April 3rd, 2005

Caesar's Palace - Las Vegas, Nevada

"One" by Creed

103 RPs

Recovery Status
Recovered by Wayback Machine

|::| The Camera's open up with Lilian Garcia standing in the middle of the ring. An American Flag appears on the Titian Tron. |::|

|::| Lilian Garcia |::|
Oh, say can you see, by the dawn's early light, What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming? Whose broad stripes and bright stars, through the perilous fight, O'er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming? And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air, Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there. O say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave O'er the land of the free!!! and the home of the brave!!!!

|::| The Crowd Stand to their feet and applauds Lilian before it turns to the Titian Tron. |::|

|::| The Camera starts showing Clips of Last Years WrestleMania and all the events leading up to this years as Voices override it. |::|

|::| Trish Stratus |::|
What is WrestleMania to me?

|::| Snake |::|
It's the Biggest Event of the Year Homes!!

|::| Toxic |::|
The Grandest Stage of them all.

|::| Emperor Ben |::|
It's one night...To make something of yourself.

|::| The Rock |::|
The Night That Makes..

|::| Triple H |::|
and Breaks Careers..

|::| Anti-Steel |::|
It is one night...

|::| Toxic Angel |::|
Everyone will remember.

|::| Muhammad Hassan |::|
It is where Mortals Become Legends

|::| White Tiger |::|
Legends Become Icons.

|::| Derek Daniels |::|
This is...WrestleMania

|::| Toxic Angel |::|

|::| Gothika |::|

|::| Toxic |::|

|::| Shawn Michaels |::|

|::| Ciaran Michaels |::|

|::| Triple H |::|

|::| Anti-Steel |::|

|::| The Rock |::|
Oh Ya!..WrestleMania!!

|::| Emperor Ben |::|

|::| Trish Stratus |::|

|::| The Camera's Freeze on Sean Lewis with a big smile. |::|

|::| Sean Lewis |::|
WrestleMania...THIS IS GONNA BE GOOD!!!

|::| eWe Announcer |::|
And now...Snickers Cruncher presents...eWe WrestleMania 2!!!

|::| "One" by Creed blasts in the PA system as Fireworks fly for about 5 minutes and the camera pans the crowd getting tons of signs like "Share The Wealth Homes!", "GAME OVER - Compliments of DDD", "DX Bringin home all the SUCK IT!!", "Future eWe Superstar...(Down Arrow)", and Many More. As it does this Voices can be heard. |::|

|::| Jim Ross |::|
Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen!! the Sold out Caesers Palace in Las Vegas we welcome the Grandest Stage of them all WRESTLEMANIA!!!

|::| The King |::|
JR this is gonna be a huge night!!

|::| Jim Ross |::|
No Doubt about it King...Derek Daniels one on one with Triple H in the Well known Structure of the Game...Hell in a Cell!!

|::| The King |::|
Yes JR!!...The Game is looking to end Derek's Career here tonight...and I have no doubt he will succeed with flying colors!!

|::| Jim Ross |::|
What about Anti-Steel...and The Rock...Rematch from 2 years ago at WWE WrestleMania One!!...This should be good...and it is No Holds Barred!!

|::| The King |::|
Exactly JR...It will be real good and I can't wait for that match as well...I can't wait for the whole Card!!

|::| Jim Ross |::|
and what about the Big Enchilada King...I'm talking about the Big Duo...White Tiger and Emperor Ben...One on One!!

|::| The King |::|
JR I have been waiting for this match since Blood Loss last year!! is gonna be Great!!

|::| Jim Ross |::|
It's for the top prize of this business...The World Heavyweight Championship!!...and is sure to be a damned Slobber Knocker!!...Folks we haven't even touched base with how big this night is going to be...them are the 3 blockbusters...of Many...MANY...Huge matches!!...You should be real happy you ordered cause tonight is dam sure to be a night to remember!!

|::| The camera's switch backstage with Lita Working out in the back and we see Matt Hardy Walk up to Lita. Lita is doing her work out and Matt come's up to her and start's talking to her. |::|

|::| Matt Hardy |::|
Hello Lita, How is Red Devil?

|::| Matt Hardy laughs |::|

|::| Lita |::|
Listen you stupid asshole I suggest you Leave Red Devil alone or when he gets better he will take care of you and he will be back and he don't like no one messing with his girlfriend and his girlfriend is me. Now if you excuse me I have to go because you are running my space.

|::| Lita walk's away from Matt but Matt grab's her arm and kisses her on the lips and then she slap's him and kick's him in the balls and runs off before the camera's switch back to the Arena. |::|

|::| We See Stephanie Heading to the Ring as My Time hit's the Pa and Stephanie is on the Ramp and poses for a few and she walk's up the steel step's and gets in the ring. Then Matrix's music hit's the Pa and she Comes out as the fan's boo her and she poses on the Ramp and walk's up the steel steps and in the ring waiting for two more Diva's to come out then all of a sudden Anxiety hit's the pa and Trinity walk's out and the fan's cheer a little bit and she poses for her fans and there are sign's up saying Lita will kick yall's butts ect ect and she walk's down the ramp and gets in the ring and then all of a sudden Head Strong hit's and they fan's all get on there feet and cheer as they give Lita a staning ovation. And Lita stop's on top of the ramp and poses on the ramp and blow's kisses to her fan's and she walk's down the ramp and king and jr are talking. |::|

|::| Jim Ross |::|
OMG King it is Lita she's here after running into Matt hardy I wonder how she is feeling?

|::| The King |::|
I don't know JR but I what will Angelica ,Kaos, Matt storm , and mostly Red Devil.

|::| Jim Ross |::|
I know We seen Matt here and he did kiss her and that poor women she has been threw so much.

|::| The King |::|
Yeah it is sad But all I know puppies will be rolling around that ring to night.

|::| Jim Ross |::|
Yea you are right King but Lita will win she is one hell of a fighter.

|::| Lita make's the rest of the way down the ramp and then Steps in the ring and the ref ring's for the bell ding ding. |::|

|::| Lita and Stephanie Lock up And Stephanie get's the upper hand on Lita and Stephanie bitch Slaped Lita and Stephanie Bull dog her to the mat and gose for an easy pin. 1.... 2.... Kick out. Lita kicks out at two and Stephanie look's pissed and she pick's Lita up by the hair and then try's to bull dog her again but Trinity Attack's Stephanie and Lita roll's out of the ring. and she is on the floor the cool mat feel's good to her and she just lay's there for a few. Back in the Ring Trinity has Stephanie up by her hair and Trinity Close Line Stephanie to the Mat and Trinity goose for the pin.1... 2..... Matrix hit's Trinity in the back to break the hold and Matrix start's throwing punches at Trinity and Matrix Chick Kick's Trinity in the midsection Trinity is holding her stomach and Matrix picks Trinity up by her hair and Dose the unpritier on her and Matrix pick's Trinity back up for a DDT but Lita roll's back in and hit's Matrix's and Trinity with a Double Twist Of Fate. Lita Pick's Trinity up and gives her the power bomb and Trinity is out Cold then Lita gose on to the top rope and moonsault Matrix and get's up and is about to Twist Of Fate's Matrix but Stephanie inturpes and Lita throw's her out of the ring and Lita Twist Of Fate's Matrix . Lita gose for the pin 1...... 2...... and Trinity hit's Lita and Lita is starting to get pissed off and Lita get's her on the top rope and body slam's her from the top rope. All four women are down and Lita Gose for the pin on Trinity. The ref hit's the mat 1...... 2............ 3! And ring's the bell and then tell's the ring announcer Lita is the winner. |::|

|::| Lilian Garcia |::|
And the winner and the #1 contender LITA!!

|::| The crowd gose crazy and then all of a sudden the light's gose out and then come back on and Lita is not in the Ring anymore she dissaperd. |::|

|::| Good Battle...Back and Forth...Zander gets the roll up in the end to gain the victory. |::|

|::| The Cameras shoot backstage where we see Eric Punching and Kicking at a Body Bag...When he is approached by the "King of the Mountain". |::|

|::| Eric Bichoff |::|
Jeff...what a surprise to see you...Didn't expect you to be here tonight.

|::| Jeff Jarrett |::|
Yeah thanks to that Slapnut Johnny Chaos...Which is why I am wishing you the best of luck so we can have a new owner.

|::| Eric Bichoff |::|
Well thank you...and don't worry...You'll get one.

|::| They both laugh before Jarrett walks off and Eric gets back to work. |::|

|::| The cameras pan around the large crowd in attendance as they stand on their feet to hear "Meant To Live"(Instrumental) blast on the PA system, the fans are happily cheering on the man they know as Toxic as he walks through the curtains and runs down to the ring pumped and excited he slides in and goes to the top turnbuckle to receive the fans cheers. He hops down and walks around the ring. |::|

|::| Then "Leon Draken's theme" starts to blare on the PA system, the fans start to die down on the cheers but continue anyways. Leon Draken walks calmly the ring adjusting his pads. He goes through the middle rope. |::|

|::| Toxic starts the assault the bell then tolls. Draken is trying to get up but Toxic keeps stomping him on the ground. Toxic then assists Draken up only to get clotheslined down. Toxic gets up quickly and bounces off the ropes to nearly get clotheslined by Draken again but goes under his arm and stops behind him to hit a drop kick to Drakens back sending him to the floor. Toxic runs over the ropes and does a suicide flip over ontop of Draken. Draken collapses to the ground as the two try to make a recovery to get up. Toxic gets up and lifts Draken up and irish whips him into the steel steps. He tries to do it again, but Draken reverses it into the steel pole. Draken rolls Toxic in the win hoping of a pinfall. 1....2....kick out by Toxic. Draken slams his hands on the mat and gets toxic up again. Draken lifts him up and tries to gets a suplex. Draken bounces off the ropes and hits a leg drop. Draken soaks up the crowds reaction as they are booing him. Draken growls a bit and throws Toxic into the corner giving him repeated shoulder tackles in the corner. Toxic is now dizzy. Draken lifts his arms up and tosses him over him as a type of belly to belly overhead suplex. Draken goes for a pin again. 1....2.... kick out once again! Draken gets more angry and starts to viciously stomp on Toxics face. The ref pulls him off as Toxic slowly gets up. The ref is yelling at Draken as draken gets hit in the back of the head with a massive dropkick by Toxic. Toxic is back in the game as he does repeated knee drops to Drakens head. Toxic then thinks he is ready to hit the DWI on Draken. He goes up and tries to hit it but Draken sticks his knees up sending them into Toxics lower back as he screams in pain. He rolls out of the ring and lays against the announce table. Draken rolls out of the ring and slams Toxics face off the table. He then tries to scoop slam him through the table, but Toxic slips behind and hits a chop lock sending draken to the floor. Draken grabs onto Toxics clothing to get up but Toxic knees him in the face and irish whips him into the barricade draken is resting against the barricade as toxic runs for a dropkick sending them both over into the crowd. Toxic grabs a cup from an old man and drinks the pop that's inside as his spits the remains at Drakens face. Draken holds his eyes to wipe It away as Toxic stomps his hands forcing them into his eye sockets, Drakens eyes start to bleed as he screams in pain. He quickly gets up to surprise and hammers Toxic in the face with a few right hands. Draken has blood running down the bottom of his eyes but is still able to see. The skin around has been pierced as Draken throws Toxic back over the barricade to the mats. Draken throws a chair into the ring as the ref is busy throwing it out Draken grabs another and swings it across Toxics head busting him wide open. Draken drops the chair and rolls toxic in the ring for a count. 1....2.... FEET ON THE ROPES?! Draken screams with a roar of anger. He tries to hit a pile driver but is given a back body drop by toxic. Toxic runs forcefully into Drakens face with an elbow, Draken gives a right hand straight back to toxic as they are both busted open and exchanging shots. Toxic is the 1st to Block as he then hits a quick DDT!...Toxic stages over to the ropes and climbs the turnbukle...He signals for the end as he goes for and lands the DWI!!...He covers and gets the 1...2..3!! |::|

|::| Lilian Garcia |::|
Here is Your Winner...Toxic!!

|::| The Camera's shoot backstage where we See Emperor Ben and Trish Stratus entering the arena...Both with their Gold on their Shoulders. |::|

|::| The King |::|
There they are JR!!....The Golden Couple...The Essence of Perfection Emperor Ben and Trish Stratus!!

|::| Jim Ross |::|
Could tonight be their last night as the Golden Couple?

|::| The King |::|
JR!!...Stop Talking crazy!!

|::| Before the Ultimate X match begins, we see Vince Russo at the top of the stage with a microphone in hand. He begins to explain the rules of the following match up. |::|

|::| Vince Russo |::|
Let me explain something to you hardcore EWE fans. This following match, the Ultimate X match, is for the number one contendership of EWE's X-Division title! This match up is going to begin as a tag team match with Mike Hunt teaming up with Shadow and Mr. Man teaming up with Kris Jaxson. Once one guy is eliminated it will become a Triple Threat style match. Once we have one more elimination, the guy who can grab the brief case hanging from the red 'x' above the ring, wins the number one contendership!

