
Price to Pay by Staind


Madison Square Garden


March 27th, 2004

Main Event

2nd Chance Elimination Chamber

Recovery Status

Recovered with the WayBack Machine

The WrestleMania Promo plays leaving the EWE Logo flashing across the tron. Then "Price to Play" by Staind erupts in the PA system. The Fireworks fly as JR and King's Voices are heard.

[ 'Good Ol' Jim Ross ]~} Welcome to New York City and the World's Most Famous Arena..Madison Square Garden!! we are set to kick off the greatest Pay Per View Spectacular..WrestleMania!!!

[ 'Puppy Lovin' King ]~} That's right JR and what a show we are going to have!!

The Came moves over to their table.

[ 'The Legend' Mick Foley ]~} Let's not forget I'm going to help call it tonight boys!

[ 'Puppy Lovin' King ]~} We haven't...but look at our match line up tonight!

[ 'Good Ol' Jim Ross ]~} Of course King...Look at our Main Event...The 1st Ever 2nd Chance ELimination Chamber for the World's Heavyweight Title!!...This is match everyone has to be eliminated 2 times to be completely out of the match!

[ 'The Legend' Mick Foley ]~} I like the Mid Eastern Championship match. Randy Orton deffending against Stone Cold Steve Austin..The reason I like this match is because it is a Hell in a Cell Match..believe me I know how dangerous that match can easily end a man's career..I know about that too thanks to Hunter.

[ 'Puppy Lovin' King ]~} You guys are forgetting the best match...The Bra and Panties Cage match for the Women's Title!!..WOOOOHOOOO PUPIES!!!!

[ 'Good Ol' Jim Ross ]~} Calm Down King!..There's other great matches like the Fatal 4 way TLC Match for botht the X-Core & International Championships!

[ 'Puppy Lovin' King ]~} Yeah and were not forgetting about the Triple Threat TLC Match that will crown our Tag Team Champions!...oh and Let's not forget Venom and Hogan have their Debut match in the EWE!!

[ 'The Legend' Mick Foley ]~} Sounds to me like one hell of a show!

[ 'Good Ol' Jim Ross ]~} It will be Mick...but just hours before..The Owner of EWE walked out!...The new Owner is said to be revealed later on tonight!

[ 'Puppy Lovin' King ]~} I can't wait to see who it is!!...but let's get on with the action!...bring on the 1st match!

Match 1
Debut Match
Venom vs Holywood Hulk Hogan

Venom's Music hits the PA as He comes down to the ring with no response to the crowd He hops in the ring and poses as Real American Hits as Hulk Hogan comes out and poses on the stage he then begins to walk down to the ring he hops in the ring and poses to the crowd but Venom seems to be getting angry and attacks hogan and knocks him on the ground venom then begins stomping Hogan as the bell sounds to begin the match venom then continues stomping as the ref pulls venom off of hogan as hogan stands up the two then lock up venom then once again gains the upper hand and locks hogan in a head lock hogan then reverses it and nails a german suplex venom then stands up and the two lock up once again as hogan then nails venom with a vertical suplex hogan then poses to the crowd as venom gets up when hogan turns aroudn he is met with a drop kick from venom venom then tries the cover 1..2 kick out Venom then begins arguing with the ref saying it should have been a 3 as hogan waits for venom to turn around hogan then attempts a big boot on venom but venom ducks and hogan big boots the referee hogan then sees if the ref is alright as venom runs to the outside of the ring and grabs a steel chair venom comes back into the ring and attempts to hit hogan but hogan then big boots venom as hogan then pins venom but there is no count as the referee is knocked out hogan stands up and tries to wake up the ref [Jr:King Is That who i think it is?...yes thats toxic why is he out here?] Hogan Turns around and is Hit in the head with a steel chair Venom then covers Hogan as Toxic Wakes the referee up the ref gets up and slowly counts 1..2..3

Winner by Pinfall:Venom

Match 2
Triple Threat TLC{Tag Team Championships}
XXX vs Evolution vs Taker & Kane
Evolution's music hits as Orton and Batista walk down to the ring. They get into the ring as Undertaker's mausic plays. They walk down to the ring and stare down Evolution. :"Kill Tomorrow" by Mushroomhead plays as xXx runs to the ring. The referee holds up the titles and hooks them onto the hook. They rise up in the air. The bell rings and everyone attacks.

