Side-Effect. Michaels grabs Vespertine out of the corner, but she shoves him back, then runs at him hitting a clothesline! Michaels slams the mat and gets back up, pissed. ]

" I take it he didn't like that very much. "

" Of course not! She doesn't belong in this match! "

[ Vespertine charges at Michaels, but he side steps and tosses her out of the ring, where she lands on the apron. Michaels then runs and levels both D-Dawg and Wilson with a double clothesline. Dutch sees this and tries to put a stop to his momentum as the two start trading shots. Meanwhile WT starts coming to as he starts shaking the cob webs. Johnny Chaos sees this and he steps between the middle ropes and walks acrossed the apron to the steps with WT. The Two begin trading rights. ]

" Look at this! "

" And Johnny can't be eliminated right now, but White Tiger Can! "

[ They continue to trade shots while Dutch tries to send Michaels in the corner, but Michaels counters and sends Dutch instead. Johnny gets WT tetering which gets everyone nervous, but WT grabs Johnny and pulls himself back into balance. WT then hits Johnny with a hip toss, sending him to the floor. ]

" Well good thing he never went over the top rope. "

[ Michaels stands up on the second rope as he begins drilling Dutch with hard rights. Vespertine walks along the apron to the corner where they are and she tries to pulls Michaels off the corner. The Crowd gets excitted, watching this Transpire, but Michaels finally shoves her off, knocking her off the apron. ]

ELIMINATED: (Via Chris Michaels) Vespertine

[ It was at that same moment though D-Dawg ran and shoved Michaels from behind, sending him to the floor too! ]

ELIMINATED: (Via D-Dawg) Chris Michaels

" And That's it! "

" Onward Phase Two! "

[ The referee's clear the ringside while the Double Stacked Cage begins to slowly lower and lights flash around it just as it did in the begining of the night. As the refs get the extras out to the back and the Cage hits the floor. One of the ref stays inside the cage, slides into the ring and calls for the bell. ]

OBJECTIVE: Hardcore Pin and Sub. Elimination until 2 Remain.
White Tiger
Dutch Clark
Dave Wilson
Johnny Chaos

[ All Five competitors quickly grab a weapon off the wall, which the crowd cheers for. Dutch grabs a metal Bat. WT & Johnny both grab a chair. D-Dawg grabs a lead pipe, and Wilson grabs a trash can. ]

" Oh ya baby, Getting the hardware quick. "

[ If you know your math, two people got weapons off the same wall, and that'd be Dutch and Wilson. Wilson goes to hit Dutch with the Trash Can, but Dutch cracks him in the gut with the bat. Wilson falls over holding his stomache While Dutch slides into the ring. ]

" Wilson will never be a baseball fan again. "

[ Johnny and WT have a chair fight on the outside of the ring with their chairs, while D-Dawg joins Dutch in the ring. Dutch swings hard at D-Dawg, but he ducks. Dawg then cracks Dutch in the back with the pipe. Dawg then gives Dutch a modified Chickenwing Suplex, With the Pipe! ]

" wow.. "

[ Dutch manages to kick out at two though. But it was still impressive. Back on the outside, WT and Johnny are still chair fighting. Johnny finally tosses his chair, then does a standing drop kick, dropkicking BOTH chairs into WT's Face! The crowd just gives off a big "Ohhh". ]

" Eat that Mr. Legend! The Extreme One Baby! "

[ In the ring, Dutch and D-Dawg start trading rights. Dutch breaks this by hitting D-Dawg with a Belly-to-Belly Suplex. As Dutch gets back up, the Trash Can is crushed over his head by Wilson who's back in the ring. Wilson grabs D-Dawg and locks in the Celtic Cross Lock! ]

" D-Dawg may be in trouble here! "

" He certainly is! "

[ While D-Dawg fights to stay alive, WT and Johnny are back up. Johnny grabs one of the chairs and swings it at WT. WT blocks it and tosses it into the ring. WT then whips Johnny hard into the Cage. As Johnny bounces off, WT hits a hard clothesline. Meanwhile in the ring. Dutch starts to get back up. Wilson let's go of D-Dawg as he sees this, and charges at Dutch. Dutch's reaction is planting Wilson with a spinning spinebuster. Dutch then turns back to D-Dawg, and gives him a Furybreaker smack on the trash can! ]

" FuryBreaker! "

" Thanks for coming D-Dawg.. "

[ Dutch covers D-Dawg and the ref counts the one...two...three. ]

ELIMINATED: (Via Dutch Clark) D-Dawg

[ As WT sends Johnny hard into the steps, Dutch rolls out of the ring and takes the ladder off of the wall. ]

" It's a little early to be thinking about Phase Three ain't it? "

" Screw it, why not? "