|::| The crowd cheers as Vince Russo goes to the back to allow the match to begin. Numb/Encore hits and then Mike Hunt makes his way to the ring. He slides into the ring and does his usual taunting then gets into his corner as The Infinity hits over the PA. Mike watches on as Shadow runs down the ramp, pumped for the following match. He taunts at the excited crowd and then begins to bounce around in the ring a little bit. Mosh then begins to play, the crowd is enjoying the theme music but they don't seem to like Mr. Man as much when he makes it onto the ramp. He walks about half way down the ramp when he waits then Breathe hits and Kris Jaxson runs right past Mr. Man into the ring. The ref breaks up Shadow and Kris who are face to face and tells each respecting man to get into their corners. Mr. Man and Mike Hunt are going to start off the match. |::|

|::| The bells rings and then Mr. Man jumps up and nails Mike Hunt in the face with a missle dropkick, bringing him down to the mat. Mr. Man begins to deliver some forearms to the back of the head when Shadow gets into the ring and jumps Mr. Man from behind. It isn't long before Kris Jaxson is in there too. Mr. Man is getting punched by Mike Hunt while Shadow is delivering clubbing blows to the face of Kris Jaxson. The ref breaks up the fight and Mr. Man tags in Shadow. Mike Hunt stares down Shadow but then makes a quick tag to Kris Jaxson who jumps up to the top rope. He comes flying into Shadow and takes him down with a large kneedrop. Kris gets up and taunts and then delivers an enziguiri, or tries. He misses as Shadow ducks underneath and plants Kris into the mat with a DDT. Shadow gets up and is going for the top rop in his corner when Mike Hunt tags him and throws Shadow off the turnbuckle into the barrier on the outside. Mike jumps into the ring and pins Kris but only gets a two count as Mr. Man jumps in and kicks Mike in the back of the head. Mr. Man picks Mike up for a powerbomb and then drops him into the turnbuckle. Kris gets up and drags Mike Hunt into the middle of the ring. He delivers a standing Shooting Star Press and covers Mike Hunt for the three count. The ref rings the bell and gets Mike Hunt out of the ring. The bout is now a Triple Threat. |::|

|::| Kris Jaxson is now looking down Mr. Man who was his partner just seconds ago. The two begin to punch and kick each other with hard blows when Shadow begins to climb the ropes extended over the ring. He gets himself up top and then jumps down delivering a moonsault right on top of both men. All three men are down but Shadow manages to get his arm over Mr. Man. He gets a two count but Mr. Man kicks out. Kris puts his arm over Mr. Man and also only gets a two count. Shadow is the first to get up but Kris Jaxson isn't long behind. Kris bounces off of the ropes and comes back with a spinning leg lariat, this throws Shadow to the outside of the ring. Now Kris grabs Mr. Man and whips him hard into the ropes. He barely hangs on as he stands on the apron and begins to laugh at Kris Jaxson. Kris turns around to see Shadow running at him. Kris ducks and Shadow jumps right into Mr. Man with a flying elbow. Shadow quickly gets up and then gets the Jax-Attack delivered. This move was out of desperation and both men lay on the mat, exhausted. Mr. Man is now back in the ring, he climbs the turnbuckle and then grabs onto the cables. He slowly makes it over top of Kris Jaxson and attempts to drop an elbow but Kris moves out of the way. Shadow gets up around the same time as Kris and capitalizes but getting a powerbomb on him. Kris lands right on top of Mr. Man and the ref begins to count. Kris gets the three count and now it is down to just two men. |::|

|::| Kris is in pain and is rolling around on the ground holding his back. Shadow believes he can capitalize and begins to climb the cables to the middle of the ring when the breif case is hanging. Shadow extends his arm out for the case but is pulled of the cables by Kris Jaxson. Kris picks Shadow up and delivers a side backbreaker. Kris then picks Shadow up and lifts him up like a suplex but sits him on top of the turnbuckle. Kris climbs up to the second rope and then grabs onto the cable, getting even higher. He then gets his legs on top of Shadow's shoulders and is ready for a hurricanrana but Shadow counters with a powerbomb from the top rope. Kris is experiencing some strong back pain but Shadow risked a lot going for that huge move. Both men slowly get up with the helpd of the ring ropes. Shadow begins to run at Kris who falls down and pulls the top rope down. Shadow is sent flying to the outside of the ring and Kris rolls out onto the floor. The crowd is going insane as Kris picks Shadow up and throws him over the barrier into a few people in the crowd. They fall out of their seats but then gladly move. Kris sets Shadow up onto a chair then stands up on the barrier, he chants and then goes for a leg drop but Shadow throws a chair right in the face of Kris who falls to the ground. Shadow gets up but barely has anything left, he tosses Kris over the barrier and then back into the ring where he then picks Kris up. Kris begins to battle back and he goes to set up the Jax-Attack but is thrown off. Jaxson hits the ref who then falls to the outside of the ring. Kris turns around and ducks a big boot and then succesfully hits the Jax-Attack. Kris gets up to the top turnbuckle and then begins to climb accross the 'x' cables. He makes it to the breif case and grabs it, falling to the mat. Kris looks pretty happy but then Shadow kicks him in the stomach and hits The Blackout! Kris is laying flat on the ground and Shadow grabs the breif case. Shadow drops to his back as the ref slowly begins to climb into the ring. The ref notices Shadow with the breif case and then motions for the bell to be rung. The bell is rung and Shadow's arm is raised, he is the new number one contender for the X-Division Title! |::|

|::| Lilian Garcia |::|
The Winner of this match...Shadow!!

|::| The Infinity hits again as Shadow raises the Breifcase high into the air...He rolls out of the ring and still has it in the air as he walks threw the curtains backwards. |::|

|::| The Camera's shoot backstage where Maria is standing with Hassan. |::|

|::| Maria |::|
Hassan...In just a few moments...

|::| Muhammad Hassan |::|
Maria Maria Maria...In Just a few moments I am going to Exploit Randy Orton...for his bad wrestling abilities...and where his discrimination is going to get him...Nowhere...America has discriminated against my kind for too long...tonight is the night...I Fight Back!

|::| Hassan's theme hits the PA as he starts walking toward the ring area...The Crowd Boos as he walks threw the curtains. |::|

|::| Lilian Garcia |::|
The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall...and is a Street Fight!!...Introducing 1st...being accompanied by Davari...from Detroit Michigan...weighing in at 243 pounds...Muhammad Hassan!!

|::| The Crowd continues to boo as Hassan walks down the ramp and removes his turban as "Take What's Mine" by Mercy Drive hits the PA System...The crowd again boos as Orton walks out on Stage doing his traditional pose as the Gold Pyro falls behind him. |::|

|::| Lilian Garcia |::|
His opponent...being accompanied by Ric Flair...representing Evolution!!...from St. Louis Missouri...weighing in at 245 pounds...Randy Orton!!!

|::| Orton climbs in the ring and stares Hassan down. The Bell rings and they lock up...Pretty back and forth but the match barely last 5 Minutes before all the lights in the Arena goes out..."Dong!!"..."Dong!"..."Graveyard Symphony" plays as ont he Titian Tron Reads..."Rock...The Time has come...For your Fate....will be the Same"...Just then the lights come back on to find Orton and Hassan a Bloody Mess and unconcious....The Ref sees the condition of both men and has no choice but to end the match. EMT's Guide both men backstage...not on Stretchers but help them walk backstage to get taken care of. |::|

|::| We now go to DX's Lockerroom. |::|

|::| White Tiger |::|
Tonight is the night my friends...The Night We Shine...The Night I show Ben once and for all...who the better man I become a 2 time World Heavyweight Champion!

|::| Eighteen |::|
I can't wait to see that...but I also can't wait to get my hands on those Tag Titles.

|::| Rikku |::|
Oh Me Too!!

|::| Ciaran Michaels |::|
That's right...Tonight...WrestleMania 2...DX...Takes home all the gold!!...Starting with me...Which is now...Later.

|::| Ciaran goes to leave but White Tiger grabs his shoulder. |::|

|::| White Tiger |::|
I just want to say...good bring the title home to DX...but you know if you lose I won't be mad...Gothika is my girl.

|::| Ciaran nods his head to say he knows as he leaves the lockerroom. |::|

|::| Gothika runs to the ring and stares out to the entrance ramp as Ciaran emerges as well. Ciaran looks over at the entrance way and grabs a piece of lumber from the ground. He rushes the ring and slides in but is met with an elbow to the back. A ref rushes to the ring and the bell sounds. |::|

|::| Jim Ross |::|
Oh my God these two are looking like they want to get the match over as quick as possible

|::| The King |::|
Your right, there is an interesting story about this match, White Tiger is Gothikas boyfriend, but he is also in Ciarans stable!

|::| Gothika picks up Ciaran and punches him back into the corner. She unleashes some hard chops to his chest and backs up. She charges the corner but Ciaran moves and Gothika hits chest first. Gothika grabs her chest as Ciaran picks up the 2X4.he whacks it across Gothika's back who falls to the ground. |::|

|::| Jim Ross |::|
Damn what a hard shot to the back of Gothika who is already taking punishment. Already a fantastic match.

|::| The King |::|
Your right J.R I love seeing matches that go all the way to the limit to win a title!

|::| Ciaran hits her again in the back and then props the wood against the back of her right knee. |::|

|::| Jim Ross |::|
Oh my! What is Ciaran thinking here?

|::| Ciaran runs off the ropes and jumps up to stomp the wood, but Gothika rolls out of the ring. She grips the 2x4 and takes a swing at Ciaran as he follows. Ciaran is hit hard and crouches over. Gothika attempts another swing, but Ciaran catches her around the neck and single handedly choke tosses her into the announce table. The crowd pops as Ciaran drops to a knee to regroup. |::|

|::| Jim Ross |::|
Gothika just took a hard hit right infront of us and her back took a pounding agaisnt that table.

|::| The King |::|
Poor poor Gothika, I think she needs me to come help her, don't you J.R!

|::| Jim Ross |::|
I hope White Tiger didin't hear you say that.

|::| Ciaran looks around and picks up the 2X4 once again. He walks over to where Gothika is getting up and takes a mighty swing. Gothika ducks and the board breaks against the table. Gothika recovers enough to dropkick Ciaran in the knee and fall back. She looks around and goes under the ring where she pulls out a table. She sets it up and then digs up a Kendo Stick. |::|

|::| The King |::|
JR! She has some toys of her own in this match!

|::| She walks over to Ciaran and brings the stick down across his head. Ciaran gets his hands up to deflect the blow somewhat, but it takes a gash out of his head and drops him to the ground. Gothika tries to get the pin. 1...2... Kick out. |::|

|::| Jim Ross |::|
And Gothika almost retained her title and took it back home with her. Ciaran is wanting this match.

|::| The King |::|
Yeah J.R its been a bad night for women here in the EWE.

|::| Gothika picks up Ciaran and takes him towards the entrance ramp. Ciaran is extremely groggy from the shot and doesn't put up much of a fight. Gothika signals for a piledriver and tries to hit it. Ciaran manages to get his head loose and punch Gothika back. Gothika rushes forward to attack again but is met with a MAJOR Spinebuster which collapses a portion of the entrance ramp. She twitches from the impact as Ciaran dives on her for the pin..ONE..TWO..THREE! |::|

|::| Lilian Garcia |::|
Your winner and NEW X-Divsion champ..CIARAN MICHAELS!!!

|::| Ciaran is almost out of it but grinning as he holds the title close to him, he crawls up the ramp and toward the locker room area while holding his title up in the air. |::|

|::| As we go back stage we see a close up of Derek Daniels's face the crowd nearly takes the roof off with just his site. |::|

|::| Jonathan Steele |::|
Derek...Tonight is the night...The biggest night of the year...the biggest event of the year...Your WrestleMania Debut!!...In one of the most Scary Matches ever created...Hell in a Cell...Man I can't even Imagine what is going threw your head right now..

|::| Derek Daniels |::|
You are so right...The biggest event of the year...My WrestleMania debut...not only am I on this great Card...but in the 2ndary Main Event...With a man...I use to be friends with...but shit happens...One thing lead to another and here we are today...hating each other's guts...I'll tell you one thing though...

|::| Derek stops right there...We soon find out why as The Devil himself that is being talked about...Triple H walks on screen...causing the crowd to get hyped in the background...They just stare eachother down...not saying a word...face to face...before it then cuts to the arena. |::|

|::| The Camera's return to see that the Ramp has been repaired as Destruktion Inc. Makes their way to the ring...they stretch as wait as "Real Emotion/Sinner"(Remix) hits the PA system the Crowd Cheers as Rikku and Eighteen step threw the Curtains. |::|

|::| Lilian Garcia |::|
The Following contest is scheduled for one fall...and is for the eWe Tag Team Championships!!...On their way to the ring...Representing Poetic Justice and D-Generartion X...Rikku...and Eighteen...the Diva's of Destruction!!!