[ 'Good Ol' Jim Ross ]~} Here we go King! This should be one hell of a slobberknocker.

[ 'Puppy Lovin' King ]~} Yea, this should be very intertaining.

Orton and Kane fall outside to the floor where they continue the fight. Undertaker is battling with Slade in ring as Batesta and Shadow fight up the entry way. Slade drop kicks Undertaker then runs and flips over the rope taking out Orton and Kane. They pull themselfs up just to have Taker clear the top rope and take them all down. Elsewhere, Batesta and Shadow make their way back toward the ring. Batesta clotheslines Shadow knocking Shadow to the floor. He picks him up and sets him for his powerbomb. Shadow grabs a chair and when Batesta gets him up, Shadow nails him with the chair.

[ 'Good Ol' Jim Ross ]~} What a counter! I dont think Batesta was ready for that.

[ 'Puppy Lovin' King ]~} Come on Batesta, get up!

Undertaker and Kane get back into the ring and sets up a ladder. They climb both ends but Orton runs in and RKO's Kane off the ladder. Shadow pulls Undertaker down, then nails Orton. He doesnt see Batesta get back into the ring, but gets leveled by a clothesline. The Boot From Hell takes Batesta down to the ground. It is answered by Undertaker who is back on his feet. Undertaker again goes up the ladder, but Orton RKO's him off as well.

[ 'Puppy Lovin' King ]~} Man Orton isnt giving up an inch. He really wants these titles.

[ 'Good Ol' Jim Ross ]~} Yea so does the rest of these guys. This match is far from over.

He gets to the top of the ladder before Shadow pushes the ladder over spilling Orton to the floor. Shadow rolls out to the floor and sets up two tables on top of each other. He puts Orton on the top table and keeps him there by pounding him a few times. Undertaker rolls out and walks toward Shadow when Slade dropkicks him from behind. Undertaker lands with his top half in between the two tables. Slade goes to the top rope. Shadow climbs up on the apron and puts his hands on Slades chest. He pushes Slade off who splashes Orton caving in the tables around Undertaker.

[ 'Puppy Lovin' King ]~} OH MY GOD!! We need a stretcher out here for these men. There is no way in hell any of them can get back on their feet.

[ 'Good Ol' Jim Ross ]~} Thats unfortunite King, but the match must continue.

Shadow jumps back into the ring and gives Kane another Boot from Hell. He sets up the ladder and climbs it. He grabs the belt but before he can pull it loose. Batesta catches him in the chest with a chair. Shadow falls without the title as Batesta nails Kane who is pulling himself up. Batesta drops the chair and uses his powerbomb to keep Kane down. He goes up the ladder when he is crossbodied off by Slade. He climbs the ladder but on the other end so does Orton. They get to the top and both grab one of the titles. The ladder collapses and they are left hanging on. They kick furiously at each other but niether fall. Undertaker and Kane set up two ladders a bit in front of the fighting rivals hanging onto the titles. They climb to the top and Kane grabs Slade around the throat. Taker grabs Orton and point toward another table on the floor. They chokeslam Orton and Slade off the hanging belts, over the top rope, and through two tables on the floor. The fans go nuts as neither man moves an inch.

[ 'Puppy Lovin' King ]~} What an impact. Undertaker and Kane hurt themselfs on that just as much as Orton and Slade.

[ 'Good Ol' Jim Ross ]~} This match is brutal. None of these men will be the same after that.