[ Dutch slides the ladder into the ring and gets in to set it up. Dutch starts climbing. As Dutch makes it near the top. Wilson gets up and looks at him confused. He waits too long looking at him as he turns into a STRUCK DOWN by White Tiger! White Tiger makes the cover...and that's all she wrote. ]

ELIMINATED: (Via White Tiger) Dave Wilson

" That's why he's a legend. "

" Wilson can't take his eyes off a man like that. Even if Dutch is being weird. "

[ WT gets up in time to catch Johnny coming his way for another Spear. WT quicky counters, with a front kick square into Johnny's face. WT quickly hits armdrag, then locks in the Tiger's Snare! ]

" The Tiger's Snare! "

" Crap, Come on Johnny, get out of this! "

[ While Johnny fights for Freedom, Dutch crawls into the cage. Dutch then decides to re-do a plan him and the Mrs. did in the Tag Title match, that being said he starts pulling the Ladder up from the ring into the Cage. WT see's this and looks confused. He let's go of Johnny to try and grab the Ladder, but barely misses it. Dutch keeps pulling it, while Johnny quickly springs up and hits WT with an EXTREME MAKOVER, on the CHAIR! ]

" YES! Good Distraction Dutch! "

[ Johnny makes the cover and scores the one..two...three! ]

ELIMINATED: (Via Johnny Chaos) White Tiger

[ Dutch finishes pulling the ladder into the cage, while the Briefcase lowers down from the rafters. As The Briefcase reaches it's location, the ref calls for the bell once more. ]

OBJECTIVE: Retrieve the briefcase.
Dutch Clark
Johnny Chaos

" As we head into Phase Three...Dutch Clark may have screwed over Johnny Chaos. "

" He'll think of something. Never count out Johnny, Steele. "

[ Dutch waves bye to Johnny with a smirk on his face before laying the ladder down. Meanwhile Johnny rolls out of the ring and waits for the ref to open the door. As the ref opens the door for D-Dawg & Wilson to come out (White Tiger is still out in the ring), Johnny comes out too. ]

" What's he doing? "

[ Johnny walks around the door and now beging climbing the outside of the cage. ]

" HAHA! See! Brilliant! "

[ Dutch casually takes his time to climb the welded ladder, thinking Johnny is stranded and completely oblivious to the fact that Johnny Chaos is climbing the outside of the structure. Dutch just continues to take his time, as Johnny now starts up the top cage. ]


" quiet Jonathan...he might hear you. "



[ Dutch strolls over to the briefcase and starts to unscrew the bolt holding it in place. He gets it mostly un-screwed, but you can imagine his surprise when he turns around, and he's leveled with a SPEAR! ]


" Who are you calling a Doggy? "

" You, now Shut up. "

[ Johnny starts to un-screw the bolt now, but only gets it a few turns before Dutch is back up. The Two start trading shots as they move around the cage. Dutch blocks a shot and sets Johnny up for a power bomb through the hole! Johnny counters though flipping over Dutch, then turning around and hitting an inverted DDT. ]

" Nice counter there.. "

" Cause he's the freakin man. "

[ Johnny stalks Dutch as the crowd starts to get hyped up. As Dutch staggers up, Johnny goes for THE EXTREME MAKEOVER, but Dutch Counters, shoving Johnny off...and not just shoving Johnny off of him, but off of the Cage! Johnny Crashes onto the roof of the bottom cage, bounces off and hits the Ramp. ]


" I think the Extreme One Just died! "

[ The crowd explodes into the biggest "HOLY SHIT" chant of the evening while EMTs flood to check on Johnny, to make sure he isn't literally dead. They confirm that he's still alive, but he still doesn't move an inch. Drama rushes over with a look of much concern. While Dutch stares all the way from the top. Drama looks up to Dutch with tears in her eyes as Dutch gives her a wink. Dutch then walks over and un-hooks the briefcase. ]
Winner via Retrieval: Dutch Clark
Match Time: 31:15
Judges: 97% Average

" The winner of this match...The Irish Fury...DUTCH CLARK!! "

"Modern Day Cowboy" hits while Dutch raises up the briefcase and the crowd cheers him on. Meanwhile the EMTs continue to check on Johnny, while one of them keeps Drama back.

" Dutch Clark has survived the odds once again! "

" Screw him, how's Johnny?! "

" I don't think we'll know the answer to that right now Jimmy. The only thing we do know, is that Dutch Clark is going to WrestleMania! "

" No we don't.. "

" What? He just won the match Jimmy. "

" Yea, and he won the Sole Survivor last year too...did he headline WrestleMania then? "

" Well no, but that was different. "

" Case closed...we don't know, it could change again, like last time. So screw him! Someone help Johnny! "

" Well we do know, this has been an amazing Night...Be sure to tune in This weekend and next Monday for the Returns of Ladies Night and Monday Night Chaos...GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE! "