|::| The Crowd Cheers as they slide into the ring and the bell rings. |::|

|::| Jim Ross |::|
And this match has been going for some while now, the two final teams for the Tag Team Titles, this should be a awsome match!

|::| The King |::|
You know who I am going for J.R! I'm going for the Divas all the way!

|::| Dan Marsala and Rikku seem to be starting things off as Dan smirks and looks over to Kaos, they seem to be joking around and suddenly Rikku runs up and sends a hard forearm right in the side of Dans head and he stumbles, she keeps hitting him and finally gives him a hard knee until he falls down into the corner turnbuckle, she then runs a little ways in the middle of the ring and then gives Dan a good baseball slide, right between the legs. Dan looks shocked as well as hurt as Rikku, hyper as she is starts jumping up and down. She motions for Dan to get up, and when he does he runs at her and she gives him a drop toe hold and drops him right on his face. Rikku gets up and laughs at the fallen Dan as he stands up and looks at her. He stands up and walks back to his corner, but Rikku gives him a boost by dropkicking him in the back, he tumbles over the top rope and Kaos drops down and checks on him, the crowd goes nuts. |::|

|::| Jim Ross |::|
King I don't think that Dan and Kaos thought that these girls can pose a threat, but they didin't come all the way to the finals for nothing.

|::| The King |::|
Never look over the puppy power J.R!

|::| Dan and Kaos are regrouping on the outside when Rikku bounces off the ropes, does a quick summer sault and throws herself wildly over the top rope and lands on both of the men, the crowd is going crazy now because of Rikkus highflying acts. She picks Dan up and slides him back into the ring, Dan gets back to his feet and Rikku slides in and Dan starts stomping away on her. The fans give him a little bit of heat for this, he waves them off and picks Rikku to her feet and sends her into the ropes and 18 makes a blind tag and when Dan Marsala lies down and lets Rikku hop over him she holds onto the ropes and when Dan turns around, Eighteen lifts him high into the air and then tosses him to the side, she then picks him up agian and tosses him once more. |::|

|::| Jim Ross |::|
Oh my God, look at the power!

|::| The King |::|
She just liften Dan Marsala like he was nothing and tossed him across the ring! Talk about Puppy power!

|::| Kaos gets sick and tired of Dan getting beat up and he comes into the ring rather quicklike and tries to pounce on Eighteen but Rikku takes him out with a dropkick, he stumbles right into a huge powerslam. Kaos rolls out of the ring and then Eighteen nails a huge closeline on Dan sending him over the top rope again. The crowd goes crazy as Rikku and Eighteen pose in the center of the ring, finally Rikku nods at Eighteen and Eighteen picks Rikku up into the air and tosses her over the top rope and she once again lands on both men sending them tumbling. Rikku stands up and poses to the crowd once more, she slides Dan into the ring and even the ref is shocked. Eighteen pins Dan..One..Two..Kickout by Dan. |::|

|::| Jim Ross |::|
King the D.O.D has come ready for this match, they have had fantastic team work here and they are tagging in and out.

|::| The King |::|
Yeah I know J.R I'm going to predict this match right tonight!

|::| Dan crawls toward his partner who has his hand outstretched, Dan crawls but Eighteen smirks and grabs him by the foot, but Kaos slips in and nails Eighteen with a cheap shot that brings boos from the crowd, he slides back into the ring and gets the tag, and Rikku slides back into the ring, he gives her a hard knee to the gut and sends her over the top rope, Kaos is now in control as he picks Eighteen up and sends her into the ropes. He ducks her closeline and sends her right into Dan Marsala who nails her with a kick to the gut and then a hard DDT. Dan slides out of the ring and Kaos pins Eighteen..One..Two..Kickout. Kaos can't belive it as he stands up and argues with the ref, while Eighteen is walking toward Rikku is is on the top rope. Eighteen gives just in time as Kaos tries to dive and catch her, but Rikku soars off the top rope with a hard Hurricanrana and sends him flipping across the ring. She then gets on her hands and knees and Eighteen runs in, Eighteen runs and jumps off Eighteens back, but Kaos shoves her over the top rope and she hits the ground HARD, it is the slap heard around the arena, she rolls to the side holding her arm. Kaos smirks as Dan Marsala is clapping. |::|

|::| Jim Ross |::|
And Eighteen just went over the top rope and I think we are going to have to scrape her off she hit so hard.

|::| The King |::|
Kaos just grabbed her by the head and sent her on over! Wow..Goodbye Puppy power!

|::| Kaos smirks and kicks Rikku right in the gut and she rolls over in pain and coughs loudly, Kaos walks over and picks her up and sends her into the ropes, he goes for a spinning heel kick but Rikku ducks and drops down to her knees and trips Kaos's feet out from under him and he hits the mat hard, she then bounces off the ropes and hits a Rolling Thunder on him! She goes for a cover! One..Two..! NO! Kaos kicks out, he looks pissed as he stands up, and he grabs Rikku by the hair and tosses her into the ropes, he bounces back and bends down for back body drop, but Rikku goes for a Sunset flip Rollup! One..Two..! NO! Kaos refuses to give up. Rikku as fast as she is, climbs to the top rope, and when Kaos turns around she goes for a Cross Body block, but Kaos catches her and slams her hard on the mat and her body bounces off and the sound is sickening. Eighteen is still on the floor from her hit. Rikku is clearly out, Kaos makes the pin..One..Two..He pulls Rikkus shoulder up and the ref jumps all over him, Kaos argues she kicked out. |::|

|::| Jim Ross |::|
What kind of damn sportsmanship is that?! Come on damn it! Pin her already!

|::| The King |::|
I think they are now trying to send a messege JR, that they are the best tag team in the EWE!

|::| He picks her up and leans on the ropes and tags in Dan, they send poor Rikku into the rope and then gives her a double closeline and then a double elbow drop. Rikku is out cold. They nod at one another and Dan picks Rikku up in the air and holds her there for a Piledriver, Kaos gets on the secound rope, the referee is screaming at them, just as Kaos jumps, Dan goes down and Kaos shoves Rikkus feet down to add to the damage, her head bounces off the mat and she rolls away face down. Dan smirks and walks over and rolls her over..He doesn't even hook a leg..One..Two..Three! |::|

|::| Lilian Garcia |::|
The winners of this match..and NEWWW...EWE Tag Team Champions..Kaos and Dann Marsala!

|::| EMTS rush out to check on Rikku as Eighteen slides into the ring holding her head, she leans down to check on her partner as Dan and Kaos walk up the ring with there shiny new belts held in the air. |::|

|::| Jim Ross |::|
What a sickening site we just saw! Fans we will take a short break to get the ring cleared and we will be right back!

|::| After a short Break Announcing Blood Loss the next PPV...We return to the arena where it has been cleaned up but a band is set up on stage. |::|

|::| Lilian Garcia |::|
Ladies and Gentlemen...Reunited for one night...To Perform the Themesong for WrestleMania "One"...Please Welcome...CREED!!!!!!

|::| The Crowd Roars then quiets Down as they beging to Perform. |::|

|::| WrestleMania II |::|


Affirmative may be justified
Take from one give to another
The goal is to be unified
Take my hand be my brother
The payment silenced the masses
Sanctified by oppression
Unity took a back seat
Sliding further in regression
The only way is one
I feel angry I feel helpless
Want to change the world
I feel violent I feel alone
Don't try and change my mind
Society blind by color
Why hold down one to raise another
Discrimination now on both sides
Seeds of hate blossom further
The world is heading for mutiny
When all we want is unity
We may rise and fall, but in the end
We meet our fate together
The only way is one
I feel angry I feel helpless
Want to change the world
I feel violent I feel alone
Don't try and change my mind

|::| The Crowd cheers wildy as they come to an end. As they start packing up their stuff the Camera's turn to the titan tron to witness the hype promo for the next match. |::|

|::| The Camera's roll threw clips of all the attacks made to Snake as a result of someone placing a bounty on him...It shows Snake complaining to Johnny about the Bounty and Johnny informing him he'd get to the bottom of then Bischoff explaining how Johnny promised he'd get to the bottom of it...but never he says never has it shows HHH trying to run Snake down with his own car...then flips to Bischoff revealing Ash as the culprate and Ash gladly admitting to it...It ends With Bischoff announcing the match that we are all about to see!! |::|

|::| The Camera's zoom in on the Breifcase hanging high above the ring until "This is How We Do" by 50 Cent & The Game hits the PA as Ash walks down the ramp with a cocky smile. He slides in and stares up at the breifcase...smiling and taunting to the crowd that that will be his. then "One Shot 2 Shot" by Eminem hits the PA system as Snake and Jose come strolling out. |::|

|::| Lilian Garcia |::|
The Folling contest is the $100,000 Ladder Match!!...On his way to the ring...being accompanied by Jose...From Mexico City, Mexico!!...Weighing in at 235 pounds...SNAKE!!!!

|::| Snake Slides in the ring as the bell sounds...They lock up as Snake takes Ash down with a DDT...Snake picks Ash up and whips him into a corner where he gives him a bunch of chops before taking him to the top rope and hitting a superplex!...Snake rolls out of the ring and grabs the ladder and slides it in the ring. As Snake gets in Ash drop kicks the ladder back into Snakes face! |::|

|::| Ash grabs the ladder and smashes it across Snake's head. Ash then sets it up and starts climbing it...As he gets to the top Snake runs up and Back suplexes him off. Snake rolls out and grabs a table from under the ring. He sets it up and sets another one right beside it. He slides back in and grabs Ash. Snake sets him up for a Power Bomb threw the tables but Ash counters out of it. Ash hits a Suplex on Snake then climbs the ladder again...Snake climbs up as him and Ash brawl on the top before the ladder falls over causing both men to be guilitined by the top rope! |::|

|::| Ash goes for the RKO but Snake shoves him off then hits a major clothesline!!...Snake Then locks in the Tequilla Sunrise!!...Ash screams and screams...and even starts tapping which is pointless...Snake then picks Ash up and sets up for the Snake Bite but Ash counters and out of desperation hits the RKO!...Both men lay still for awhile as Ash is the 1st to his feet...He sets back up the ladder and starts climbing...As he gets to the top he tries reaching for the Briefcase but he can't get he keeps trying Snake climbs the other Snake gets to the top he cracks Ash in the stomache...Snake then out of nowhere grabs Ash and hits the Snake Bite off the Ladder threw the Tables he set up earlier!!!!... |::|

|::| The Crowd goes nuts and starts a "Holly Shit" Chant...Snake climbs to his feet and rolls in the ring...Snake lays there for a couple minutes catching his breath as Ash is motionless...Snake sets back up the ladder as it fell when they left it....He then climbs to the top and easily retrieves the breifcase before jumping down. |::|

|::| Lilian Garcia |::|
The Winner of this match....SNAKE!!!!

|::| "One Shot 2 Shot" by Eminem hits as Snake stands up and raises the breifcase into the air...Snake Rolls out of the ring and heads up the ramp slapping fans hands on his way before going backstage...EMT's then come and check on Ash before placing him on a stretcher and wheeling him out. |::|

|::| A few minutes later we see Gothika walking the halls looking a little upset...she is then approached by her sister. |::|

|::| Toxic Angel |::|
Hey...tough loss...Sorry.

|::| Gothika |::|
It's ok...I'll get him back one just go kick Trish's ass ok?

|::| Toxic Angel |::|
No Problem..

|::| They hug real fast before Toxic Angel walks off and we turn into a Promo. |::|

|::| The Camera switches to the Titan Tron...At Hell Frozen Over...Trish forced to defend her title in a Fatal Four way...where Toxic Angel Rolled Trish up and became the new Champion. Trish however used her rematch clause...and at Royal one of the biggest Diva 3 Stages of Hell matches you'd ever seen...In a great battle Trish pulled it off and got the title back...After that Toxic Angel disappeared...A Month Later After Trish successfully retained the title against Number One Contender Torrie Wilson...Toxic Angel made her return and made sure Trish knew it. Toxic Challenges for her Rematch...Bischoff accepts but makes it a Final Battle Match. It shows all their Matches, Confrontations, and Schemes they have had on each other. |::|

|::| Jim Ross |::|
Trish Stratus!...and Toxic Angel!!...The Tie and Feud comes to an end at the grandest Stage WrestleMania!!!

|::| As we return to the arena "Getting away with murder" by Papa Roach hits the PA system and the crowd cheers as Toxic Angel steps threw the curtains. |::|

|::| Lilian Garcia |::|
The Following contest is scheduled for one fall...and is for the eWe Women's Championship!!...Introducing 1st the challenger...from Montreal, Quebec...She is a Former Women's Champion....Toxic Angel!!!