In ring Shadow and Batista fight like pitbulls. Batesta powerbombs Shadow and rolls outside to get a new ladder. The two in the ring are broke and wont stand right. He brings it in the ring and sets it up. He starts to climb but Shadow holds onto his boot. Batesta jumpos down and picks up Shadow for another powerbomb. Shadow flips him over and begins to pound away on him. He grabs the chair and nails Kane who is trying to get back into the ring. He cloaks Orton with the chair as well and also gives Undertaker one when he tries to get in. He turns around to see Kane still on the ground. He goes up the ladder when Kane sits up and gets to his feet. He runs toward the ladder, but Slade hits his Fly Fly taking Kane to the ground. Shadow pulls down the titles and falls to the ground. Slade helps him up and they celebrate holding the titles in the air.

[ 'Good Ol' Jim Ross ]~} xXx wins the match. They deserved it King. But there will be another day for Evolution, Kane, and the Undertaker.

[ 'Puppy Lovin' King ]~} Hold the titles high now. It wont be long before someone else is breathing down their necks for them

Winners by Retreval and NEW EWE Tag Team Champions:XxX

Match 3
4 Way Ladder Match{International & X-Core Championships}
Johnny Chaos{C} vs Assassin{C} vs Christian vs Toxic
We start off with the announcer in the ring.

Ring Announcer: The following match is a Ladder match for the International and the X-Core Title! The X-Core Title can switch hands as many times until the International Title is finally grabbed, which can only be grabbed from a ladder. Now, introducing the challenger, Christian!

Chrisitan's music comes down to the ring and is looking quite cocky. The crowd is booing him as he taunts in the ring and looks at them with disgust.

Ring Announcer: Introducing his opponent... Toxic!

Toxic is quick to the ring, he slides under the the bottom rope and then he tackles Christian to the ground. Toxic begins to smash Christian's head with closed fists. The announced gets out of the ring and then Assasin's music hits and he gets to the ring without being announced. He pulls Toxic off of Christian and delivers a mean DDT. Johnny Chaos' them hits and he runs down the the ring and the ring is then cleared. He taunts on the turnbuckle and looks at his opponents. Toxic then slowly climbs into the ring, as well as Christian and Assasin. They are all scoping out the International Champion, Johnny Chaos. As Johnny is taking off his Evolution shirt, Toxic makes a run at him and takes him out with a clothesline. He begins to kick Chaos in the gut and is joined by Assasin and Christian. While they are triple teaming, Toxic looks over at Assasin and then begins to punch him numerous times, he gets him into the corner where he begins to drive his shoulder into Assasin's gut. Christian stops kicking Chaos' gut and he slides outside and pulls a ladder out from under tha ring. He slides it into the ring and then sets it up but doesn't climb it. He then goes and hits Toxic from behind, who then moves out of the way. Christian gets Assasin in his grips and delivers a Unprettier! He pins and the ref counts 1, 2, 3!

Ring Announcer: New X-Core Champion... Christian!

Toxic pulls Christian off and knocks him down with one blow and then drops an elbow onto Assasin. He gets up and laughs at Assasin but then begins to climb the ladder. Assasin slowly gets up and looks outraged. He grabs Christian and delivers a Pile Driver. He pins Christian but then Chaos breaks up the pin. Chaos then pins... 1... 2... Toxic flies off the ladder with an elbow and breaks up the pin. He then picks Chaos up and delivers a Iish Whip into the ladder, knocking it down on top of Assasin who was beginning to get to his knees. Chaos and Toxic then begin to switch punches to the head, the get more violent after each shot. Finally Toxic is taken down when Chaos blows a nasty upper cut. Chaos begins to kick Toxic until he rolls out of the ring and then Chaos pins Christian... 1... 2... 3!

Ring Announcer: New X-Core Champion... Johnny Chaos!

