' M o n d a y N i g h t C h a o s '

| Date : 10-15-07 | Recovery Status : Recovered with WayBack Machine | Theme: "Ladies & Gentlemen" By Saliva |
Venue : Brown Stadium - Providence, Rhode Island | Main Event - Alex Stone Vs. Gino Knoxx | Turnout : 28 RolePlays


Opening Match
Rp or F*ck Off
Ana Valentine Vs Ariel Allegheri
Quick Summary: THEY FUCKED OFF!!
Winner Via Pinfall: Noone
Time: 0:00

Match Two
Rp or F*ck Off
The Hurricane Vs King Booker
Quick Summary: THEY FUCKED OFF!!
Winner Via Pinfall: Noone
Time: 0:00

Main Event
Singles Match
Delirious Vs Shawn Natural
Winner Via Pinfall: Delirious
Time: 1:36

Dynamic Destruction....

The Camera's start showing a highlight package of Dynamic Destruction. It begins with Rick Cage Delievering the demon Bomb on Benji Homan from the ring through the table out of the ring. It then Shows Snake nailing Edge with the Snake Bite and celebrating the victory. Now we see Sports Entertainment Xtreme make short work of the Elite and show off the Tag Team Titles. We see Blaze & Nitro go back and forth, until Nitro takes the win and showcases his new Mid Eastern Championship. Then the camera's show an epic Women's Title match, 8 Way Elimination match that finishes with a CandyWrapper on Melina as Candice raises up the Title. Stone pretty much dominates K~Dawg. Nero & Ciaran put on a 5 star match for the International Championship, in the end Ciaran pulls it out to claim the new Title. Then finally we see highlights of the eWe Title match. Cena Supplexing Johnny from the apron through the table on the outside, Johnny hitting the Triple Jump Shooting Star Press through the Table. Johnny hitting the Extreme Splash from the top of a 40 foot Ladder through the Announce Table. Finally the Fatal FU from the top of the Ladder, all the way down through the table on the outside. Cena then tries to continue attacking Johnny after the match, The Camera's fade with Stone checking on Johnny, and Cena standing on the stage raising the title with a smirk on his face.

After that The Fireworks begin blasting as the crowd continues to cheer.

Jonathan Steele: What an amazing night it was at Dynamic Destruction! and welcome folks to another edition of Monday Night Chaos!

Tazz: That's right Steele...sold out The brown Stadium...and these fans here in Providence Rhode Island is all jacked up!

Trish Stratus: And they should be, they came to see the number one Show in sports entertainment..

The Music cuts as it's replaced with "The Time Is Now" by John Cena & Tha Trademarc, which makes the crowd roar with boos.

Tazz: And here comes The Champ!

The Boos Continue as Cena bursts through the curtains Raising up the eWe Title. But he pauses and smiles. He signals over to the curtains and out steps Candice Michelle with the Women's Championship locked around her waist.

Trish Stratus: Correction Tazz...here comes The Champs..

Jonathan Steele: The Elimination Match for the Women's Title...the TLC Match for the eWe Championship...both amazing matches and there you see who won those matches, obviously..

Cena & Candice continue their way down into the ring, where Cena retrieves a mic.

John Cena: Providence...Love me...or hate me...weather The Worthless One likes it or not...THE CHAMP!...IS STILL HERE!

Cena Raises up the title as the crowd boos..

John Cena: Now I wouln't be surprised if Johnny can even show his face tonight..and after the beating I gave him, I wouldn't expect it..So let's move on...Johnny's Rematch clause is done and over with...Now that means I got a new challenger...I don't give a damn who you are...You Want Some....COME GET SOME!

and at that exact moment "Face The Pain" by Stemm echos through the PA System which gets the crowd to their feet. They don't know what to think, but they give him a 50/50 reaction anyways as Alex Stone comes through the curtains. He wastes no time getting in the ring and getting a mic.

Alex Stone: New Challenger?...I don't think so John...See Johnny's return match may be over with...but maybe you've forgotten about mine?

The Crowd cheers a little in the background as Stone gets in Cena's face.

Alex Stone: That's right...I want my title back...and John...I want it...TONIGHT!

Now The Crowd completely explodes as Cena smirks...Cena brings the mic up to his mouth, but before he can speak Glass Shatters through the PA System...which sends every single fan back to their feet as Stone Cold steps through the curtains with a mic of his own.

Jonathan Steele: And here comes the chairman...and Chaos General Manager..

Austin continues down and slides into the ring...He looks over at Cena, then at Stone then takes the mic to his own lips.

Stone Cold Steve Austin: You want Your Return Match for the eWe Championship?

Crowd: What?

Alex Stone: yes I do..

Stone Cold Steve Austin: You want it tonight?

Crowd: What?

Alex Stone: Damn right I do..

Stone Cold Steve Austin: Do you Fans Wanna see John Cena..

Crowd: What?

Stone Cold Steve Austin: Versus Alex Stone...

Crowd: What?

Stone Cold Steve Austin: For the eWe Championship right here tonight?!

Crowd: YES!!

Stone Cold Steve Austin: As much as I'd love to do that..

Crowd: What?

Stone Cold Steve Austin: I can't..

The Crowd boos...

Stone Cold Steve Austin: I can't help it, I already booked them both..

Crowd: What?

Stone Cold Steve Austin: But I'll tell you what I can do..

Crowd: What?

Stone Cold Steve Austin: November 25th..

Crowd: What?

Stone Cold Steve Austin: Final Cut..

Crowd: What?

Stone Cold Steve Austin: I said Final Cut..

Crowd: What?

Stone Cold Steve Austin: The Pay Per View..

Crowd: What?

Stone Cold Steve Austin: Alex Stone Versus John Cena..

Crowd: What?

Stone Cold Steve Austin: For The eWe Championship!

Crowd: What?

Stone Cold Steve Austin: What?

Crowd: What?

Stone Cold Steve Austin: What?

Crowd: What?

Stone Cold Steve Austin: I said The eWe Championship!

Crowd: What?

Stone Cold Steve Austin: AND THAT'S THE BOTTOM LINE!

Crowd: What?

Stone Cold Steve Austin: AND THAT'S THE BOTTOM LINE!

Crowd: What?

Stone Cold Steve Austin: AND THAT'S THE BOTTOM LINE!!!

Crowd: What?