|::| The Crowd cheers her on as she runs down the ramp and slides into the ring...Then "Time to Rock N Roll" by Lil Kim hits and the crowd starts booing as Trish walks threw the curtains. |::|

|::| The King |::|
Woo!! Here She Comes JR!!...Our Women's Champion!!

|::| Lilian Garcia |::|
And now for the opponent...From Toronto Canada!!...She is a 3 Time...and Current...eWe Women's Champion....Trish Stratus!!!

|::| Trish continues down the ramp as the crowd continues to boo...She slides in the ring and raises her title high into the air to shove in the crowds face. |::|

|::| The crowd continues to boo as Trish just laughs...Trish's music fades as she hands her title to the ref...but not before giving it a good kiss...Trish then looks Toxic Angel straight in the eyes with a cold stare that Toxic Angel delivers right back before the bell rings. |::|

|::| The King |::|
Here We go!!

|::| With that TA and Trish lock up. TA Tossing Trish to the mat...Trish gets up and charges only to be hit with a arm drag takedown by TA...TA covers gets a quick 2...Trish gets up and locks back up with TA...TA whips Trish but Trish counter and chick kicks TA on the return!! |::|

|::| The King |::|
Wow this is going to be quick!!

|::| Trish covers but TA kicks out at 2...They both get to their Feet where TA whips Trish into the corner and starts slapping...TA takes Trish to the top rope and hits a superplex...Rolling into the cover with another 2 count...TA picks Trish up and again whips her to the Corner...this time looking for the Poison but no luck as Trish shoves her off...Trish sits on the corner and waits...when TA gets to her feet Trish hits a flying Cross Body Cover...yet another 2 count...Trish gets up and argues with the ref when she is rolled up by TA...yes u guessed it...another 2 count...TA gets up and hits Trish with a Power Bomb!! |::|

|::| Jim Ross |::|
What strength!!

|::| TA covers but Trish gets her foot on the ropes...Trish then gets to her feet and shoves TA into the Corner bouncing back into a roll up this time Trish gets her feet on the ropes. |::|

|::| Jim Ross |::|
Ref!!..The Feet!!

|::| TA still manages to power out of it...Trish gets upset and hits TA with another Chick Kick!...This time she takes TA to the corner and goes for the Stratusfaction but TA tosses Trish over the ropes to the floor! |::|

|::| Jim Ross |::|
Hard Landing for Trish!

|::| TA rolls out and starts punching at Trish...Trish suddenly whips TA into the steps...Trish limps her way into the ring. |::|

|::| Jim Ross |::|
Trish may have twisted her ankle on that fall.

|::| The King |::|
JR this is bad...she's holding her knee...she may have blown her knee!..Poor Trish!!

|::| Trish has one hand holding her knee...and the other the ropes to stand as she waits for TA to get back in the ring. TA slides in and Trish limps her way over to fight...immediately TA kicks her knee as Trish hits the mat. TA then locks in a leg lock focusing on the injured knee...Trish screams in pain as the ref keeps asking her if she wants to quit but she just keeps refusing while screaming in pain. |::|

|::| Jim Ross |::|
We could have a new Champion here!!...Trish is very hurt...she won't die her or hate her you have to admire that.

|::| The King |::|
Come On Trish!!

|::| Trish screams and still refuses to give up...finally she gets a hold of the bottom rope where the ref makes TA release the hold...TA backs off and waits for Trish to get up...Trish uses the ropes to do so where she is Back Suplexes by TA...and TA then locks back in the same move on the same leg...Trish now screaming worse then before...still refusing to give up. |::|

|::| Jim Ross |::|
and now we see how much that title means to both these ladies...TA using good strategy doing what it takes to win...and Trish just won't give up blown Knee and all!

|::| Trish once again reaches the ropes this time she rolls out of the ring...not to smart as her knee smacks the floor causing more pain...Trish limps her way back up and back into the ring where she ducks a clothesline by TA and hits a Desperation DDT...Trish pulls herself up and waits for TA gets up Trish goes for a 3rd Chick Kick...TA ducks and Trish catches her own knee and falls into the corner in pain...TA sets her on top and Nails the Poison!!...she covers and gets the 1...2...3!!! |::|

|::| Lilian Garcia |::|
The Winner of this match...and New Women's Champion....Toxic Angel!!!

|::| "Getting away with murder" by Papa Roach hits the PA again as TA is handed her new title...for the 2nd time in her career...making her eWe's 2nd ever 2 time Women's Champion...and she celebrates...She walks up the ramp and looks back at the Fallen Trish with a smile on her face...and a small...very small look of concern can be seen...She just smiles and walks backstage as EMT's come running out after she leaves. |::|

|::| Jim Ross |::|
Yet another good performance by these two ladies...Love her or hate have to admire Trish's courage...the will to survive...the need to stay Women's Champion...but the knee was her downfall and didn't let it happen tonight...Toxic Angel the new Women's Champion.

|::| The King |::|
Well yeah Congratulations to her...but that can wait...right now we should be worried about Poor Trish!!

|::| EMT's try to help Trish up but they are interrupted by the World Champion...he tells them all to buzz off as they do...He as careful as he can picks Trish up and carries her backstage. |::|

|::| Jim Ross |::|
We'll keep you updated on Trish's condition as we get it...But Now King...It's time to Decide who will be the Sole Owner of this Great Company!!

|::| Lilian Garcia |::|
The following contest is sceduraled for one fall and it is a Street Fight...and is for Sole Ownership of Extreme Wrestling Entertainment!! Coming down the isle Eric Bishoff.

|::| The fans boo as "I'm Back" plays and Bischoff makes his way to the ring. He is shirtless and has on black kickboxing pants. He gets in the ring and holds up both hands "My Way" by Limp Bisket plays and the fans go crazy. Johnny runs down the ramp and slides into the ring. Before Lillian can introduce him, Bischoff attacks him. Lillian gets out of the ring as Bischoff holds Johnny by his head in a reverse headlock. Bischoff knees Johnny in the back of his head. Johnny finally breaks lose and jumps to his feet. But Bischoff catches him with a kick. Johnny goes down again and Bischoff pins. The referee counts to two but Johnny kicks out. Bischoff pins again and again Johnny kicks out. Bischoff backs the referee into the corner, yelling at him. |::|

|::| Jim Ross |::|
Look at Bischoff. He got a cheap shot to take control of this match and now he is crying to the referee.

|::| The King |::|
Come on boss, stay on him. Get Johnny out of office.

|::| Chaos gets to his feet as Bischoff turns away from the referee. He kicks Bischoff in the stomach and hits a spike DDT. Johnny grabs Bischoff's leg and tries for the Chaos effect. Bischoff squirms lose and gets out of the ring. The fans boo him. Johnny bounces off the back rope and dives through the rope...or so it seems. He catches himself and flips back into the ring. Bischoff kicks the guard rail, mad that he is being shown up. He turns in time for Johnny to catch him with a suicide dive. The crowd cheers and chants for Johnny. |::|

|::| The King |::|
Look at him showboating. Bischoff isn't a wrestler.

|::| Jim Ross |::|
He shouldn't have signed up for this match then.

|::| Bischoff is leaning with his back to the ring. Johnny reaches over the top rope to pull him back in when Bichoff comes up with a chair shot. It makes a sickening crack as Johnny falls back into the ring in a heap. Bichoff brings in the chair and begins to hit it on Chaos= 92leg.Hetossesthechairaside and locks on the Chaos Effect. He laughs as Johnny begins to scream and try and pull himself to the ropes. He finally makes it to the ropes and Bischoff refuses to break. Finally he does and he goes back for the chair. Johnny gets to his feet, hoping on his good leg. Bischoff runs in with the chair and swings. Johnny ducks and the chair bounces off the rope. It comes back and hits Bischoff square in the head. Bischoff falls to the ground. The fans are screaming like wild. |::|

|::| Jim Ross |::|
He knocked himself out with the chair.

|::| The King |::|
That was pretty funny but he needs to get up. Come on Eric.

|::| Johnny gets to his feet first. He stomps on Bischoff's leg, almost falling everytime he stomps. He again goes for the Chaos effect, but Bischoff manages to squirm out of the ring. Johnny follows him and grabs the ring bell. He almost swings at Bischoff, but his leg gives out. He falls to his knee dropping the ring bell. Bischoff grabs a trash can lid from under the ring. He picks it up over his head to hit Johnny, but Johnny hits him in the gut. He drops the lid and Johnny picks it up. He smashes it into Bischoff's face. Bischoff walks away holding his nose. Johnny lays the lid down and truns Bischoff around. He hits a face buster onto the trash can lid. Johnny taunts and picks up Bischoff. He rolls him back into the ring. Bischoff gets up and swings with a big kick right as Johnny gets into the ring. Johnny catches his leg and pushes him to the ground. He locks on the Chaos Effect and the crowd goes wild again. Bischoff is trying to fight to the ropes but Johnny has him in the middle of the ring. Bischoff raises his hand to tap out when a guitar is smashed over Johnny's head. The fans boo as Jarrett tosses the broken guitar out of the ring. |::|

|::| Jim Ross |::|
What the hell is Jeff Jarrett doing in the ring? He just turned on the owner.

|::| The King |::|
No he just got us a new owner!

|::| Bischoff climbs to his feet and tells Jarrett to hit Johnny with "The Stroke". Jarrett does as the fans boo. Bischoff covers and Jarrett pushes the referee down. The referee counts the three. "I'm Back" plays as Bischoff gets up and celebrates. Jarrett gets the microphone and gets next to Johnny's ear. |::|

|::| Jeff Jarrett |::|
Thats for not booking me at Wrestlemania! Now you don't even have a job no more. So choke on that SlapNut!

|::| Bischoff shakes Jarrett's hand as the referees check on Johnny. Bischoff leaves the ring as Jarrett puts his boot on Johnny's chest. He shows off as the scene moves back to the announce table. |::|

|::| Jim Ross |::|
That Sickens Me...It Really Does.

|::| The King |::|
What are you talking about JR?!...Eric is a way betetr Owner then Johnny!!'ll see!!

|::| Jim Ross |::|
Well in any event it is almost time for the International Championship to be decided...

|::| All of a sudden "Du Haust" hits the speakers and the lights go out, then on the titontron the words A NEW BREED OF WRESTLER HAS ARRIVED apper. Smoke billows out of the stage and there appers Rage standing there. |::|

|::| He makes his way down to the ring to a mixed reaction of boos and cheers. He gets in the ring and looks at the crowd, and grabs a microphone. |::|

|::| Rage |::|
Ohhhh wee wow, this is some amzing shit. EWE can put on one hell of a ppv. I mean i have seen some great matches.

|::| Rage gets a smile on his face before it goses away. |::|

|::| Rage |::|
Yeah right what am i talking about, i have been sitting in the back and all i have seen is crap, crapy matches Crapy titles crapy this and crapy that. This is the biggest bunch of crap that i have ever seen in the world of profesional wrestling. Now, i know that yall spent your hard earned money to come and see this show and have so far been disapointed, but its ok now, cause being abel to see me gives you your moneys worth. Hell the only thing that is worth seeing in this place is the hot divas that are around. Now there have been rumors going around about the AWO Stud Rage comeing to the ewe well those rumors are true, Rage is here in the EWE to make wrestling history for you, im here to make sure that you people are not subjected to this crap that the ewe calls wrestling. but i am not alone, oh no no no, see i have a friend with me, so let me bring him out at this moment.

|::| The lights start to flash different colors as Never Scared by Bone Crusher hits the arena speakers. The crowd acually cheers as Malici appers at the top of the ramp. |::|

|::| WrestleMania II |::|

|::| Malici makes his way down to the ring looking at the fans gets in and shakes hands with Rage. He then gets a mic and looks at the crowd. |::|

|::| Malici |::|
Now aint this some crap, before when i was here in the ewe there was acually some competion.....yeah right im just playing, all the competion was crap, and it looks like things have not changed, now you have people like Anti Steel a washed up has been running around here, and Triple H along with Ben this is crap, well im not going to take up every ones time, cause i know that you all want to see some more crappy wrestling, but The Real Deal Malici and the New Breed of Wrestler Rage are here to make your wrestling experence the best it can be, now EWE Superstars get ready cause its time for a Revolution.

|::| Malici drops his mic as his music hits agin, Rage and Malici taunt to a bunch of boos from the crowd. |::|

|::| We now see Terri Runnels walking the hall...She stops at a she knocks the Camera zooms in to read the door that says "SNAKE" The Crowd Cheers for that...then the door Opens...A HUGE Barrel of smoke comes rushing out the door causing Terri to Cough and wave her hand in front of her face. Snake walks out smiling. |::|

|::| Snake |::|
Terri!..What's up Sexy Mamma?

|::| Terri continues Cough and wave her hand in front of her face. But finally manages to talk. |::|

|::| Terri Runnels |::|
I'm just wondering what you plan to do next...and plan to do with all that money?