As soon as Johnny gets up and raises his arms, he is met with a ladder to the back of the head by Assasin! Assasin begins to smash the ladder into Johnny's gut and then after a few shots he sets it up and begins to climb! He makes it to the top and begins reaching for the belt but the Toxic gets back in the ring and he stumbles over and knocks the ladder down. Assasin tumbles and falls, he lands right on the ladder which has fallen before him! Johnny rolls outside of the ring and is on his hands and knees catching his breath. Christian is then making his way back into the ring but with another ladder. By this time Toxic is setting up the ladder which Assasin had fell from. Christian sets up his ladder and begins to climb. Toxic then sets up his ladder in the corner and begins to climb. He gets to the top and sits, watching Christian climb. Christian then grabs onto the belt and begins to hang as he accidently kicks over his ladder. Toxic then jumps and delivers a drop kick to Christian, dropping him from the title! Christian rolls out of the ring and so does Assasin who then covers Johnny Chaos. He gets the three count and the announcer calls it. By this point Toxic is hanging from the title and the crowd his holding their breath and then... Toxic gets the belt!

Ring Announcer: New X-Core Champion... Assasin! And winner of the match... and NEW... EWE International Champion... Tooooxic!

The ref gets the title and raises Toxic's hand in the ring! The crowd is going wild and Toxic drops to his knees and looks at the newly won title. A tear slips from his eye and onto the title and then he kisses it. He raises the title once again before rolling out of the ring and then walking up the ramp and to the back!

Winner and NEW International Champion:Toxic

Highlight Reel
the scene returns as we see Jericho's hi-lite reel stuff... Jericho is sitting in his hi-lite reel chair..

[ 'Y2J' Chris Jericho ]~} You know tonight after the King Of Bling Blingah retains the worlds hevayweight championshipah.. Y2J Chris Jericho will not only be celebrating with hes good old buddy Christian.. you see.. The King Of Bling Blingah.. has brought himselfah.. a goodah business manager.. because since I am going to become Champion tonight, I thought i'd get a sexah manager to manager this sexah best..

[ 'Y2J' Chris Jericho ]~} So lets waste no more time babbling on about it and lets bring out my new manager.. Trish Stratus..

Trish Stratus's music hits as the fans begin to cheer her.. she enters the ring and huges Jericho and then gives him a slight kiss on the cheek.. she grabs a mic..

[ 'Stratusfying' Trish Stratus ]~} Well thank-you Chris, and yes I am the newst member of the Sexah Best of EWE, Chris Jericho.. and I promise tonight when its all over.. Chris Jericho will be the new Worlds Hevayweight Champion..

Trish drops the mic as they go to kiss but Evolution's music hits the PA as all of Evolution is on the stage.. Jericho picks up the mic again as HHH does all of the talking..

[ 'The Game' }{}{}{ ]~} Oi.. love birds, hahaha.. Jericho carm down.. You see Sexah Beast.. The real sexah best ever in EWE.. will be the Worlds Hevayweight Champion.. because I am The Game and I am that damn good.. so hows it feel to be pedigree'd by the game?..

[ 'Y2J' Chris Jericho ]~} Well.. Junior, Jerky and Jackass.. it feels good.. weak move.. but hows it feel to be in the walls of jericho?..

[ 'The Game' }{}{}{ ]~} Well..

[ 'Y2J' Chris Jericho ]~} Shut the hell up junior, assclown.. you should know because when its all down the King Of The World will have that worlds title..

Jerichos music hits as they lock eyes and the scene fades..

Match 4
Bra and Panties Cage Match{Women's Championship}
Torrie Wilson Vs. Trish Stratus Vs. Android 18 Vs. America "420" Jones
Before the women are introduced, we hear Paul Heyman's music. He comes out to the ring and is getting booed by everyone. He gets in the ring and then he begins to speak.

[ 'EWE DOA' Paul Heyman ]~} Welcome to WrestleMania! This even is being produced and made great... but only because of Paul Heyman's EWE! This next match is also just because of me, Paul Heyman! I have made it a Fatal Four Way Bra and Panties Match! The thing is... I want to throw in some- thing else! You see tonight, there is going to be a special gues ref.. . by the name of... Lita!