Stone Cold Steve Austin: BECAUSE STONE COLD SAID SO!

before the crowd can say What again, Glass Shatters through the PA System as Austin heads off while Cena and Stone look at eachother..

Jennifer Sparks: The following match is scheduled for one fall.

Rick Cage makes his way to the ring

Jennifer Sparks: Making his way to the ring at this time. Rick Cage!!

Cage climbs into the ring taking a moment to pose as his music fades

"Remember the Name" by fort Minor comes over the PA as we see Travis Kooper making his way out to the ramp

Jennifer Sparks: Making his way to the ring from Bronx New York Travis Kooper!!

Kooper makes his way down the ramp as he climbs into the ring staring down Cage as the bell sounds

The bell sounds to start things off as Rick Cage & Travis Kooper circle the ring before locking up. Both men lock up in the middle of the ring as they each struggle to get the upper hand. Kooper gets the upper hand with a forearm to the back as he whips Cage into the ropes Kooper catches Cage with a boot coming off the ropes as he follows up with a quick elbow drop before going for the cover 1..2..Cage kicks out

Jonathan Steele: Travis Kooper looked to have Rick Cage pinned but Cage managed to kick out.

Kooper picks up Cage but Cage fights him off with an elbow to the gut before tossing him through the ropes and out to the floor. Cage climbs out to the floor as the referee begins the ten count. 1... Cage grabs Kooper smashing his head against the announce table. 2...3...4... Cage grabs Kooper tossing him against the barricade as Cage charges towards the barricade for a shoulder tackle but Kooper avoids contact as Cage goes shoulder first into the barricade instead

Tazz: Rick Cage just smashed his shoulder into the barricade at ringside. Thank god Travis moved before Cage hit him.

Kooper climbs into the ring breaking the count at seven as he slides back out grabbing Cage and tossing him into the ring. Kooper gets to his feet measuring Cage as he slowly gets up Kooper catches Cage with a swinging neck breaker as Cage crashes to the mat and Kooper makes the pin 1..2..Cage kicks out

Trish Stratus: Travis Kooper again thought the match was over. And again Rick Cage kicked out.

Kooper picks up Cage as he looks to end the match with the BX but Cage counters with a thumb to the eye of Kooper as cage lands on his feet behind Kooper Cage picks up Kooper dropping him with a back drop as the crowd boos

Jonathan Steele: Travis Kooper tried to end the match with the BX but Rick Cage countered and hit him with a back drop instead.

Cage drops him arm across Kooper as the referee makes the count 1..2..Kooper kicks out. Cage looks at the referee frustrated that it wasn't a three count as he gets to his feet and waits for Kooper to get up. Kooper gets to his feet and turns around as Cage picks him up for a spine buster but Kooper counters it with a DDT instead

Jonathan Steele: Travis Kooper countered a spine buster into a DDT and now has the upper hand in this match.

Cage slowly gets to his feet as Kooper gets ready to deliver the BX. Cage turns around as Kooper picks up Cage onto his shoulders delivering the BX as he pins Cage 1...2...3!!!

Winner Via Pinfall: Travis Kooper
Match Time: 3:24

Jennifer Sparks: Here's your winner of the match Travis Kooper!!

Kooper Begins celebrating as the camera's take another break..

eWe Dynamic Destruction: Encore Presentation all Week long
eWe Halloween Havoc: Encore Presentation all week long
Geico: 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurrance..

As We Return from break "Watch me Shine" Joanna Pacitti echos through the PA System. The Crowd begins cheering as Katie steps out and smiles.

Jennifer Sparks: The Following contest is scheduled for One fall! on her way to the ring first. from Bronx, New York...Katie Kooper!!

Katie continues her way down the ramp and strolls into the ring. As she removes her jersey and lays it on the side, her music cuts away only to be replaced with "Long Way 2 Go" by Cassie. The Crowd boos as Candice steps through with one of her pattant robes.

Jennifer Sparks: Her Partner...from Milwaukee, Wisconsin...she is the eWe Women's Champion...Candice Michelle!!

Candice continues her way down the ramp then up the stairs. She walks over to the middle of the apron, then rips off her Robe, displaying the Women's Title locked around her waist. She tosses the robe to the side and enters the ring. She glares over at Katie before stepping up on the turnbukle and raising up the title. She gets down and hands it over to the ref as he gives it to the time keeper and signals for the bell.

The Bell sounds as Katie and Candice begin circling around.

Jonathan Steele: And here we go, Katie's eWe Debut as she goes head on with the Women's Champion herself..

Katie quickly charges and catches Candice off guard as she tackles her down to the mat. She begins punching away before rolling around and picking her back up. Candice charges for a clothesline, but Katie ducks under and shoots for a reverse neckbreaker, but Candice counters that and goes for a suplex, but Katie punches her in the stomache then hits a quick snap DDT, aka The Kat-E-T

Jonathan Steele: Nice series of counters there..

Trish Stratus: new girl doesn't look bad...

Katie covers but only gets a two count. They get back up where Candice tries for another clothesline, Katie ducks again and goes for a backslide for another close fall. They get up again where Katie bounces off the ropes She catches Candice with a crucifix Pin, for another 2 count, but Candice doesn't just kick out, she leans over hooking Katie's leg, but Katie kicks out.

Tazz: alot of close falls..

They get up again, and Katie charges, Candice quickly kicks her in the gut though then hits a hip toss. Candice races off the ropes then hops in the air, driving her knees into Katie's gut. She bounces again and this time does a cartwheel into a moonsault getting a two count.

Trish Stratus: don't think I seen her do that one before...

Tazz: me neither..

Candice grabs Katies head and locks in a sleeper. The ref keeps checking on her, but she ain't out yet. Katie soon gets her feet wrapped around the bottom rope forcing Candice to let go. Katie grabs Candice and whips her, but Candice hangs on and whips Katie into the corner. Candice runs and clotheslines Katie in the corner. Candice then sets her up and does her little subbmission she does with the ropes and the ref counts her to break it up, which she does at 4 1/2.

Jonathan Steele: Candice nearly got disqualified..

Candice flings Katie into the ropes, only for Katie to catch her with a cross body, and another close fall. She picks Candice up and hits a series of Triple Suplexes aka The 3 Amigos. She then climbs up on the top rope and smiles.

Jonathan Steele: what's she thinking..