|::| Snake |::|
Well..I'm kinda in the middle of my big Celebration if you havn't noticed...but I'll answer this one question real fast...What Am I gonna do with $100,000?...Easy as all them football players say after winning the Super Bowl...I'M GOING TO DISNEY LAND HOMES!!!...but not before I find the Fattest Sack Possible!!

|::| The crowd laughs as Snake smirks |::|

|::| Snake |::|
Terri Your welcome to come in here and Party!!

|::| Terri shrugs and starts walking in. |::|

|::| Snake |::|
Go ahead...I got one more thing to say...This goes out to Ben...or White Tiger...I don't care who wins tonight homes...Know this...whoever does...I'm coming after you essa!!...The Baddest Man on the Planet is coming to get that Title!!!...But that's later homes...Right's time to Party like it's 1999 Homes!!...Peace Out Essas!!

|::| The crowd cheers as Snake goes back into his lockerroom and we go back to the arena. |::|

|::| Because of Snake The Crowd is pumped and ready as "Lithium" by Nirvana hits and the crowd cheers as Ricky steps threw the curtains. |::|

|::| Lilian Garcia |::|
The following contest is sceduraled for one fall and is for the International Championship...introducing 1st...the Chellenger...from Calgary, Alberta, Canada!!...weighing in at 256 pounds...RICKY CHAMBERSS!!

|::| The crowd continues to cheer as Ricky runs down the ramp and slides into the ring. He paces back and forth looking ready as his music is replaced with "Breaking The Habbit" By Linkin Park...the Crowd begins to boo as Mark walks threw the Curtains and out on stage...he poses with a cocky smile as he looks down at his waist at his International title. |::|

|::| Lilian Garcia |::|
His opponent...Representing Evolution...from St. Louis Missouri...weighing in at 245 pounds...he is the eWe International Champion...Mark Cha0s!!

|::| Mark continues down the ramp until he hands his title to the ref...he raises it up as the bell rings. |::|

|::| Jim Ross |::|
Both men are in the ring now and this match is one of the most anticipated matches on the card!

|::| The King |::|
I wonder if Mark Chaos can come out of this slump he has been in. I don't think Ricky can pull this one off!

|::| Both men look at one another from the corners, slowly they step out and stare one another down, each of them talking as much trash as possible, they look around at the fans, the crowds seem to be going wild. Ricky looks over at Mark and suddenly Mark goes for a cheap shot and Ricky blocks it and the crowd starts going wild with the two men, the exchange rights and lefts until Ricky gets the upperhand. He whips Mark into the turnbuckle and goes for a splash but Mark gets a foot up and knocks Ricky down, he then drops an elbow right across the collarbone and Ricky sputters and starts to cough. Mark quickly makes a pin, one..two..Kickout by Ricky. Mark sets up and stands up picking Ricky up to his feet by the hair. Ricky goes to punch Mark but Mark blocks it and locks Ricky in an arm bar, but Ricky reverses it with a couple of clever moves and flips Mark over on his back, drops down and then locks Marks arm in an arm bar, Mark rolls Ricky over and somehow rolls over his back and grabs him in an armbar, Chambers breaks it and they both roll away from one another and look over at one another. |::|

|::| Jim Ross |::|
And look at these two go at it, nice mat wrestling going on right now. Neither man can seem to get the upperhand.

|::| The King |::|
Mark Chaos is toying with Ricky Chambers, we will have a winner in just a few minutes! Mark Chaos!

|::| Mark and Ricky once again meet in the middle of the ring and this time they lock up, Mark almost automaticly pulls Ricky into a headlock but Ricky shoves him into the ropes, Mark bounces back quickly and leapfrogs Mark, but Mark quickly turns around and pulls Ricky around the waist and nails him with a german suplex, Rickys head bounces violently off the mat and he rolls away holding his head. Mark stands up and smirks and poses. Ricky is trying to shake off the pain, Mark is on the offencive now, He starts pounding away on Marks head and finally Ricky is on his stomach, Mark looks to be in total control, the fans giving him heat. Ricky tries to fight to his feet but Mark helps him up and sits him in the corner and gives him a hard chop, and then a nice uppercut, and then another chop. He speeds it up and finally Ricky is stunned, Mark sends him into the opposite turnbuckle and Ricky hits hard and bounces out and Mark nails him with a hard closeline. Ricky holds his head and tries to get to his feet once more, but Mark locks in a sleeper. |::|

|::| Jim Ross |::|
Mark Chaos is being very solid in this match, keeping Ricky on the mat might be the best thing to do, because if he gets started it could very well be over for Mark!

|::| The King |::|
I told you J.R, Mark has not been polishing that title for Ricky, he has been polishing it for himself! To bring back home to Evolution!

|::| Mark hugs the sleeper on tighter as Ricky slowly starts to fade away, the fans start to die with him, getting more and more out of it, Rickys face is red and slowly he lies all the way down and the ref walks over and raises his hand in the air..He picks it all the way up, and then drops it..He looks up and yells one..He repeats his actions and yells two, the fans are starting to come alive. As the ref drops three, Rickys foot goes on the ropes and Mark jumps up and raises his hands in the air and starts celebrating, he gets out of the ring and walks to Lillian and grabs his title and holds it up, the referee tries to tell him about Rickys foot but Mark isn't listening. Mark holds his title and puts it around his waist, the referee gets in the ring and starts counting, Mark is poseing to the crowd, when all of a sudden he turns around and a body comes flying over the top rope. Mark goes crashing to the floor and Ricky pulls himself up using the barricade, the fans reaching over and patting him on the shoulder as he poses to them once. He then picks Mark up and sends him right into the steel steps, Mark looks shocked and hurt at the same time as he rolls on the floor holding his back. |::|

|::| Jim Ross |::|
Oh my God! Mark Chaos still has that title belt around his waist and Ricky Chambers has gained his secound wind and he doesn't seem to care. But Rickys foot was clearly on the ropes!

|::| The King |::|
Yeah it might of been JR but look at Ricky Chambers! The ref needs to get this thing back into the ring! Chambers is cheating, DQ him ref!

|::| Chambers is stomping away at Mark and finally he picks him up and sends him into the barricade, Mark jumps to aviod it and lands in the first row of the fans, Ricky looks around and calls for a chair and sets it up right infront of the barricade and you can see what is coming. He sets the chair up sideways and runs toward it and jumps into the air, but Mark leaps from the barricade and they collide in mid and and crash onto the chair, it goes flat. Both men lay out of it as the referee doesn't know what to do. He climbs out of the ring and checks on both men as the fans are shocked at Marks will. |::|

|::| Jim Ross |::|
What a move by Ricky Chambers, he had the ideal but Mark knew what was coming and he just countered it. Mark don't want to go home empty handed!

|::| The King |::|
I'm right again JR the match is in Marks hands once more.

|::| They both try and get to their feet and when they do, Mark still has that belt around his waist as he gets the upperhand and slides Chambers into the ring, he poses, but weakly and climbs into the ring as well and poses on the turnbuckle, but Ricky is back to his feet and walks over and grabs Mark by the hair and suplexes him over the top rope. Mark holds his back and Ricky stands up and finally calls for his finisher and he turns around just for a secound to see Randy Orton running down to ringside. He stops calling for it and when Ricky notices him jumping on the turnbuckle, Ricky runs over and nails Randy back off the ropes and he falls all the way to the ramp, the referee chases him out of the ring and commands him back to the back. Randy argues, but Ricky is clapping in the ring, and he doesn't notice Mark getting up slowly behind him, with the title slowly sliding off of his waist. |::|

|::| Jim Ross |::|
Turn around Ricky! Your about to get your head took off by that title!

|::| The King |::|
Oh come on JR he is just taking his title off so he can fight better!

|::| Ricky turns around just in time to see the gold coming right toward him, he ducks it and kicks Mark in the gut and it looks like he has control, but Mark jumps up and nails him with the title and Ricky lands in the center of the ring and the title is slid to the side of the ring, the referee looks over at Mark who is tired but is smirking. He stands up and picks Ricky to his feet, and then nails him with a Chaos Cutter! The fans boo as Mark slowly rolls Ricky over and pins him..One..Two..Thre- NO! Ricky forces his shoulder up and Mark looks so shocked its funny. Mark stands up and walks over to get the title but the ref stops him, the fight over the title and when Mark turns around he gets a hard superkick by Ricky! Mark goes down and Ricky falls on top of him..He ref makes the count..One..Two..Thre- NO! Mark now forces his shoulder up and these men are really going at it. |::|

|::| Jim Ross |::|
And what a kickout by both men, both men doesn't want to go home at Wrestlemania, both men wants to gold. But who wants it more!

|::| The King |::|
Ricky Chambers and his cheap shots!

|::| They both crawl over to the corners they started in and both men look across the ring at one another and both men fight to their feet, They stumble to the middle of the ring but all of a sudden Mark comes to life and nails a Chaos Cutter, he was playing possum. He smirks and looks at Ricky face down in the ring and Mark goes for his title once more but the referee stops him, as Ricky lies there, we see that the fans are looking at the entrance, they start to cheer loudly as the camera turns to see Derek Daniels standing at the top of the ramp looking first up at the Hell in a Cell above the ring and then looks down to the match with a small smirk with his arms crossed, Mark looks up and looks pissed. |::|

|::| Jim Ross |::|
What the hell is Derek Daniels doing here? Some time to be looking at that Cell above the ring! We have a hell of a match going on!

|::| The King |::|
He is cheating, I think the referee should come and kick him out of the ring!

|::| Mark looks pissed and leans on the ropes and motions for Derek to come on down the ramp but Derek just ignores him and watches, no matter how cocky Mark looks he looks confused, Ricky is up on his feet and poseing to the ground, though with a bloody nose from the Chaos Cutter and a sore neck, he pops his neck and Derek just keeps watching, Mark finally gives up and turns around and BAM Mark gets nailed with the Canadian Chaos! The fans go nuts as Ricky hooks the leg and makes a pin..The referee counts..One..Two..THREE! The bell rings and Ricky just lies there in the ring as his music hits, Derek claps a little as he nods and leaves the ramp. Ricky clutches the title as he holds it, both men are too weak to move. Referees come and check on them. |::|

|::| Lilian Garcia |::|
And the winner of this match..And..NEWWW International Champion.."Radical" Ricky Chamberrs!

|::| Ricky Holds his Title up high before walking backstage. |::|

|::| The ewe crowd is quiet from the amazing last match that just had been witnessed, When they hear the next match is a anti steel vs the rock they cheer when The Rock makes his way as his music is playing on the PA system The Rock doing the jabroni beatin walk down to the ring, as he gets in the ring and goes to the turnbuckle to raise his arm on all four posts. The Rock gets down looking at all the fans when his music gets cut. Anti Steel music hits The PA system and he gets a mixed reaction from the crowd, As Antisteel's pyro hits he stands staring at The Rock. |::|

|::| Rock just flips Anti Steel the middle finger as Anti Steels face turns red, Anti Steel runs to the ring and rolls through the bottom ropes as Rock starts to stomp on him the ref pushes Rock off and rings the bell. Anti Steel gets up and stares with The Rock, Anti Steel slaps The Rock and The Rock begins to retaliate with hard right hands Anti Steel avoids them with an irish whip, Anti runs back and jumps on The Rock for a boomfest press, Antisteel gets him up again but The Rock does another irish whip this time connecting with the belly to belly on Steel, Rock grabs his ankle for the Ankle lock, Anti Steel screams in pain as he is about to tap when he grabs the ropes and The Rock gets kicked off and falls to the ground, Steel the begins to Stomp at Rock like Rock stomped on him. Steel then picks him up at the top for a superplex, and then delivers the superplex and starts to taunt him by jumping in circles, Steel picks up The Rock and throws him over the ropes. Steel gets out of the ring and Irish whips Rocky into the Steel Steps. Hitting his knees hard, Steel removes all of the equipment off the announcers table and gives Rocky a German suplex right through it, Anti Steel rolls Rock back into the ring and gets him up for an pile driver but Rock reverses it into a DDT, 1...2...kick out by Anti Steel, Rock gives a quick DDT then a suplex, and gets him up piledriver!! |::|

|::| 1...2.... Anti Steel kicks out again! Rock is angry as he stomps at Anti Steel then he irish whips him and does a gigantic spine buster from hell, Anti Steel goes down, Rock picks him up again and gives him another spine buster, 1...2....kick out again by Anti Steel, Rock goes for another pin 1...2.. kick out, Anti Steel fights to get up as Rock gets up for another spine buster but Anti gets around it for a German suplex. steel than does another and another, steel gets rock up for a powerslam, steel than goes up top and Does a swanton bomb!! Right on The rock! As the ref counts 1...2...kick out! Anti Steel can't believe it as he picks up Rock but Rock and Steel are exchanging right hands as one of Rock shots are cought by Anti Steel. |::|

|::| Anti steel gets The rock up and hits him with a DDT But before it hit's The Rock Reverses it in to a Rock Bottom then the people's Elbow. The Rock goes up on top of the rope and hit's the leg drop on Anti Steel as the Rock goes for the Pin Anti Steel Kick's out. And he gets up and kick's The Rock in the midsection and Anti Steel goes up to the top rope and he is still holding the rock's Arm and then Anti Steel Lock's Up With the Rock Again and Then Anti Steel Uses The Rock's Move Against him and that is the Rock Bottom. He then goes for a pin 1...2.... Kick out! Steel is going nuts! Steel does an armbar take down, Steel wants Rock to feel pain, he then lets go and goes for the Ankle Lock, Rock is screaming in pain as he grabs the ropes but gets pulled back Rock is yelling and telling the ref he won't give up as Steel starts to put the pressure on The Rock The ref is paying attention to the rock making sure if he is still in the match, the rock then kicks steel in the mid section and quickly gets up. He goes for a spine buster but Steel hits an elbow to the face and another rock bottom! 1.....2....3....!!! Anti Steel has just made the rock lose to his own move 2 times he did it! |::|

|::| Lilian Garcia |::|
The Winner of the match...Anti-Steel!!