The crowd begins to cheer and then Lita's music hits and she comes to the ring. The crowd is loving it as she has a skimpy looking ref shirt with the sleaves ripped off. The women come to the ring, American Jones first, then Torrie, then Trish, and finally Android 18. They all are square in the ring and Lita holds up the Women's Title and then it is put on the announcers table. The cage begins to lower and everyone in the crowd is cheering. American Jones tries to escape the cage early but is pulled off the cage from Android 18.Android 18 gives a hard slap to American Jones and then they begin to slap each other numerous times. Android 18 then brings down American Jones by the hair. Torrie and Trish have also started fighting. Trish has backed Torrie out into the corner and is delivering a few kicks but Lita tells Trish to lay off a little. Android 18 delivers a Falcon Driver to American Jones who then is laying helpless on the ground. Android 18 sits on her and then begins slamming her head into the mat. Trish then walks and pulls Android 18 off and delivers a bulldog to her. Torrie spins Trish around and pushes her and then they exchange a few pushes before Torrie kicks Trish in the gut and then delivers a DDT. She tries to climb the cage but Android 18 pulls her down. Torrie stumbles a little and then hits Lita by accident. Lita then gets angry and yells at Torrie who then pushes Lita. Lita pushes back and then Lita begins to kick the hell out of Torrie! No one touches the ref but American Jones is then Irish Whipped into the steel cage by Trish and Android 18! Lita lays of Torrie and then tells her not to mess around and she continues to call the match. Trish and Android 18 are now fighting more before Trish gets the Stratusphere on Android 18! Trish then turns around and hits the Stratusphere on American Jones as well! Trish begins to climb and she succesfully makes it out of the cage. She grabs a seat and begins to watch the other three women, taking a rest. Torrie now is up and she rams American Jones backwards into the turnbuckle. She gets up onto the second rop and begins to hit American Jones in the head but then she is tossed down and is met with a dropkick to the back from Android 18. 18 and Jones then go to work on Torrie. American Jones gets Torrie in a Sharpshooter and then 18 begins to kick Torrie's lower back. She drops an elbow and then clothelines American Jones from behind! Android 18 then puts American Jones in the 18 Points of Pain! American Jones begins to tap but Lita does nothing as there is no submission. Torrie is trying to get to her knees but Android 18 notices and lets her submission go. She kicks Torrie in the side of the head and then puts Torrie in the 18 Points of Pain. Torrie also taps and then Android lets go and begins to climb the cage... she makes it out! Now the cage door is opened and Lita gets out to call the rest of the match and the EMTs come out and help the girl's out of the ring. The cage is then closed again so no one gets back in the ring. Trish grabs Android 18 before she can get off the cage and she whips her to the ground! Trish begins to rip Android 18's shirt off and it comes off easy! Android 18 tries to cover up and she gets a little angry and kind of walks away but Trish runs after her and delivers a bulldog! She then Irish Whips 18 into the barrier and begins to try and take the pants off... she does! Lita tells to get the bell rung and then Trish takes off her shirt and the crowd goes wild! Lita hands Trish her newly won belt and she raises Trish's arm. Trish raises the belt.

Ring Announcer: The winner of this match and NEW EWE Women's Champion... Trish Stratus!

Then out of the crowd jumps a hooded woman! She puts down he hood and clotheslines Trish! The woman then picks up Trish's belt and spits on it and throws it down on top of the champ! The woman begins to kick Trish and cut her up but then she is taken away from security and no one knows who she is.