Katie leaps with the Long Kiss Goodnight, but at the last moment, Candice gets her knees up. While Katie holds her Stomache, Candice shoves her knee into Katie's back and pulls her arms back. The ref asks if she gives up, but she keeps screaming and yelling no. After awhile Candice lets go and yanks Katie back up. Candice goes for The CandyWrapper, but Katie counters and hits The Beautiful(Angel's Wings) out of desperation. The crowd cheers while both diva's lay there.

Tazz: Great counter..if only she can capitalize with the cover now..

Katie finally manages to crawl over and cover Candice, but Candice barely gets the shoulder up..Katie pulls her up and goes for the KatStratchFever(Stratusfaction) but Candice shoves her off. As Katie returns from bouncing off the ropes, Candice decks her with The Spinning Heel Kick!

Trish Stratus: And there that goes...

The crowd boos as Candice makes the cover...one...two...Katie kicks out!

Jonathan Steele: how in the..

Candice can't believe it neither...She once again goes for the CandyWrapper, but Katie again counters it...Katie again goes for the KatStratchFever, but Candice also counters that, Candice quickly rolls her up and grabs the ropes stealing the 3 count!

Winner Via Pinfall: Candice Michelle
Match Time: 6:46

Jennifer Sparks: Your Winner...The eWe Women's Champion...Candice Michelle!!

"Long Way 2 Go" hits again as Candice rolls out of the ring and grabs her title smirking at the booing crowd..

Jonathan Steele: I can't believe it...Candice Stole this match..

Tazz: Doesn't matter how she done it...a win's a win..

Trish Stratus: Very impressive debut for Katie none the less..

While Candice heads up the ramp the camera's go backstage where we see Melina.

Melina Perez: Yes Candice...Congrats...Congrats tonight...and congrats last Sunday...I'll be the first to tell you...Last Sunday was all luck...See I've spoken to Austin...for Being the Runner up, I am automatically the Number One Contender...you may of gotten lucky last Sunday...but next time...Your Luck will run out!

Melina walks off screen as the camera's return to ringside..

Jonathan Steele: And Melina will be in action coming up shortly..

"Beverly Hills" comes over the PA as Brooke makes her way out towards the ring.

Jonathan Steele: Or maybe right now..

Jennifer Sparks: The Following contest is scheduled for one fall...Making her way to the ring from Hollywood California Brooke McGuire!

Brooke makes her way into the ring as the crowd cheers and her music begins to fade

"Whine Up" comes over the PA as Melina makes her way out to the ramp

Jennifer Sparks: And her opponent making her way to the ring. From Los Angeles California Melina!!

Melina makes her way down the ramp climbing into the ring as she & Brooke stand toe to toe as the bell sounds

The bell sounds to start off the match as Melina & Brooke circle the ring both divas lock up as Brooke backs Melina against the ropes. Brooke backs off as the referee calls for a break but Melina gets a thumb into the eye of Brooke quickly going on the offensive as she whips Brooke into the corner. Melina charges into the corner at Brooke but Brooke counters as Melina goes chest first into the corner as Brooke grabs her from behind rolling her up 1..Melina kicks out

Tazz: Brooke tried to get the quick win but it's too early.

Brooke scrambles to her feet as does Melina Brooke goes for a clothesline but Melina ducks and catches Brooke with a kick to the gut. Melina quickly follows up with a DDT 1..2..Brooke kicks out. Melina gets to her feet as does Brooke Melina grabs Brooke looking to end the match with the Extreme Makeover but Brooke counters with a snap mare she picks Melina up putting her on her shoulders as he looks to hit a Death Valley Driver but Melina counters it with a crucifix pin 1..2..3!!!

Winner Via Pinfall: Melina Perez
Match Time: 2:04

Jennifer Sparks: Here's your winner of the match Melina Perez!!

"Whine Up" hits again and the crowd boos as Melina celebrates..

Xplosion re-cap HALLOWEEN HAVOC
- Austin Abducted Jenna? -
- White Tiger defeats Cameron Hayden to climb the mountain a remarkable 5th time! -
- Android #18...New All American Champ! -
- SEX Retains The Gold -
- Dylan Styles the new Face of The X-Divison -

As the camera's return from break "When World's Collide" by Powerman 5000 echoes through the PA System which makes the crowd get to their feet. Johnny & Christy step through the curtains still getting a mixed reaction as the fans are still unsure..

Jennifer Sparks: The Following Contest is a Mixed Tag Match scheduled for one fall...on their way to the ring first...From Kansas City Missouri...Johnny & Christy Chaos...The Extreme Connection!!

The Mixed Reaction continues as Johnny and Christy continue their way down the ramp and slide into the ring. They both pose on caddy corner turnbukles as some flashes come from the crowd. As they hop down their music fades and is soon replaced with "Open Your Eyes" by Guado which erupts the crowd in Boos as the Phoenix Couple steps out on Stage.

Jennifer Sparks: And the opponents, from Beverly Hills California....Nero & Alyssa Phoenix!

Nero and Alyssa continue down as the crowd continues to boo. As they enter the ring they look over at the Chaos siblings as the bell rings.


The bell rings and the Ladies start us out as Christy & Alyssa lock up. Alyssa tries to lock Christy in a headlock, but that's quickly denied as Christy hits a back body drop. Christy quickly gets up, as Alyssa gets up Christy takes her back down with a quick paced drop kick. Christy brings Alyssa back up and irish whips her, but Alyssa counters sending Christy into the ropes instead. Alyssa swings with a clothesline, but Christy ducks and jumps off the other ropes, smashing Alyssa with an elbow as she turns around.

Jonathan Steele: Christy definately has the experience factor over Alyssa...

they both get back up where Christy spins behind Alyssa and locks up for a german suplex, but Alyssa quickly elbows back hitting Christy in the jaw. Alyssa bounces off the ropes and hits Christy with a flying clothesline. Alyssa reacts quickly to go tag in Nero.

Tazz: And now enters the former International Champ..

Before Christy can go tag Johnny, Nero yanks her back by the hair, and the crowd boos as he smiles...he's quickly interupted as Johnny levels him off guard with a clothesline.

Jonathan Steele: thank god he got in there..

Trish Stratus: poor Christy..guys sure like beating her up..

Johnny grabs Nero back up and hits a snap suplex, he flips over into a cover, but Nero kicks out. Johnny picks Nero back up, but Nero hits him with a blatant Low Blow.