|::| As AS is celebrating he turns into a Rock Bottom!!...Rock Grabs a Chair and measures him up...suddenly the Lights go out and the Gongs hit...The Crowd is going insane as "Graveyard Symphony" hits the PA system...When the lights come back on Rock is looking at the stage and starts smiling thinking he's alright...what he doesn't know is Taker is right behind him...AS wakes up and sees Rock smiling with a chair...but more importantly Taker behind him...AS rolls out of the ring wisely getting the hell out of dodge...Rock gets cocky thinking he scared him off and then turns around into a Chokeslam!!...followed by a Tombstone onto the Chair!!..."Graveyard Symphony" hits as Taker taunts and poses. |::|

|::| The Camera switches to Evolution's lockerroom...where Everyone is looking beat up except HHH who is getting ready for his big match. |::|

|::| Triple H |::|
Alright guys...I need to do this on my own...this is Personal busniess between us...Stephanie is the ONLY person that's going to be out that clear?

|::| They all nod. |::|

|::| Triple H |::|
Good...Come on Steph.

|::| HHH and Steph leave and start down the hall...almost to the entrance area they hear someone cough...They freeze and look around...That's when we see a shadowy character sitting on a table against a wall...He hops off and comes into view revealing to be Toxic! |::|

|::| Toxic |::|
I just wanted to say good luck..

|::| Triple H |::|
What's it to ya?

|::| Toxic |::|
Nothing really...just being curtious to wish the man luck..that before Vince walked out...I was going to beat to become the Undisputed Champion..

|::| Triple H |::|
Oh please...I was goign to wipe the floor with you.

|::| Toxic |::|
Is that so?

|::| Triple H |::|
Yes it is...But I don't have time for this...this can be decided on a different Day at a different time...right now I have a match.

|::| Toxic |::| Good Luck

|::| Triple H |::|
yeah whatever..

|::| They walk off camera leaving Toxic with a grin before we cut into the promo. |::|

|::| The Camera switches to the Titan Tron...That opens up at Double Assault...It show Derek making his 1st eWe Appearance before HHH retaining the Heavyweight Title. It shows Derek coming to HHH for advice. It shows them becoming friends and all the Tag matches and times they've had each other's backs. Then it flips to Chaos on December 4, 2004...HHH setting up for the Pedigree...until he is nailed in the back by a chair...He turns and sees Derek cracking him over the head with the same chair! |::|

|::| Derek Daniels |::|
I did what I did for a reason...I wasn't going to sit around and wait for HHH to turn his back on me...I know his history and knew it was bound to happen...I was not going to sit around and wait for it to happen.

|::| We now go to Hell Frozen Over...a long grueling Last Man Standing match...ending in a Draw. DDD is the 1st to stagger up as he gets a mic...He waits a few minutes to recooperate as HHH gets up. |::|

|::| Derek Daniels |::|
Man...Great Match!...Hey don't leave!...look man I'm sorry...I mean it...I was an Idiot I don't know what came over me...can you ever forgive me man?.

|::| Jim Ross |::|

|::| The King |::|
You Don't know that!

|::| The crowd starts cheering as Derek Extends his hand...HHH snatches the mic. |::|

|::| Triple H |::|
Look...your right it was a great match....forgive you?...Man I should thank you...You have helped me realize something...I don't know what the hell I was thinking...the way I have been in the past few ain't me...we all know helped me realize that People get screwed over all the time...I'm not use to being on the receiving end of it...I never was when I was the old helped me find the old me...but hey...what would the old me be like without my old friends?

|::| Then From Nowhere DDD is hit from Batista with a hard Clothesline!! Batista continues an assault on DDD...Flair cracks him over the head with the same chair a couple times before Batista lifts him up and nails the Batista Bomb!!...Suddenly John Lesnar comes running down and picks DDD up. Lesnar then delivers the F-9!!! HHH Laughs as he puts the finishing touches with 2 Sledgehammer shots to the skull and 6 more to the rib cage. "Evolution" by Motorhead hits and the 4 men leave as DDD is carried out on a Stretcher. DDD is gone and on the Injury list...but He promised he would get redemption on HHH and one month later...The Royal Rumble...After being eliminated Taker has cleaned out the Ring with Choke slams...all except HHH...HHH doesn't seem to mind what just happened...He is pretty confident about being the only person standing...what can bring him down?....what could possibly kill his mood....well it is time for the #29 Entry....let's find out who it is.....well let me think ok "Headstrong" by Trapt hits the PA system....HHH's smile quickly turns upside when he hears that song...he knows it all too all...just as he expected DEREK DANIELS!!! Comes walking through the curtains...The Crowd is going absolutely insane at this point....Derek Continues down the ramp and HHH is freaking out again...HHH tries to stomp on DDD as he gets in but DDD stops then grabs HHH foot making him hit the mat...DDD slides in and Beats the holly hell out of him...he finally gets off and waits back for HHH to get he does he clotheslines him and they both go over the top rope and to the floor! Just cause they have been eliminated doesn't mean the fight has to end...Derek after getting up is right back on the vicious assault...He Picks Triple H up and sends him over the Barrier into the Audience...They brawl threw the crowd and flip back over the barrier again. As the brawl continues up the ramp they get towards the end of the stage...Nothing good ever happens there...just in the nick of time Security is back and rushes in breaking up Derek Daniels and Triple H Hauling them both back stage...Once again one month later...No Love Lost...HHH facing Emperor Ben for the World Heavyweight Championship....Ben walks over and tries to revive the ref. Meanwhile while Ben does that HHH rolls out of the ring and shoves Trish out of his way as he pulls out a SledgeHammer from under the ring. He slides in and limps his way right behind Ben. As Ben gives up and turns around he is nailed in the ribcage before HHH plants the Pedigree!!!...HHH covers...but still...NO REF! HHH walks over and smacks the ref in the head but it doesn't work. He's about ready to do it again until "Headstrong" by Trapt Nails the PA System...HHH jumps and looks up at the ramp...he gets pumped and ready...but nothing happens...suddenly the song cuts and HHH stands confused. He turns back to the ref again when it hits again. HHH looks back at the stage. And gets pissed when still nothing. When the music cuts again he turns back around into a face full of a Steel Chair from DEREK DANIELS!! Derek slams the chair down and drags Ben over on top of HHH. As DDD gets out and heads up the ramp the ref finally comes to and makes the 1...2...3!!...It ends with clips of them brawling time and time again...and ends with these faithful words. |::|

|::| Triple H |::|
Hell...... In a..... Cell!

|::| With that we return to a pumped sold out crowd in Las Vegas as the Cell begins to it does..."The Game" by Motorhead hits the PA system. The crowd begins to boo as Triple H and his lovely wife Stephanie separates the curtains. HHH walks back and forth across stage spitting up water. |::|

|::| Lilian Garcia |::|
The Following Contest is a Hell in a Cell Match!!!...Introducing 1st...being accompanied by his wife Stephanie Mcmahon-Helmsley!! From Greenwich, Connecticut!! Weighing in at 260 pounds...The Leader of Evolution!...The Game!!...TRIPLE!!!!....H!!!!!!

|::| The King |::|
And Here he comes JR!!...This guy has beaten the greatest of superstars in this very match...and tonight he looks to do it again at the Grandest Stage of them all!!

|::| HHH and Stephanie continue down the ramp HHH looking very focused. As they reach the ring area Stephanie climbs up the stairs and walks down the apron. HHH looks into the crowd with an evil stare before taking a big drink and tossing his Water bottle into the crowd. He hops up on the apron and looks at the crowd for a minute...then he does the signature Water spit straight into the air as Stephanie does a pose with her hand facing HHH. HHH spits the remainder of the water into the camera before stepping between the ropes to enter the ring. He walks across the ring and steps up onto the turnbuckle looking over the crowd again before doing his famous pose. As HHH gets down his music fades out...just in time to be replaced with "Headstrong" by Trapt!!...Derek Daniels comes through the Curtains with an Explosion of energy and a huge eruption from the crowd. |::|

|::| Lilian Garcia |::|
and now the Opponent....Being accompanied by Joe Puffs...From Reno, Nevada!!...weighing in at 260 pounds....The Dynamic...DEREK DANIELS!!!!!!

|::| The crowd is still going crazy and DDD is still pumped as he is going down the long ramp. With his eyes locked on HHH every step of the way he removes his "Who's got Next?" T-Shirt and tosses it to Joe as he now sprints down the ramp. He slides in the ring just before The Cell hits the floor. He gets in and pounces on HHH with the Lou Thez Press as the Bell rings!! |::|

|::| Jim Ross |::|
And Here We Go King!!...a match we have all been waiting for...for a long time!!...and Derek wasting no time!

|::| Derek continues to punch away and the crowd loves every minute of it. Derek gets up and calls for HHH to get up as he does Derek Charges...but HHH takes him into a slam that he turns into a series of punches himself. HHH whips Derek and follows him by clothesling him over the top and to the floor! HHH picks DDD up and slams him into the stairs!!...HHH then looks underneath the ring and pulls out...yes you guessed it...a SledgeHammer!!! |::|

|::| Jim Ross |::|
Oh Come On!!...What's he need that for?

|::| The King |::|
Well you know as well as I do's Perfectly legal!!

|::| Jim Ross |::|
That's the sad part!

|::| HHH raises the Hammer high into the air...Derek has no choice but to hit a low Blow!! |::|

|::| Jim Ross |::|
There You Go Triple H!!!

|::| The King |::|
You call that Fair JR?!

|::| Jim Ross |::|
It's what he had to do King!!...Besides like you said about the Hammer....IT'S LEGAL!!

|::| HHH drops the SledgeHammer and grabs his Jewels as he hits his knees...DDD gets to his feet and grabs HHH by the hair...He rolls HHH into the ring and slides in after him. HHH is up...and back down with a DDT from Derek...Derek Picks HHH up and sets him way!...for the Pedigree!! HHH grabs the feet and Catapults Derek into the turnbuckle...HHH rolls him up from behind with his feet on the ropes! |::|

|::| Jim Ross |::|
HHH trying to steal this thing!!

|::| Derek still manages to kick out at 2!! HHH starts arguing with the ref as Derek Rolls him up from behind!...1..2..HHH kicks out!...HHH goes for a Power bomb but Derek turns it into a Hurrannicanna!...DDD grabs HHH and hits a HUGE DDT!!...DDD taunts and climbs the turnbuckle...the Crowd gets on their feet knowing what's coming...He shoots...he scores!!...The Dynamic Dive!!...Derek Covers.. |::|

|::| Jim Ross |::|
YES!!...He's Got it!!...NO!!...HHH gets the shoulder up!

|::| Derek gets up and calls for HHH to get back up...He does...DDD Charges...and ketches a High Knee!!...HHH sets up for the Pedigree...DDD sends HHH over his back, out of the the floor!!...Derek gets up and runs to the other side of the ring...When he comes back to the same side he jumps off the top rope and hits HHH with a corkscrew as he gets up...Derek then makes the cover. |::|

|::| Jim Ross |::|
High Risk Move...Now the Cover...Dammit HHH kicks out again.

|::| Derek picks HHH up and Slams him into the steps...he then gets wide eyes when he sees the very same Hammer HHH tried to use...Derek walks over and picks it up...He stalks HHH as he gets up...HHH turns around...and crack!!...right between the eyes!! |::|

|::| Jim Ross |::|
Triple H...Busted Wide Open with his own choice of weapon!!

|::| The King |::|
OH NO!!!

|::| Derek smiles and drops the Hammer...He Grabs HHH by the hair but HHH desperately gives him a low blow!!...Both men fall...HHH uses the steps to get does DDD...suddenly HHH slams DDD's face into the Steps!!...HHH quickly grabs him again and does it again!...3 more times!!...HHH grabs Derek and slams his face into the Cell wall a good 6 times!...HHH drags DDD's face on the Cell until he finally cuts him open. |::|

|::| Jim Ross |::|
Triple H is Irate!!...wait!!...He has the Hammer!!...Derek look out!!....No look out!!