Winner by Stripping Android and NEW EWE Women's Champion:Trish Stratus

Match 5
Hell in a Cell Match{Mid Eastern Championship}
Randy Orton{C} Vs Stone Cold Steve Austin
Stone colds theme hits the PA as Stone cold makes his way down to the ring to a huge ovation he gets in the ring and poses on every turn buckle as Evolution By MotorHead hits the PA Randy Orton Accompanied by Ric Flair makes his way down to the ring as the crowd boos orton then hops in the ring and poses as the crowd continues to boo as the bell sounds as orton and austin begin staring at eachother austin then gives orton the finger as orton then runs up to austin as austin then hits orton as orton falls to the ground austin the begins stomping orton, austin then stops as orton gets up slowly austin then trys the stunner but orton then grabs austins leg and then uses a russian leg sweep on austin as orton goes for the pin 1.. kick out orton then picks up austin and hits a suplex orton then goes for another pin 1..2 kick out orton then hits another suplex and climbs up to the top rope austin stands up and is hit with a drop kick from the top rope orton then goes for another cover 1..2.. kick out orton then stands up and begins yelling at the referee as ric flair runs into the ring with the EWE mid eastern title And hits austin in the head as the referee was distracted by orton, orton then awaits stone cold to get up austin the slowly gets up orton then does the finger to austin and then nails austin with a RKO as the ref begins to count 1..2..3

Winner by Pinfall and STILL EWE Mid Eastern Champion:Randy Orton

New Owner Revealed!!!
"Heyman's Theme" hits the PA system as Paul comes out with a huge smile on his face.

He walks down the ramp then enters the ring and pulls out the mic.

[ 'EWE DOA' Paul Heyman ]~} It brings me great plessure to be out here right now. You see as we all know earlier tonight Stephanie Mcmahon proved that she couldn't hack it and quit!...So now we have no Owner right?...WRONG!!...I am the Director of Authority..This is alot of power in the since there's noone left in charge it looks like I will be...

Heyman get's cutt off as "No Chance" hits the PA System. Heyman gets a look of horror as Vince walks out onto the stage with a mic.

[ 'The Devil himself' Mr. Mcmahon ]~} What's wrong Heyman? look surprised to see me...Well yes you are the DOA and that won't change. But I have been keeping a very close eye on the EWE. I knew my Daughter wouldn't be able to take the pressure. I warned her from the begining it's going to be hard work. She didn't believe me she must have thought I made the WWE what it is by doing nothing. But she has molded quite a Federation here. To HELL If I'm going to let you ruin a good thing Heyman!!...Yeah that's right I don't want the EWE to end up like ECW!!!...That is why as soon as I seen Stephanie walk out of here. I immediately bought all 100 shares of Extreme Wrestling Entertainment!...That's right your knew Owner is ME!!!Mr. VINCENT KENNEDY MCMAHON!!!! Heyman I'll be nice enough to let you keep your job...For now...but on to some important matters...I have a few changes that need to be made...see as New Owner some things will change.....1st of all Assassin....your title that you successfully retained tonight...the X-Core Title...will now be deffended 24/7!!!!!! other change I have...I hired a 2 new superstars already...That's right!..1 of them won't be here for a month or so but you will know who it is by the end of the night..The other is here tonight!!!...and over in my WWE WrestleMania wouldn't have survived without him...this is why he is going to be the Special Guest Refereee for our main event next...ladies and Gentlemen please welcome to the EWE!!!...The Special ref for this next match!!!....THE HEART BREAK KID!!!!....SHAWN MICHAELS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Sexy Boy" hits the PA system and the CROWD ERUPTS WITH CHEERS!!! HBK comes through the curtains and sets off some pyro!

[ 'Good Ol' Jim Ross ]~} I can't Believe this!!!...The Heart Break Kid is here in the EWE!!!!...Shawn Michaels is here reffing the Main Event at WrestleMania!!!!

[ 'Puppy Lovin' King ]~} What about our new boss?!!!.....MR. MCMAHON!!!

[ 'The Legend' Mick Foley ]~} Forget Vince!...Talk about this guy!!...he's a true Icon!!!

[ 'Good Ol' Jim Ross ]~} I agree!