Jonathan Steele: how did the ref not see that?!

Trish Stratus: I guess he's blind..

Tazz: well it's only cheating if you get caught..not Nero's fault the ref is blind..

Christy starts to get in yelling at the ref....but he just yells at her to stay on the apron. Nero capitalizes with a quick DDT, followed by a cover and a two count. Nero picks Johnny back up and whips him into the ropes, Nero then decks him with a standing drop kick on the return. Again he covers for a two count. Nero picks Johnny back up, but Johnny hits him with a hard right. Johnny hits a couple, before Nero knees him in the gut.

Jonathan Steele: Johnny tried to re-build an offense, but Nero shut it down..

Nero flings Johnny into the ropes and drops him down with a hard spinebuster. He covers only for a two count. Nero picks him back up again and punches him a couple times before whipping him, Johnny counters though and hangs on, but Nero hangs on as well and sends Johnny right into Christy, knocking her off the apron!

Trish Stratus: oh no..

Johnny seen what's happened and now he's pissed, Nero charges, Johnny quickly ducks and bounces off the other ropes connecting with The spear!...He stands back stalking Nero for The extreme MakeOver, but just as Nero gets up...Someone comes from under the ring and trips Johnny up from behind..

Tazz: Hey! it's Lynx Madison!

Jonathan Steele: what the hell is he doing?!...I thought Johnny was his friend..

Johnny looks around to see Madison and starts arguing with him, but Nero rolls him up from behind yanking the tights getting a 1, 2, 3!

Winners Via Pinfall: Nero & Alyssa Phoenix
Match Time: 4:54

Jennifer Sparks: Here is your Winners...Nero & Alyssa Phoenix!!

Nero & Alyssa roll out celebrating as Johnny looks at a smirking Lynx Madison..

Jonathan Steele: What the hell is going on?!

The Camera's switch backstage where we see Scotty doing the usual, smoking a joint.

Scotty Blaze: I'll tell ya, this never gets old..

We hear another man laugh along with Scotty as Scotty checks his watch.

Scotty Blaze: Shit, I gotta get to my match....here hang on to this..

Scotty hands the J over to the other man, that we now see is Snake as scotty bolts off screen, Snake looks at the joint and smiles.

Snake: Yea, I'll take real good care of this holmes..

Snake starts smoking away as the camera's return to ringside..

Jennifer Sparks: The following match is scheduled for one fall.

"Stronger" comes over the PA as Benji Homan makes his way out to the ramp

Jennifer Sparks: making his way to the ring from Las Vegas Nevada Benji Homan!!

Homan makes his way down the ramp sliding in under the bottom rope as the crowd cheers. Human enters the ring and quickly poses as his music stops

"Gunz Will Bust" comes over the PA as Scotty makes his way out

Jennifer Sparks: Making his way to the ring from Atlanta Georgia Scotty Blaze.

Blaze makes his way down the ramp climbing into the ring as the bell sounds

The bell sounds as Blaze & Homan circle the ring before locking up. Human gets the quick upper hand with an arm drag on Blaze. Both Homan & Blaze quickly get to there feet as they stare one another down. Both men then lock up once again as Scotty delivers an arm drag to Homan this time catching Benji off guard as the crowd cheers

Jonathan Steele: Looks like we have a little game of one up's man ship going on here.

Homan gets to his feet as the two lock up again. Homan catches Blaze with a stiff kick to the leg he follows up by grabbing Blaze's arm as he runs toward the rope jumping onto the ropes as he balances himself. Homan then jumps off the ropes catching Scotty with a DDT as the crowd cheers and Homan covers Blaze 1...2...Blaze kicks out. Blaze slowly gets to his feet as Homan quickly gets up to his. Homan runs off the ropes catching Scotty with a head scissors as the champ goes sliding out of the ring to the floor

Trish Stratus: Benji Homan has picked up the pace on Scotty Blaze. And Scotty doesn't seem to be taking it too well

Blaze gets to his feet as we see Homan come running off the ropes inside the ring. Homan leaps over the top rope at Blaze for a cross body but Blaze side steps the move as Homan crashes hard to the floor instead. Scotty pulls Benji to his feet as he drives his back into the ring apron as Homan screams out in pain. Blaze drives him back first into the apron once again before tossing him into the ring. Blaze climbs into the ring and pins Homan 1..2..Homan kicks out. Blaze looks at the referee who tells Scotty it was a two count. Scotty goes right back to work on Homan's back driving his knee into his back. Blaze keeps his knee in place before turning the move into a bow & arrow as we hear human scream in pain as the referee checks for a tap out

Tazz: Scotty Blaze has turned his attention to the back of Benji Homan ever since that fall outside the ring.

Jonathan Steele: He certainly has Tazz. And now he's looking for the tap out here.

Blaze keeps the hold locked in but human refuses to tap out so Blaze releases the hold opting to go after the back with an elbow drop. Homan screams out in pain holding his back as Scotty calls for the Street Respect locking it in on Homan as the referee checks for a tap out

Trish Stratus: Scotty Blaze has the Street Respect locked in on Benji Homan and it doesn't look like Homan can reach the ropes.

Scotty keeps the pressure on as the referee checks for a tap out as finally human taps the mat as the bell sounds

Winner Via Pinfall: Scotty Blaze
Match Time: 6:23

Jennifer Sparks: Here's your winner of the match Scotty Blaze!!

The Crowd cheers as Scotty's music hits again and he begins to celebrate..

eWe Upcoming Events: Get Extreme
McDonalds: I'm Lovin it
Bowflex: 20 minutes a day..3 times a week...results in 6 weeks or your money back..

The Camera's return as we see Lynx Madison in the backstage area, trying to hit on Trixy, but he's interupted by a furious Johnny Chaos..

Johnny Chaos: Dude, what the fuck?

Lynx Madison: What?

Johnny Chaos: You costed me my match...what's the matter with you?

Lynx Madison: What's the matter with me?, what's the matter with you?

Johnny Chaos: what the hell are you talking about?

Lynx Madison: You've changed man...your not the same guy I joined up with. Now you suddenly care what these idoits think of you? That's not Extreme at all, how are you The Extreme One?

Johnny Chaos: So I have a change of heart, and suddenly you wanna turn on me?