|::| CRACK!!....too late DDD is cracked with the SledgeHammer!!...HHH still furious picks DDD up and slams him threw the Cell Door full force!! |::|

|::| Jim Ross |::|
This has gone too far!!...both men are a Bloody Mess..and now they are taking it out here!!

|::| The King |::|
You Gotta love it JR!!

|::| HHH drags Derek over to King and JR and rolls him on top of their table...HHH gets on top and smiles as he sets up for the Pedigree!!! |::|

|::| Jim Ross |::|
You gotta be kidding me?!! HHH no!!!...Don't do it!!

|::| Being right next to him HHH heard every word and just smiles at JR as he hooks the arms...suddenly Derek Sends HHH flying into the crowd and to the Concrete Floor!!! DDD climbs over the wall and starts the brawl. |::|

|::| Jim Ross |::|
And now they are fighting in the audience!

|::| The King |::|
Not the 1st time JR!!

|::| Jim Ross |::|
That's right King...the Royal Rumble!!

|::| Derek has the Control as they go all through the crowd...Just before they reach the wall again HHH kicks Derek in the Mid Section and Clotheslines Derek. HHH then grabs a camera cable from the floor and starts to choke Derek. HHH picks Derek up and tosses him over the wall. HHH stands on the wall and taunts before stepping down. Derek Gets up and starts climbing the cell...HHH follows...They both reach the top and begin a slug fest... |::|

|::| Jim Ross |::|
HHH and Derek on top of the Cell!!!

|::| Derek Tries to Arm Toss HHH over but HHH locks his arm taking Derek with him...Sending both men flying off the Cell and crashing threw the Spanish Announce Table!!! |::|

|::| Jim Ross |::|

|::| The King |::|
Neither Men are Moving JR!!

|::| Jim Ross |::|
What do you expect King that's a 15 foot drop!!...And here comes the EMT's it looks like the epic battle between these 2 will once again end in a draw.

|::| EMT's Check them out and load both men on stretchers and start rolling them up the ramp. |::|

|::| Jim Ross |::|
It sucks to see a match like this end in this way...Both men gave it their all...wait a minute!!

|::| Half way up the ramp Derek rolls off his Stretcher...a few seconds later HHH does the same thing. As HHH gets up Derek hits him with a Right...Derek goes for another but HHH blocks and hits one of his own...HHH goes for another but Derek blocks and answers back. This goes on until they reach the bottom of the ramp. As Derek Blocks HHH...HHH knees him in the Mid Section. HHH then whips him into the Cell Wall...HHH drags Derek through the door and rolls him back in the ring. HHH slides in. Derek gets up and tries to Whip HHH but HHH counters when Derek comes back HHH hits the Spinebuster!!...he once again sets Derek up for the Pedigree!!...HE DELIEVERS!! |::|

|::| The King |::|
YES!!!....IT'S OVER!!

|::| Jim Ross |::|

|::| HHH covers and the ref counts but at 2 Derek gets his foot on the ropes. |::|

|::| Jim Ross |::|
Derek just barely gets his foot on the ropes!!

|::| HHH gets furious after arguing with the ref he picks Derek up and hits a Suplex in the middle of the ring...HHH then climb one of the turnbuckles and Taunts. |::|

|::| Jim Ross |::|
What is he doing?!...I don't think I ever seen HHH to turnbuckle moves!!

|::| The King |::|
Now we see...There it is!!!...Derek's own Dynamic Dive!!...The's over....1...2...NO WAY!!

|::| Jim Ross |::|
Derek Kicked out!!...The Will to survive King!!

|::| HHH goes Irate...He rolls out of the ring and grabs that SledgeHammer again before sliding in the ring...He haunts Derek as he wait for him to get up...Derek climbs to his feet and BAM!!...Cracked again in-between the eyes!! |::|

|::| Jim Ross |::|

|::| As Derek climbs to his feet a bloody mess...HHH cracks him in the ribs!!...HHH drops the SledgeHammer as he looks for another Pedigree...He gets one arm hooked...But Derek grabs his leg with the other arm...Then he combines that with the Strength in his other arm and Flips HHH over...The Crowd goes nuts as DDD then hits the Derek Driver!!! |::|

|::| Jim Ross |::|
What an Amazing Counter!!!

|::| The King |::|
How the heck did he do that?!!

|::| Derek covers and the ref counts....1...2....3!!! |::|

|::| Jim Ross |::|
Yes he Done it!!!

|::| Lilian Garcia |::|
The winner of this match...DEREK DANIELS!!!!!!

|::| "Headstrong" hits again and Derek can barely stand as he celebrates and the Cell raises...When he is done he turns and sees HHH making his way up...Derek braces himself then gets confused when HHH extends his hand. |::|

|::| Jim Ross |::|
Don't do it Derek!!...Your smarter then that!!

|::| Derek paces the ring and thinks long and hard before he finally shakes HHH's hand...which then turns into a hug. |::|

|::| Jim Ross |::|
No Tricks?

|::| The King |::|
JR this is one of those Kodak Moments

|::| Jim Ross |::|
This is a sure WrestleMania Moment King!!

|::| They release as both men almost have tears in their eyes until "Line in the Sand" by Motorhead hits the PA System. The crowd starts to boo as Mark Chaos, Randy Orton, and Ric Flair walk out on stage. |::|

|::| Jim Ross |::|
This Moment doesn't have to be ruined by these guys!!!

|::| They get in the ring as Mark already has a mic. |::|

|::| Mark Cha0s |::| make me sick!!...You just got done beating the hell out of each your hugging him?...Hunter that's not your style...hell that's not Evolution's Style!!...Your making us look bad...We can't allow for make up for Orton, and Flair here are going to have to beat the hell out of can either help...or watch.

|::| Suddenly Orton hits Derek with a cheap shot...Mark starts to walk over there when HHH grabs his Shoulder...HHH turns him around and decks him with a hard right...HHH then runs over and levels Orton with a clothesline...Flair wisely slides out...HHH turns around and sees Mark charging him but HHH takes him down with the spine buster...HHH then picks him up and tosses him out of the ring...Orton tries to give Derek the RKO but Derek shoves him off and chases after by clotheslining Orton out of the ring. |::|

|::| The King |::|
What the heck is going on here?!!...One minute they are tearing each other apart...the next they take out Evolution!!

|::| Jim Ross |::|
Just the way it should be King!!...Just the way it should be!!

|::| "Headstrong" again hits as Evolution heads up the ramp arguing at HHH and Derek. |::|

|::| We see Ben loading Trish into a Ambulence awaiting to leave the arena. |::|

|::| Emperor Ben |::|
I have a title deffense right now but I'll be at the hospital as soon as I am done.

|::| She nods before he leans in and gives her a kiss. He hops out and starts towards the arena as the Ambulence drives off. |::|

|::| The King |::|
JR it's finally Time!!!!

|::| Jim Ross |::|
That's right king the match we have all been waiting for for a long time...Let's take a look at how this epic Battle...Has come to play..

Blood Loss...

|::| Ben shoves White Tiger in the ring and sets up the ladder.. and points in White Tiger's face and signals that his going to do the Emperor's Wish off the ladder Ben then sets up a table.. so his pulls White Tiger up there along with him.. Ben grabs White Tiger by the neck and goes for it.. But White Tiger with a low blow!!.. White Tiger then sets up Ben and power bombs Ben right though the TABLE!!!!!.. White Tiger then struggles to not fall down as Ben is shown to be not breathing as the ref calls for the bell.. |::|

|::| Howard Finkel |::|
Ref Earl Hebner has just informed me that Ben has officially been knocked out.. so that gives us a new.. Heavyweight Champion.. WHITE TIGER!!!!

|::| The stretcher comes out for Ben as the Heavyweight Title is handed to White Tiger on the ladder as he poses on with it round his waste as EWE finishes.. |::|

The Royal Rumble...

|::| Snake goes for a kick to the mid section but Emperor Ben counters it and turns it into the Emperors Wrath, Emperor Ben screaming and yelling for Snake to tap out, As Snake just screams as his hands are just laid on the mat, he tries crawling his way to the bottom rope but Emperor Ben pulls him to the center, Snake tries rolling though but has no luck, Emperor Ben keeps it locked in. he raps his legs round Snake's leg to put more pressure as it is too much, Snake taps! Snake taps! But Emperor Ben doesn't let go so Johnny Chaos pulls Emperor Ben off him.. the bell rings. |::|

|::| Lilian Garcia |::|
Here is you're winner by submission and still EWE Worlds Champion.... Emperor Ben!

|::| Emperor Ben then nails Johnny Chaos over the head with a right hand and then grabs his title and walks backstage well followed by Blade. |::|

The Royal Rumble Match...

|::| As Ciaran is celebrating they look at the replay...and it is confirmed that King was right and that only one foot hit the floor. |::|

|::| Jim Ross |::|
Well King it looks like You was Right!

|::| The King |::|
What a Surprise...Me Right...

|::| Jim Ross |::|
I don't think Ciaran knows.

|::| Ciaran tries to tell one of the refs to raise his hand...but he tell Ciaran about only 1 foot...Ciaran gets pissed and looks back to see WT pulling himself onto the apron but still laying down...Ciaran walks over there and tries to Kick WT off but WT has a Death lock on the bottom rope. Ciaran reaches over to try and pry WT off the bottom rope....WT then releases one hand and yanks Ciaran Down and Over by the hair causing him to hit the floor!!...WT Rolls into the ring as his song blasts in the PA!! |::|

|::| The King |::|
He did IT JR!!

|::| Jim Ross |::|
White Tiger has earned a spot in the Main Event at WrestleMania!!

|::| Lilian Garcia |::|
The Winner of the Match....and # 1 Contender for WrestleMania....WHITE TIGER!!!!

|::| WT is big time out of breathe as he celebrates...We notice Ben at the top of the ramp smirking down. And JR and King's voices heard as it fades out. |::|

|::| Jim Ross |::|
Ciaran was so close...yet so far!!....Fell just short!!!

|::| The King |::|
Tough luck...But JR can you wait?!!...Emperor Ben....White Tiger....WRESTLEMANIA 2!!!!

|::| Jim Ross |::|
That's a Match were all ready for King!!

The Confrontation...

|::| Ben leans forward and receives a kiss on the cheek from Trish before exiting out of the locker room and walking down the hall, he begins to whistle as he looks down and begins to rub his world's title, he looks up and he has been confronted by the man that he may face at Wrestle Mania 2... White Tiger! |::|

|::| Emperor Ben |::|
And what the hell do you want, wank-ah?

|::| White Tiger looks at the Worlds Title |::|

|::| White Tiger |::|
You're title.

|::| Emperor Ben |::|
Heh, as long as I'm world's champ mate then you ain't getting this title.

|::| White Tiger |::|
The key is you being World's Champion, now who says that you'll be World's Champ after tonight, Ben? Huh?

|::| Emperor Ben |::|
Me, White Tiger, me! Emperor Ben! But you shouldn't worry about me being at Wrestle Mania in the ring with the World's Title, you see you should be more worried about you...

|::| White Tiger |::|
And whys that?

|::| Emperor Ben |::|
This Muhammad Hassan looks good, and if I were you, which might I add I'm gladly not, then I'd be shitting myself right about now.

|::| White Tiger |::|
You know what Emperor Ben... I believe I've told you this before and I think I'm going to tell you again... When you're good, you're good... but when you're great you-----

|::| Emperor Ben interrupts White Tiger.. |::|

|::| Emperor Ben |::|
Don't start talking about that shit yeah? But to tell you the truth I'm more concerned about you making it to Wrestle Mania more then I' am of beating that pervert Kris Jaxson! Because it wouldn't be any better then to make White Tiger tap out at the greatest stage of them all Wrestle Mania, for the World's Title, of wait I've already done it!

|::| White Tiger |::|
It took you 10 minutes to do so and remember you were wearing that stupid mask of Jericho so you are yet to make me tap, Emperor Ben... But I guess stupid people do stupid things or in this case, wear stupid things! So I'll see ya at Wrestle Mania, yeah?

|::| White Tiger taps Emperor Ben on the shoulder and walks by, Emperor Ben doesn't move, just deflecting his eyes round, waiting White Tiger's every movement as he walks down the hall way |::|

The Beating...

|::| Just before the main event we flicker to a disturbing looking scene, it has White Tiger with his arms tied behind his head, and a towel shoved down his throat, he looks to be locked in a cage with the door open as he looks dead, but it is all revealed who has done this shit. He enters the scene and it is Emperor Ben in his wrestling attire. He has a bucket of water, he splashes it right into the face of White Tiger which wakes him up. |::|

|::| Emperor Ben |::|
Wake up, Ass... Head!