Main Event
2nd Chance Elimination Chamber{World Heavyweight Championship}
John Cena{C} Vs HHH Vs Chris Jericho Vs Toxic Vs White Tiger Vs The Rock Special Ref. HBK Shawn Micheals
As HBK gets in the ring the Chamber slowly starts to lower. As it does "Toxic"(The Instrumental) hits the PA system!...Toxic comes down with his new International Title and enters the ring. Then Suddenly "If Ya Smellll" hits the PA the crowd erupts with Cheers as Rock heads down the ramp and poses on a turnbukle. Then White Tigers music hits as he enters. Then a countdown comes on the titian tron. 5....4....3....2....1....WHAM!!! Fireworks go off as "King of my World" by Saliva hits and Jericho is posing on the ramp. He then goes down the ramp and enters the ring. As he enters "THE GAME" by Motorhead hits the PA system...the crowd boos as HHH comes out on the stage with Ric Flair at his side. He has a water bottle that he pours water all over his head then takes a drink but doesn't swollow as he tosses the bottle into the crowd. He then gets on the apron as Flair has to stay outside. He then spits the ater into the air before posing on a turnbukle. As he is posing "Word Life" hits the PA system as the crowd cheers!...John Cena comes out with the World Title on his waist. He goes down the ramp and slides in the ring just as the chamber finishes lowering. Cena hands the Title to HBK as he raises it the bell rings.

[ 'Good Ol' Jim Ross ]~} HERE WE GO!!!!

The 6 men start brawling...The Toxic goes for White Tiger....HHH goes for Jericho....Cena goes for Rock....Later WT and Toxic are fighting on one side out side of the ring....Rock and Cena on the other...and HHH & Jericho are in the ring. Cena FU's Rock onto the Chamber Floor and covers sending Rock to be locked in a Chamber to wait until the 2nd Chance Round. WT slams Toxic into the Cage Wall!!!....He then takes Toxic to a turunbukle and gives him the Struck Down!! onto the Steel Chamber floor!!...Toxic is pinned then sent to his Chamber.

[ 'Puppy Lovin' King ]~} Ouch!!...that had to hurt Toxic!!!..well he'll get another chance to win the the 2nd Chance round.

WT gets in the ring and starts fighting with Cena....WT then locks Cena in the Tiger Cena strugles to get to the ropes...HHH sets Jericho up for the Pedigree but he counters and locks in the Walls of Jericho!!!....Both Cena and HHH are both in pain as they are desperately trying to reach the ropes. HBK is asking both if they want to give up....finally both Cena and HHH tap at around the same time.

[ 'Good Ol' Jim Ross ]~} A double tap out by White Tiger and Jericho!!!...both Cena and HHH has had their 1st eliminations!!!

as HHH and Cena get locked up in their chambers Jericho and WT stare each other down. They lock it up. As they continue fighting...Ric Flair slides a Sledge Hammer into HHH's Chamber. Jericho slings WT into a turnbukle. WT goes for the Struck Down but Jericho counters with a superplex!!!...Jericho gets back up and goes for the Walls of Jericho on WT!!!...WT starts screaming!!....He desperately trys to reach the ropes...He gets VERY CLOSE within an inch of reach until Jericho pulls him to the other side of the ring...WT continues to fight out of it in extreme agony...he once again gets real close to the ropes and Jericho once again pulls him across the ring. WT still won't give up...he starts pulling Jericho back across the ring a 3rd time...Jericho then applys full pressure by sitting all the way down in the middle of the ring..WT screams more...after being stuck in the middle for a couple of minutes WT finally taps!!..WT rolls over holding his back as the other Chambers are released for the 2nd Chance round!!...HHH is the 1st in the ring. He smashes Jericho in the skull with the Sledge Hammer busting him wide open and knocking him out!...HHH covers and gets the 3 count sending the 1st survivor to his Chamber finally....Toxic then slams Rock through a glass Chamber!!!...he eliminates Rock!!...HHH and Cena fight as Toxic starts on WT...Cena goes for an FU but HHH whips Cena into the ropes then spinebusts him back through a glass Chamber!!!...He eliminates Cena guranteeing a new World Champion!!!