Lynx Madison: Me turn on you? You got your facts twisted...Look, I'm gonna go talk to Austin...I'll get us a match next week, I wanna know who's side your on...mine...or them morons..

Madison walks off as Johnny shakes his head and is approached by Stone..

Alex Stone: what was that about?

Johnny Chaos: stupid shit...so you need my back tonight?

Alex Stone: nah, I can handle Gino..

Johnny Chaos: I wasn't talking about Gino...it's Cena you need to watch out for with a sneak attack..

Alex Stone: I'll be fine...you just get out of here, it's been a tough week..

Johnny Chaos: You sure?

Alex Stone: Yea, just get out of here...

Johnny Chaos: just be careful man....come on Christy..

Christy is now seen on screen as the two of them head out through the parking lot doors while Stone stays.

As the Camera's return to ringside as "Famous" by Puddle of Mudd hits the PA System and the crowd just boos as Nitro and Melina step through the curtains.

Jennifer Sparks: The Following contest is scheduled for one fall...on his way to the ring first...accompanied by Melina...from Los Angeles, California...weighing in at 219 pounds...he is the New eWe Mid Eastern Champion...Johnny Nitro!

Nitro & Melina continue their way down as we see the Mid Eastern Title as part of it is down his pants, and the rest hangs over the front between his legs. Melina puts one leg on the apron, then the other, as she's doing the splits on the apron Nitro poses in the way blocking a panty shot. She pulls herself through then stands up as Nitro slides between her legs and he lays there for a second. He gets up and poses on a turnbukle with the title as more people boo. Finally his music cuts out and is replaced with "Cocky" by Kid Rock, which makes the crowd shoot to their feet and cheer as K~Dawg steps through the curtains.

Jennifer Sparks: And the Opponent...From Detroit Michigan...weighing in at 220 pounds...K~Dawg!!

K~Dawg continues down the ramp and slides into the ring, he eyes Nitro for a second before posing for the fans. As he returns to the mat his music fades and the bell sounds.

Nitro & Dawg start circling before they lock up. Nitro tries to out power K~Dawg, but K~dawg shoves him off then catches him with a clothesline. Nitro gets back up, to take another clothesline. again Nitro shoots back up for a hat trick clothesline, this one really rocks him. K~Dawg pulls Nitro back up and takes him down with a quick snap suplex. K~Dawg then bounces off the ropes and drops a leg drop, he covers only for Nitro to kick out.

Jonathan Steele: Well K~Dawg is bringing it...

Both men get back to their feet as K~Dawg quickly hits Nitro with a fast paced DDT. He Gets back up and Tackles Nitro back down as he was getting up, he begins to hit many hard rights and lefts.

Tazz: K~Dawg is really on the assault...

K~Dawg picks Nitro back up and nails him with another snap suplex. Dawg covers, but Nitro kicks out at two. Dawg bounces off the ropes but Nitro leap frogs over him, He bounces off the ropes and delievers a step-up Enzuigiri. K~Dawg gets back to his feet, only to be shot back down with a springboard Enzuigiri. Nitro covers but Dawg kicks out.

Trish Stratus: Nitro ain't out yet...

Nitro heads up the turnbukle and hits a Corkscrew Moonsault. He hooks the leg, but K~Dawg barely gets the shoulder up. Nitro drags K~Dawg back up, and sets him up for the SnapShot, but K~Dawg quickly fights out of it and hits him with a quick drop kick..

Jonathan Steele: Nitro went for the kill..

Tazz: but K~Dawg shut him down...

K~Dawg charges at Nitro, but Nitro ducks around him locking in a sleeper. K~Dawg tries to fight out of it, but soon finds himself on the mat as Nitro continues to apply the pressure. the ref begins checking on K~Dawg, and then starts the arm drop series. Of course on the 3rd one K~Dawg keeps his arm up. They get to their feet but Nitro still has it locked in, K~Dawg races over to the corner, Nitro still attached, K~Dawg kicks off the second turnbukle and falls back into a cover. Giving Nitro no choice but to let go so he can kick out.

Jonathan Steele: clever thinking for K~Dawg...

Tazz: No doubt..

K~Dawg charges at Nitro, but Nitro side steps and sends him into the corner. Nitro walks over and starts punching at K~Dawg. He then begins chocking at him, in which the ref tells him to break it up. Clean break?, of course not as Nitro knees K~Dawg in the gut then whips him straight acrossed the ring into another corner. Nitro follows and steals a move from someone he's faced many times in ECW, yes that's right, as K~Dawg hits the other corner Nitro steps up on the ropes hitting a knee to Dawg's face, then plants him with a bulldog..

Jonathan Steele: why does that look familiar..

Tazz: he stole it from CM Punk..

Trish Stratus: guess he felt it so many times, he took it up himself...at least for this one time..

Nitro covers, but Dawg kicks out, which frustrates Nitro. Nitro picks Dawg up and again goes for the SnapShot, but Dawg again counters and hits a nothern lights suplex getting a two count. Dawg races off the ropes and levels Nitro with a hard clothesline. Nitro gets back up furious, he charges at K~Dawg, but Dawg nails him with The K-Bite!

Jonathan Steele: K~Bite!...Dawg's looking for the end soon..

Trish Stratus: It's not over til it's over Steele...that's not his finisher..

Tazz: she makes a point..

K~Dawg stalks Nitro for Da Meat Hook, but Melina trips him up from behind. He looks down and yells at her as Nitro rolls him up from behind. He grabs the ropes for Leverage, but K~Dawg Still manages to kick out!

Jonathan Steele: He Tried to steal it, but that didn't work..

Nitro picks K~Dawg back up, but K~Dawg quickly goes for Da Meat Hook, Nitro barely reacts quick enough to shove Dawg back off. Nitro now gets frustrated and rolls out of the ring, while the crowd boos him.

Referee: 1!....2!

Jonathan Steele: Nitro wasn't ready for that I guess..

The crowd continues to chant verbal at Nitro as he just argues with them..

Referee: 3!....4!

Nitro now gets sick of the fans and tells Melina to grab his title as they meet over by the ramp..

Referee: 4!....5!

Tazz: what's he doing?

Trish Stratus: I think he's had enough..

Referee: 6!....7!

Dawg tells Nitro to bring it, Nitro just blows him off as him and Melina continue up the ramp as the crowd boos..

Referee: 8!....9!