|::| White Tiger glares at Ben; Ben flickers his finger up and down WT's armpit. |::|

|::| Emperor Ben |::|
Cue hie Cue, White Tiger.

|::| Emperor Ben stops and gives WT a glare of his own. |::|

|::| Emperor Ben |::|
So you think I'm a joke, huh? That I ain't got what it takes to beat you, that at Wrestle Mania you're going to beat me. huh? Is that what you really think?!

|::| WT nods his head as cheers from the background are heard. |::|

|::| Emperor Ben |::|
Just so you know wank-ah, the things I just said are complete and utter bullshit, you ain't even in my league, damn it! I'm the Worlds Heavyweight Champion, so are you. But what? That was um, fucking 7-8 months ago, now?........ You're a has been, you've beaten me in the past but that doesn't prove nothing! nothing is what that proves!

|::| Emperor Ben arrogantly slaps WT in the face 2 or 3 times. |::|

|::| Emperor Ben |::|
Look at you, your pathetic. I feel ashamed and appalled to be in the exact same room as you, but hell I got a match, so I'm going to leave you in your habitat for the night and you can watch Emperor Ben destroy the hell out of Mark Chaos!

|::| Emperor Ben turns his back and turns on the Television, for White Tiger. He takes one last shot at WT before leaving. |::|

The scene is set...

|::| We begin to see clip a clip of Emperor Ben coming from behind White Tiger and attacking him from behind and then ripping off his shirt and tossing it right into the crowd and then applying the Emperors Wrath, White Tiger begins to scream as Emperor Ben's voice is heard while showing this footage as "One" by Creed begins to play in the background. |::|

|::| Emperor Ben |::|
Welcome to the jungle...... Ass Head!

|::| More footage plays of Emperor Ben locking in the Emperors Wrath on White Tiger, doing suplexs to White Tiger and even locking in White Tiger's own submission hold and nailing White Tiger with a chair. |::|

|::| Emperor Ben |::|
doesn't stand no chance at Mania when the greatest Worlds Champion in the history of the Extreme Wrestling Entertainment, me makes White Tiger tap and I become 2 and 0 at Wrestle Mania main events, proving that I' am the best of the best!

|::| Lilian Garcia |::|
Ladies and Gentleman the following contest is scheduled for one fall....and is for the EWE World Heavyweight Championship. Introducing the challenger. Hailing from Laramie, Wyoming weighing in at two hundred twenty nine pounds. The two thousand five Royal Rumble winner, White.....Tiger!

|::| "Welcome to the Jungle" blares overhead. The fans cheer as WT walks out of the back. He taunts as he runs down and slides under the bottom rope. He jumps to the top turnbuckle and puts both hands in the air. Pryos fire off from all four corners. WT jumps down and goes lean in one of the far corners as "St. Anger" begins playing overhead. |::|

|::| Lilian Garcia |::|
And his opponent. All the way from Melbourne, Australia. At a height of 6'2and at a weight of 232 pounds, he is the current two time World Heavyweight Champion. He is the Wonder from Down Under. The EWE Emperor......Ben!

|::| Emperor Ben shoves though the curtains in his Australia/ Emperor like attire, he has Worlds Title strapped round his waste and tights as per normal are down. He stops and glares at the crowd, before turning round and stretching his arms up, with only index fingers set out as gold and green pyro appears from the stage. After 2 or 3 bolts, Emperor Ben turns around and rolls into the ring. Emperor Ben sniffs the air as he climbs onto the second turnbuckle rope and unstraps his gold, he pauses for a second before raising it up enjoy. He jumps down and walks to the center of the ring. WT pushes himself up and walks to the center. |::|

|::| The referee holds up the title as Ben and WT stare at each other. WT smiles and sticks out his hand. Emperor sneers and tells WT he isn't falling for that. WT tells him that there is no trick. As soon as Emperor Ben tries for the shake, WT walks away. He runs his fingers through his hair laughing. He walks back over to the mad Emperor Ben. WT sticks out his hand again. Ben reaches to shake but instead he slaps the taste out of WT's mouth. WT takes a step back and gets mad. He tries for a clothesline, but Ben ducks it. He grabs WT from behind and hits him with a belly to back suplex. He grabs WT's leg but WT wisely jumps to his feet. Ben still has his leg, so WT tries for the Enzigurie. Ben ducks and WT falls face first. Ben immediatly locks on the Emperor's Wrath, wrapping his leg around WT's for added pressure. WT screams out and tries to reach the nearest rope. |::|

|::| Jim Ross |::|
King, Ben has on the Emperor's Wrath. This might be a quick title defense for him.

|::| The King |::|
That's why he is the Emperor JR. White Tiger should have known that he wasn't in Ben's league.

|::| WT finally manages to reach the rope. The referee orders the break but Ben won't let go. Finally at four, Ben releases his hold. He tries to pull WT off the rope, but WT won't let go. Finally Ben jumps out of the ring to the floor. He hits WT in the head with a strong punch. WT releases the rope and rolls back into the middle of the ring. Ben comes in and reaches down for WT's leg. WT small packages him. 1..2...Kick out. Ben looks surprised that he almost lost that quick. He turns to WT who is pointing out how close it was. Ben stands up and so does WT. WT limps as they tie up. Ben tries to go around behind WT again but WT gets behind him first. WT picks him up and gives him a back breaker. WT moves Ben to a sitting position and puts his knee in Ben's back. He grabs Ben's head and pulls him back so that WT's knee is driving into Ben's back. |::|

|::| Jim Ross |::|
WT is going right to work on Ben's back. He must be trying for the Tiger Snare.

|::| The King |::|
It doesn't matter. Emperor Ben has already weakened WT's leg. When he gets the Wrath on him again, its all over for WT.

|::| WT releases his hold and goes for a pin. 1...2...Ben kicks out. WT picks him up and gives him a huge powerbomb. WT rolls him over and tries for the Tiger Snare. Ben rolls out of the ring to the floor. WT turns around and shows off for some of the fans. Using this, Ben rolls in and clips WT in the back of his leg. WT hits the ground as Ben grabs his hurt leg. He punches WT's ankle, weakening him up more for the Emperor's Wrath. He tries to lock it on, but WT crawls back to the rope. Ben stomps his leg as the referee moves him back. |::|

|::| The King |::|
What a dirty tactic by White Tiger. I thought he was suppose to be fair.

|::| Jim Ross |::|
Its no different then what Ben is doing. These men hate each other and will do anything to win.

|::| WT pulls Ben away from the ropes. He puts Ben in a boston crab. He leans back to make sure all the pressure is on Ben's back. Ben tries to pull himself to the ropes, but WT has him pinned down. He refuses to give up and WT releases the hold. WT goes to pick him up, but Ben low blows him. WT falls to the ground. Ben rolls out of the ring and stretches to try and relieve some of the pain on his back. He rolls back in the ring and locks on The Emperor's Wrath again. WT tries to pull to the rope but Ben pulls him away. Ben turns WT's foot almost sideways as WT cries out. He is fighting hard not to tap out. After about two minutes, Ben gets mad and lets go. He kicks WT continuously as the fans boo him. |::|

|::| Jim Ross |::|
Now that is poor sportsmanship.

|::| The King |::|
He isn't use to people taking the move for so long. Eiether WT is stupid or he....well he must just be stupid.

|::| Ben picks WT up. He gets behind him and lifts him up. He drops WT's hurt leg onto his knee. He picks WT up again, but WT manages to bulldog him. Both men are on the ground as the fans are screaming. WT and Ben both get up at about eight. They charge each other and double clothesline each other. The fans are still cheering loud as the referee begins his count. |::|

|::| The King |::|
Get up Ben, come on.

|::| Jim Ross |::|
This match is taking a lot out of both men.

|::| Ben gets to his feet and tells the referee to speed up the count. Right at nine, WT uses the ropes to get to his feet. Ben charges him and WT lays down, pulling the top rope down. Ben falls over the rope and crashes to the arena floor. WT pulls himself back up and stands at the rope. Ben gets up and WT flings himself over the rope. He catches Ben as the fans cheer again. Again neither man is moving. |::|

|::| The King |::|
Where did WT find the energy to do that? His leg must be killing him

|::| Jim Ross |::|
Neither men are going to give up easy. This match might go all the way to Chaos.

|::| WT is first to pull himself into the ring. He tries to walk on his leg to get it to stop throbbing. Ben rolls in and tries to clip WT's leg again. WT jumps over him and Ben slides to a stop. WT puts Ben back into the Boston Crab. Ben grabs the rope and uses his leg strength to push WT off. WT rolls forward and back to his feet. Ben gets to his feet and points to his head. He turns around and sees WT on his feet. He charges in but WT ducks his clothesline. WT grabs him and tries to Irish whip him into the corner. Ben reverses sending WT into the corner. WT jumps to the top rope and jumps backwards, catching Ben with The Struck Down! The fans stand and cheer wildly. |::|

|::| Jim Ross |::|
WT hit the Struck Down. If he pins Ben, we will have a new champion.

|::| The King |::|
Come on Ben, get up.

|::| WT rolls over and pins Ben. 1..2..right at the three Ben kicks out. The fans cheer as WT picks Ben up. He kicks him in the gut and hits a Tiger Driver. He pins again but again Ben kicks out before the three. WT sits up and asks the referee is he is sure it was just a two. Ben rolls WT backwards and gets a two count. WT gets up and kicks Ben in the back. He begins dropping knees onto Ben's back several times. Ben rolls out of the ring and WT follows. WT clotheslines Ben from behind. WT picks up Ben and holds him forward. He runs and slams Ben's back into the ring post. He then turns and body slams Ben to the floor. WT rolls in the ring and holds us his hands as the fans cheer. |::|

|::| The King |::|
Why does WT have to stoop to such low tactics. Can he not beat Ben fairly.

|::| Jim Ross |::|
WT is just stooping to Ben's level. If he hadn't done it, Ben would have.

|::| WT rolls back out of the ring. He grabs Ben and tosses him back into the ring. He rolls Ben on his stomach and signals for the Tiger Snare. Ben however, somehow catches WT's leg. He forces WT down to the mat. He drags WT to the corner and rolls out of the ring. He begins to slam WT's leg into the ring pole. WT cries out again holding his leg. Ben gets in the ring and pulls WT to the center of the ring. Ben tries for the ankle lock but WT fights him off. He kicks his leg out, knocking Ben to the ground. They both stand but WT still can't walk good on his hurt leg. Ben gets behind WT and tries to school boy him. WT kicks out at two. Ben tries to pick WT up but WT small packages him. Ben kicks out at two. They both get to their feet and Ben charges at WT. WT catches him and forces him down to the ground. He rolls Ben right into the Tiger Snare. The crowd is on their feet again. |::|

|::| The King |::|
Oh no! Fight it Ben, fight it.

|::| Jim Ross |::|
This could be the end. Ben is right in the middle of the ring.

|::| WT holds the move as Ben tries to fight his way out. WT leans back farther, putting even more pain on Ben's lower back. Finally Ben taps. The bell rings as WT releases the hold. |::|

|::| Lilian Garcia |::|
The winner of the match and.....NEW EWE World Heavyweight Champion....White Tiger!

|::| The fans are cheering as WT pushes himself to his feet. He holds both his hands up, trying not to fall down. Ben has exited the ring and grabbed the World Title. He rolls in the ring and walks over to WT. He stands their glaring at WT. He finally folds the straps of the belt under the belt and looks at it. He holds it out for WT. WT looks at Ben and finally takes the title out of his outstretched hands. WT lays the belt on his shoulder as Ben turns and begins to leave the ring. WT grabs his shoulder and turning him back around. WT sticks out his hand. Ben looks at it and back at WT. Finally Ben shakes WT's hand. The fans cheer the men for their good sportsmanship. Ben leaves the ring as Rikku and Eighteen run out of the back. They each give WT a hug and congratulate him. Gothika comes out next and also gives WT a big hug. They kiss as Ciaran comes out clapping his hands. They stand in the ring and applaud WT as he gets on the second rope and holds the title high over his head. |::|

|::| Jim Ross |::|
The EWE has a new champion and his name is White Tiger. But Ben put up one hell of a fight

|::| The King |::|
Well WT needs to celebrate now, because his life just got a lot tougher.

|::| Jim Ross |::|
Good night EWE fans and we will see you at Chaos Saturday night!!

|::| The scene focuses on WT holding up the title and his friends cheering behind him. Then "One" by Creed hits as it runs threw clips of everything that went down tonight before The EWE logo flashes and the show comes to an end. |::|

|::| Top 10 RolePlayers |::|
1: Derek Daniels
2: White Tiger
3: Emperor Ben
4: Snake
5: Anti-Steel
6: The Rock
7: Ciaran Michaels
8: Triple H
9: Gothika
10: Lita

|::| Superstar of The Week |::|
White Tiger

|::| Diva of The Week |::|
Toxic Angel