[ 'Puppy Lovin' King ]~} Cena just got eliminated!!!

[ 'Good Ol' Jim Ross ]~} We are guranteed a new World Heavyweight Champion!!! we are now down to the final 4 who wants it more?!!....Toxic...White Tiger...HHH and Jericho gets his 2nd Chance when 1 of these 3 are left!!!

Toxic continues to kick the shit out of WT...Until HHH comes over with the Sledge Hammer in hands and smashes him in the rib cage!!!...He then sets him up for the Pedigree....HBK suddenly nails HHH with the Sweet Chin Music!!!...Toxic covers and HHH gets eliminated!!

[ 'Good Ol' Jim Ross ]~} What the Hell?!!!...Shawn Michaels just screwed Triple H out of the World Title!!!!!

[ 'Puppy Lovin' King ]~} Bad Call by Vince!!! call this Parctail ref calling?!!!

[ 'Good Ol' Jim Ross ]~} Well Evolution has helped him win his previous's about time he got a taste of his own medicine!!!

Toxic and WT then start to fight. Toxic Takes WT down with numerous amount of DDT's..Toxic then climbs a turnbukle and gets on top of Jericho's Chamber....He flys off in hopes of connecting the DWI onto WT!!!...WT rolls out of the Way and Toxic crashes into the mat...HARD!!!...WT rolls over and covers him getting a 3 count!...Jericho's Chamber then releases.

[ 'Good Ol' Jim Ross ]~} Toxic just eliminated himself!!! we have reached our final two!!...White Tiger and Chris Jericho!!!...who's going to be the new World Heavyweight Champion?!!!

Jericho and WT stare eachother down...They then exchange rights and lefts. Both men very tired. Jericho is already a bloody mess from HHH using the Sledge Hammer to eliminate him the 1st time. WT's back in an extreme agony from the Walls of Jericho being held on him for about 10 minutes before he finally tapped earlier in the 1st round. So both have been brutally punished so far and they are still going at it because the World Title means so much to them. They slam eachother into turnbukles...and Steel Chamber Walls!!...and deliever DDT's on the Chamber floor..Jericho sets WT for the Walls of Jericho on the outside of the ring. WT keeps fighting it and won't let him lock it in. Jeircho then slingshot him through a Glass Chamber!!!!...WT get's busted open!....Jericho drags WT and puts him on a turnbukle...WT trys for the Struck Down but Jeiricho counters and delivers the same move down onto the Chamber Floor!!!...Jericho then centers WT on the outside and nails the Lionsault!!!..he gets the 3 count!!...and is crowned by HBK!!!

Winner and NEW EWE World Heavyweight Champion:Chris Jericho

Jericho as tired and beatin up as he is celebrates his victory..HHH gets up as the Chamber is raising. He starts to pursue HBK but HBK slides out of the ring and high tails it up the ramp. HHH chases him. HBK goes through the curtains...but before HHH can go through The lights go out and Lighting Strikes the Stage making HHH jump 10 feet back!..."Graveyard Sympathy" hits the PA system as a Promo plays on the titian tron. HHH looks on from the ramp as does Jericho from the ring. The Show comes to an end with this left on the Screen
1. Chris Jericho
2. White Tiger
3. Toxic
4. Assassin/XxX
5. Evolution

Results Credit:
White Tiger(Mike) - Tag Titles
Chris Jericho(Ben) - Highlight Reel
Randy Orton(Spencer) - Debut Match & Mid Eastern Title
Paul Heyman(Anton) - Int./X-core Titles & Women's Title
Vince Mcmahon(Jay) - World Title

JAY - Added Handler names above, odd that we went by characters instead of handlers then lmao... other than that, Remastered Graphics. Well Match Banners, the main Banner and BG image were made in 2011 (evident from the "jaygfx" tag on the main banner)