Jonathan Steele: Are you kidding me?

Tazz: I don't think so...

Referee: 10!

The Ref signals for the bell while Nitro & Melina head through the curtains and the crowd just boos even more..

Winner Via Countout: K~Dawg
Match Time: 8:13

Jennifer Sparks: Ladies and gentlemen...as a result of a countout, your Winner, K~Dawg!

Jonathan Steele: I can't believe this...Nitro was getting frustrated with what Dawg was bringing his way, so he takes the easy way out and gets himself counted out..

Tazz: love it or hate it...He can still say he's never been pinned or made to submit..

Trish Stratus: Well regardless...K~Dawg gets a victory...weather it's

Jonathan Steele: I'm sure K~Dawg didn't wanna win this way though..

Tazz: he shouldn't be picky...a win's a win..

K~Dawg just shakes his head and leaves.

eWe WrestleMania 4 Video Game: Coming Soon - Only for Nentendo Wii
eWe Chaos 3: Come Get Some Coming Soon - Only for PlayStation 3
eWe Xplosion 3: Above You Coming Soon - Only for XBox 360

Jennifer Sparks: the following match is scheduled for one fall.

"Ain't Nothing But A G Thang" comes over the PA as snake walks out to the ramp

Jennifer Sparks: Making his way to the ring, from Mexico City Mexico Snake!!

Snake walks down the ramp to the cheers of the crowd. Snake climbs into the ring and poses for a moment as his music fades

"The Time Is Now" comes over the PA as the champ John Cena makes his way out

Jennifer Sparks: and making his way to the ring. From West Newbury Massachusetts he is the current EWE Champion John Cena!!

Cena makes his way down the ramp holding the EWE title high in the air as the crowd boos very loudly. Cena slides the belt in to the ring as he follows in after it. Cena picks up the gold holding it up once again as the crowd boos. Cena hands the belt to the referee as the bell sounds

The bell sounds as Cena & Snake circle the ring before locking up can backs snake into the ropes as the referee calls for a break. Cena backs up as Snake lets him go. The two men lock up once again as Snake executes an arm drag into an arm bar as he grounds Cena to the mat. Cena looks toward the ropes as snake puts more pressure on Cena's arm. Cena gets to his feet scoring with a forearm to the face of Snake breaking the hold. Cena fires off with another forearm before whipping Snake into the ropes as Cena catches Snake with a back drop. Snake gets to his feet and swings a right at Cena but misses as Cena catches Snake with the Proto bomb as the crowd cheers. Cena then looked down at snake as he bounced off the ropes for the five Knuckle Shuffle but Snake was ready rolling out of harms way just in time as Cena's fist met the mat instead. Cena gets up to his feet as snake grabs him from behind executing a back drop on Cena to the cheers of the crowd

Jonathan Steele: john Cena came into this match starting off quickly. But it looks like snake has the upper hand right now.

Snake picks up Cena delivering a suplex as he holds on spinning his hips as he gets up and delivers a second suplex to the boos of the crowd. Snake gets to his feet and goes for a third but Cena counters Snake's attempt. Snake tries again and again Cena counters into a suplex of his own as the crowd cheers

Tazz: John Cena weathered the two suplexes from snake and countered another one into one of his own. This match up is becoming very interesting.

Cena gets to his feet as does Snake Cena charges at Snake looking for a bull dog but Snake ducks as Cena takes out the referee instead

Trish Stratus: The referee is down. Cena took out the referee by accident.

Cena looks at the down referee checking on him as Snake gathers himself. Snake sneaks up behind Cena catching him with a low blow as Cena falls to the mat

Tazz: Snake just caught the champ with a low blow. And of course the referee was down.

Snake looks at the crowd and smiles as he walks toward the corner removing the padding from the top turnbuckle as Cena slowly gets to his feet. Snake turns his attention to Cena whose still a little dazed. Snake grabs Cena as they march toward the corner as snake tries to put Cena's face into the corner but the champ fights him off as we see the referee coming to

Trish Stratus: The referee is coming to and Cena & Snake are still in the corner.

Snake tries to put Cena's face into the corner but the champ fights him off putting Snake face first into the turnbuckle instead as the referee rejoins the match. Cena grabs Snake for the F-U delivering the F-U to snake as he makes the cover 1..2..Snake kicks out

Jonathan Steele: What just happened? Did Snake just kick out of the F-U?

Cena loosk at the referee in total shock as the crowd is the same way. Cena mounts Snake pounding him with rights & lefts as the crowd cheers. Cena stops as he gets top his feet waiting for Snake to get up. Snake slowly gets to his feet as Cena looks t move in on Snake

Trish Stratus: Cena is going to go for another F-U.

Snake gets to his feet as Cena picks up Snake for the F-U. Cena has Snake positioned ready to drop him but Snake quickly counters with a thumb to the eye of Cena as snake manages to wiggle free landing on his fete behind the champ. Cena turns around as Snake kicks him in the gut and delivers the Snake Bite to Cena

Tazz: Snake Bite!! Snake just hit the Snake Bite on Cena!

Snake rolls Cena onto his back as he makes the cover 1..2..3!!!

Winner Via Pinfall: Snake
Match Time: 8:32

Jennifer Sparks: Here is your winner, Snake!

The Crowd roars as Snake celebrates his big Victory over the Champ!


The Camera's return from break as we see a black carpet draped over the ring, with two black stools. That can only mean one thing, sure enough "Metalingious" by Alter Bridge hits the PA System as Smoke fills the stage.

Jonathan Steele: Looks like it's time for eWe's Premiere edition of the Cutting Edge..

Edge & Lita emurge through the smoke, causing boos from the crowd as they smirk and continue their way down to the ring. Edge pulls a mic from Lita's clevage as he smirks at the crowd.

Trish Stratus: Unique place to keep the mic..

Tazz: I like that spot..

Edge: You fans are very lucky..very lucky indeed...cause right here...right now...something all you Edge heads have been waiting for for a very long time...eWe has finally brought it in...I present to you, for the 1st time on eWe Television...The Cutting Edge!

Actually a mixed reaction from the crowd as Edge smirks.

Edge: And now I present to you...my very first guest...The Former Chairman of this very company...MR MCMAHON!

Now the entire arena boos as "No Chance" echos through the PA System, even more so when The man himself walks through the curtains in his signature strut.

Tazz: Holly cow! He really is doing it big for the debut show...you can't get a bigger guest then Mr. McMahon!

Jonathan Steele: That's your oppinun..

Vince continues down the ramp in his normal pinecone up the ass robot strut as he enters the ring and produces a mic of his own.

Edge: Welcome to the Show Vince...and more so, welcome back to the eWe Ring..

Mr. McMahon: Thank You Edge...it's my pleasure to be here..

Edge: Now my first question is the biggy...when are you gonna save this company, and take it back from that beer drinking piece of trash?

Mr. McMahon: that's a very good Question...and to answer that...

Before he can finish, "Glass Shatters" through the PA System as the crowd explodes and Austin makes his way down the ramp and into the ring, also with a mic of his own.

Edge: What the hell do you want? your messing up the big eWe debut of the #1 talk show in Wrestling History!

Stone Cold Steve Austin: When I agreed to let you bring your Show to Chaos...I never said anything about this pile of crap...you coulda had anyone on the planet as your guest...anyone, but that piece of trash......Vince..

Crowd: What?

Stone Cold Steve Austin: Have you forgotten?

Crowd: What?

Stone Cold Steve Austin: I said have you forgotten?

Crowd: What?

Stone Cold Steve Austin: WrestleMania 4..

Crowd: What?

Stone Cold Steve Austin: I said WrestleMania..

Crowd: What?

Stone Cold Steve Austin: The ShowCase of the Immortals..

Crowd: What?

Stone Cold Steve Austin: The Grandest Stage of them all..

Crowd: What?

Stone Cold Steve Austin: When Stone Cold opened the biggest can of Whoop ass in eWe History!

Crowd: What?

Stone Cold Steve Austin: Vince I whooped your ass..

Crowd: What?

Stone Cold Steve Austin: I took your job..

Crowd: What?

Stone Cold Steve Austin: I fired you..

Crowd: What?

Stone Cold Steve Austin: Gave him the boot..

Crowd: What?

Stone Cold Steve Austin: Gave him the shaft..

Crowd: What?

Stone Cold Steve Austin: Took him to the unemployment office..

Crowd: What?

Stone Cold Steve Austin: So why in the hell do you keep showing up on my show?

Edge: Now hold on before this gets out of hand...Austin, I'm glad you came out here actually...ya I got a question for you too..

Stone Cold Steve Austin: What?

Edge: I said I have a question for you..

Stone Cold Steve Austin: What?

Edge: whatever...I just wanna know...what made you do it?

Stone Cold Steve Austin: Do what?

Edge: Don't play that with me..you know what I'm talking about...did any of you catch Halloween Havoc?...I sure did...have a look..

Edge points over at the titan Tron, as it shows the ending segment of Halloween Havoc..

Suddenly we switch to the parking lot, and we hear the screeching of a pickup truck. The cameras speed towards the vehicle, we hear a door open quickly open and then a body is dumped out onto the ground, the camera rushes towards the falling person as its revealed to be


Kenny Greenwood: "I'd hold your celebrations Jimmy, this doesn't look right, something bad has happened"

The crowd look on in shock, but Jenna is hardly alive and kickin, shes been dumped on the ground, and shes badly bruised with several cuts and gashes all over her body, it looks like shes been beaten up. Medics quickly rush towards her to attend to her, as the camera tries to get a shot of the pickup truck, which quickly speeds off. The only thing we faintly catch is the number plate which reads "AUSTIN 3:16", the crowd then look on even more shocked

Jimmy Justice: "WTF? Did Austin do this to Jenna?That sick bastar"

Kenny Greenwood: "I don't know what to think, but Austin does have a history of spousal abuse, remember all that shit with Debra"

Jimmy Justice: "This is breaking news ladies and gentlemen, JENNA JAMESON has been found, but it doesn't look too good. Shes been found unconscious, and we don't even know if she's alive!?"

We leave with a shot of a knocked out Jenna Jameson, the medics put her on a stretcher, and then place her in an ambulance as it speeds off as the credits roll for the show to end

The camera's now return back live to Chaos as we re-join Edge, Austin & Vince in the ring on The Cutting Edge.

Stone Cold Steve Austin: That wasn't me..

Edge: Oh it wasn't?

Stone Cold Steve Austin: No, it wasn't..

Edge: sure looked like your Truck..

Stone Cold Steve Austin: Just cause the licesense plate said Austin 3:16 on it, doesn't make it my Truck...obviously ol Stone Cold was framed ya dumb summa bitch..

Edge: Hey don't explain it to me...I actually thought it was brilliant...but whatever...you don't need to explain it to me...see Vince isn't my only guest here tonight...I actually have two other guests here tonight..and I'm sure they'd both want you to explain that to them..

Stone Cold Steve Austin: What?

Edge: Oh you'll see What...let's bring out the first one now...Ladies and Gentlemen...The Former World Heavyweight Champion, Cameron Hayden!

"No Way Out" by Stone Temple Pilots hits over the PA System as the crowd begins booing...Hayden walks out onto the stage with a mic. He begins talking as he walks down the ramp.

Cameron Hayden: So that wasn't you Austin?

Stone Cold Steve Austin: No it wasn't..

Cameron Hayden: You didn't do that to our General Manager?

Stone Cold Steve Austin: No I didn't..

Cameron Hayden: That wasn't your Truck?

Stone Cold Steve Austin: How dumb are you? I already said no it wasn't..

Cameron Hayden: Let's look at the facts here Austin....The license plate did say "AUSTIN 3:16" you do seem to be the rivaling GM...you have alot to gain...and is it really against you to strike a Female in Violence?...I mean, let's just ask Debra..

Stone Cold Steve Austin: Now you listen here you little son of a bitch!

Cameron Hayden: NO YOU LISTEN!...I don't give a damn what you say...You Will Pay for what you've done...

Hayden stops right at the end of the ramp by the ring..

Cameron Hayden: and you will pay...RIGHT NOW!

With that Austin is turned around from behind, then nailed with a West Coast Cutter!

Jonathan Steele: And now Dan Taylor is here!!

Hayden slides into the ring as Edge & Vince head up the ramp laughing. Taylor and Hayden begin a vicious two on one beating...eventually getting Austin busted open. Finally though Gino Knoxx & Ciaran Michaels race down the ramp as Hayden & Taylor head out through the audience..

Jonathan Steele: Well thank god for the Tag Team Champions..

Tazz: The shit has just hit the fan Steele...Xplosion wants a war...I say we give em one!

Knoxx & Michaels check on Austin, while Hayden & Taylor continue through the audience, looking back with huge grins..

For Last Year's Results Click Here

As the camera's return from break "Step Up" by Drowning Pool echoes through the PA System. The Crowd cheers as Gino steps out with his Tag Title over his shoulder.

Jennifer Sparks: The following contest is scheduled for One fall! on his way to the ring, from Knoxxville, Tennessee...weighing in at 285 pounds...he is one half of the eWe Tag Team Champions & Sports Entertainment Xtreme...The Perfection...Gino Knoxx!!

Knoxx continues down the ramp while the crowd continues to cheer. Knoxx slides into the ring and raises up his title once more before handing it over to the timekeeper. After a few moments his song is replaced with "Face The Pain" by Stemm which draws a mixed Reaction, few more cheers now, as Stone steps out on the stage.

Jennifer Sparks: And the opponent...From Chicago Illinois...weighing in at 220 pounds...Extreme Connection Member...Alex Stone!!

Stone continues his way down and rolls into the ring where he looks at Knoxx as the bell sounds.


Knoxx & Stone circle for awhile as the crowd starts getting anticipated...Finally they lock up, as the two powerhouses try to out power the other, they both fail...but they keep it locked and keep trying. They begin moving around the ring still locked up, til finally They break loose and Gino takes Stone down with a clothesline.

Tazz: So much for the war of strength..

Trish Stratus: They're both strong...we know that..

Stone quickly gets back up and charges at Gino, who flips Stone over with a side hip toss. Knoxx then grabs Stone from behind with a sleeper while the ref checks on him. Before he can even begin to fade, Stone gets his foot on the rope..Knoxx let's go as Stone gets back to his feet. Stone comes after him with a clothesline, but Knoxx ducks then hits a full nelson slam. He covers, but Stone kicks out.

Jonathan Steele: close fall there..

Knoxx again gets him in a Full Nelson this time hitting a full nelson back breaker. Knoxx now drives his knee into Stone' back as he pulls back on the arms..

Tazz: Knoxx is obviously working on that back for the KnoxxLock to become effective later..

The ref keeps checking Stone and asking him if he gives up, but he keeps saying no..Finally Knoxx lets him go and picks Stone up for a stalling Suplex, but Stone falls forward back on his feet and takes Knoxx down with a fast hard DDT. He covers only for a two count. Knoxx gets back up and is taken back down with a belly to belly side suplex. Knoxx again gets back up and this time is hit with a inverted attomic Drop, followed quickly by a hard clothesline.

Jonathan Steele: Vicious Clothesline there..

Trish Stratus: Stone is turning things around Steele..

Knoxx soon gets up again, as Stone hits him with a quick snap suplex. He covers only for a two count. Stone picks Knoxx up and they lock up again, once again they try to out power eachother, and once again they fail. Gino tries to Irish whip Stone, but Stone counters and whips Knoxx into the corner himself. Stone rushes forward and splashes on Gino in the corner. He picks Knoxx up to the top rope then deleivers a superplex, he flips over into the cover and another near fall.

Jonathan Steele: close one there..

Stone picks Knoxx back up again and whips him into the ropes, he goes for a clothesline but Gino ducks. They both bounce off the ropes, this time Gino goes for a clothesline, but Stone ducks. They both bounce again, this time Stone lands ontop of Gino with a thesz press. He punches away before picking Knoxx up and cracking him with a backbreaker. Stone then quickly grabs Gino and locks in the TimeBreaker..

Jonathan Steele: this can be it! The TimeBreaker!!

Gino continues to fight it as the ref continues to ask him if he gives...After a few moments of suffering, Gino finally reaches the ropes forcing Stone to release the hold. Stone picks Gino back up and goes for the Time Out, but Gino covers, crashing down with a reverse DDT! They both get up and Gino takes him down with a clothesline...Stone is right back up, as he takes a second clothesline. Stone gets up again, this time taken down with a spinebuster..Knoxx measures Stone up, and as he gets up, goes to lock in the KnoxxLock, but Stone quickly fights out before he can lock it in, Stone bounces off the ropes and drills Gino with another clothesline. Knoxx gets up and Stone drills him with a spinebuster...Stone backs up and waits for Gino to get up, while the ref checks on him..

Tazz: He may be thinking Time Out again..

Stone continues to wait, until he sees Cena out of the corner of the eye as he hops on the apron..Stone turns quickly to knock him off, but instead Cena drills him over the head with the title!

Jonathan Steele: What the hell?!

Cena quickly hops down to not be seen by the ref, while Stone stumbles over to the center of the ring where Gino locks in the KnoxxLock!

Tazz: KnoxxLock!!

Gino keeps it locked in while Cena stands outside smiling...soon Stone fades away and passes out as the ref calls for the bell..

Winner Via Subbmission: Gino Knoxx
Match Time: 8:27

Jennifer Sparks: Here is your Winner...Gino Knoxx!!

Jonathan Steele: Nothing taken from Gino Knoxx...but What the hell was Cena doing out here?!

Knoxx takes his title and leaves while Cena rolls into the ring and smiles at the still unconcious Alex Stone. Cena mounts on top of Stone and starts hitting him with a few hard shots, He then drags Stone over to the Ropes, and pulls out a pair of Handcuffs from his tights..

Jonathan Steele: What the hell?!...is someone gonna stop this?!

Tazz: he sent Johnny home..

Cena proceeds to handcuff Stone to the ropes as he begins to come too...Cena smiles and shows him the title...He grabs stone and hits a few more hard rights, before showing stone the title once more, he gives him the "You Can't See Me" before once again smashing the title over Stone's skull!

Trish Stratus: Cena has definately changed..

Jonathan Steele: That ain't a lie...this is just sickening..

"The Time is Now" hits as Cena raises up the title to the booing crowd while the camera's being to fade away with a shot of the busted open Alex Stone..

Jonathan Steele: I hope your proud of yourself John!

1: K~Dawg
2: Johnny Nitro
3: Gino Knoxx
4: Alex Stone
5: Travis Kooper

1: Candice Michelle
2: Katie Kooper
3: Christy Chaos
4: Melina Perez
5: N/A